Chapter 125
"I'm so touched, Teacher Xia Shizi!"

"I'm a big fan of Metronome in Love."

"I have read the first volume 20 times, and the second volume about ten times, and now I am moved to tears every time I read it."

"The chapter where Naoto changes for Shinyui is really great, it feels like it completely hit my tear point"

"But the slight difference between the two people is really worrying."

"Of course, I think Sayuka is awesome too, but it feels like Shinyui is better."

"Ah, how can it be repaired! Why do two such charming heroines appear in the same novel?"

"However, I think Zhenwei is better. Sure enough, Zhenwei is the real heroine!"

As you can see, An Yilun, a brain-dead fan, also fell into a frenzy after meeting the author of "Love Metronome", just like Olaf who started his ult, saw the compression of minions, and met Teemo of AD , has completely lost his mind.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was still a little nervous at the beginning but also excited and happy, had no strength or thought to look up after going through the whole morning of book signing.

Mechanically maintaining a calm expression that is neither salty nor dull, holding a black bold marker pen, and slowly signing the books that are on sale one stroke at a time.

After all, it has been going on like this for a whole morning, and the passion and joy have long been tortured by this painful and boring mechanical repetitive activity, and there is nothing left.

An Yilun's super fast excited words kept ringing in his ears.

Although, such a loud voice and tone clearly show the fan's mood and love for his real book.But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu really didn't have the energy to look up at this person.

It wasn't until "However, I think Zhenwei is better. Sure enough, Zhenwei is the real heroine!" After the words appeared, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked up at this true party member speechlessly again.

Only then did he realize that this person seemed to be An Yilun, a first-year student at his school.

A well-known man!
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's daily life is roughly divided into: writing a book - sleeping - sleeping in get out of class - sleeping after class - going home to read a book - writing a book all night - sleeping.

Because of his super high academic ability, even if he sleeps in class, he can occupy the first place in the school year. When he goes to school every day, he basically sleeps. After he is full of sleep, he goes back to write a book.

Oh, by the way, a new event has been added recently, which is to watch the live broadcast on time when Yi Lingyuan occasionally broadcasts.

To sum up, according to Kasumigaoka Shiwa's life trajectory, she basically doesn't know Ai Lunya.

However, who made An Yilun always have a blood buff in this aspect of the house.Similar to communicating with the principal to add light novels to the library when buying new books, or to put anime on the school festival.

Or they helped the animation club attract people to print a large number of leaflets, and kidnapped their entire class into the house.

Therefore, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who is similar to the rumors of the three famous people in Toyosaki, often hears about it, and An Yilun also knows about Kasumigaoka Shiwa in school, who is a house with strong mobility and brainwashing ability.

"Toyosaki's first grade classmate Ai Lunya?"

"Senior Kasumigaoka Shiwa from the second grade?"

Well~~ These two people, one fell into a frenzy and took a new book and just babbled, kept talking about his own opinions, and didn't care about the author's reaction at all. They were completely trapped in their own world. .

And another teacher, Xia Shizi, kept her head down and signed tiredly, too lazy to lift her head.

Now, when the two looked at each other, they realized that they were students from the same school.


There's no after that.

An Yilun is also an otaku who is obsessed with two-dimensional wives. If he said that he was going to chase the shiny blonde girl Yi Lingyuan he met yesterday, he might still believe it.

But this dead house is obviously just a fan of Teacher Xia Shizi's "Love Metronome". At most, I was surprised that I am a senior from the same school as myself. As for other thoughts, the possibility is not as good as he would He Sawamura Yingli pear finally let go of her suspicions.

As for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, there is no need to talk about it. Apart from simply huh-huh ah ah to deal with this true party member, he still complains that this person doesn't understand Sayuka's cuteness.

(Another dead house who doesn't know how to appreciate quiet literary girls.)
Thinking so in my heart, our great writer Xia Shizi still takes good care of the feelings of this junior book fan, maintaining a superficial smile and writer's airs, listening to all kinds of hilarious words from this fanatic.

It's just that, wearing low-heeled shoes, I couldn't help but shake my legs up and down, but fortunately there was no sound of "da~" or "da~".

Because the brainless fan who signed at the front was still there, there was a little noise in the back team.
After realizing this, An Yilun also quickly stopped speaking, apologized and then walked outside with the signed book, intending to find a shady place to wait for Yi Lingyuan.

After noticing the departure of An Yilun in front of him, Yi Lingyuan also raised his head playing with his mobile phone, took off his earphones, and took a small step forward to stand in front of the desk where Kasumi Hill Shiyu was sitting.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was signing the new book, also noticed it, but she still didn't raise her head, and glanced at it from the corner of her eyes.

"This man's legs are so long"

This is what Kasumigaoka Shiwa was thinking when she was signing the contract.

"Long time no see, Kasumigaoka-san~"

This is what Yi Lingyuan said.

The black marker pen that was flying like a snake stopped suddenly, and the cursive characters that were originally full of ladylike atmosphere were suddenly broken from the middle, which made Yi Lingyuan who liked it a lot feel a little sorry.

Forcibly resisting the thought of raising her head immediately, Kasumigaoka Shiwa's trembling right leg under the table stopped abruptly, still maintaining this posture, taking a deep breath quietly and taking a breath.

Looking up, there seemed to be a wave of autumn water in those bright eyes, and while looking forward, he tried his best to hide the joy under the viscous.

"As usual, give me seven more books signed by Teacher Xia Shizi."

That's right, it was the sound of reading aloud to my ear when I was writing the book, the gentle singing that accompanied me before going to bed, and the hearty laughter that cheated me all the time, gnashing my teeth and wanting to get back.

"You still owe me a drink, fake fan!"

After a lapse of one month, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu saw Yi Lingyuan's smile like a bright moon in his arms again.

It's just that last time was parting,

And this time it was a reunion.

However, which encounter in this world is not a reunion after a long absence?

(You stingy and flirtatious hypocrite...)
(However, it was nice to meet you.)
 I recommend "Encounter" by Stefanie Sun. Every time I go to sing, I will order this song.

  "What kind of dialogue will I have with whomever I meet"

  "The person I'm waiting for is in the future"


(End of this chapter)

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