Chapter 126
"It's a big deal, I'll treat you to ice cream again."

Hearing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's words, Yi Lingyuan touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment. Although he didn't mean it, he was the one who tricked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"you sure?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was full of doubts about this guy who had cheated him once.

"Of course, I promise in the name of Tachibana Taki."

"Isn't Tachibana Taki the hero of "Your Name"? What does it have to do with you?"

"Emm, then I will guarantee it in the name of Yi Lingyuan."

I wanted to repeat the old tricks, but Yi Lingyuan forgot that the person in front of him was a light novel author and not a national star, such words could not be fooled.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's originally skeptical expression became more intense at this time, and he looked at this bastard who had the audacity to open a trumpet guarantee strangely.

Although I remember that this stingy guy did say his name was 'Yi Lingyuan' before leaving last time, but I always feel that this person's credit has been completely depreciated

"Don't look at me like that, I'm really called Yi Lingyuan."

While talking like this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and showed Kasumigaoka Shiyu the page of his real-name authentication Weibo.

In vain and desperately trying to restore his poor credibility.

The simple thing is that the Weibo real-name authentication in this world is quite credible, so Yi Lingyuan's self-certification is quite successful, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu retracted his suspicious eyes and chose to trust this person for once.

And the other side.
outside the bookstore

The midday sun in summer is really uncomfortable outdoors without air conditioning, and the glaring and scorching sun is even more uncomfortable as if it is roasted on the body.

Holding up a few advertising coloring pages to block the damn hot sun, Eri Sawamura raised her arm to wipe the sweat from her forehead, and she didn't know how many times she cursed Yi Lingyuan and An Yilun in her heart.

After seeing Yi Lingyuan's message in the group last night, Sawamura Eriri knew that Yi Lingyuan and An Yilun also went to line up overnight to participate in the book signing of the new writer teacher Xia Shizi.

Even Sawamura Eriri didn't know why she came here.
Because of An Yilunya's great efforts, Eri Sawamura is also a fan of Teacher Kasumi's "Love Metronome".But let Sawamura Eirari queue up overnight or queue up to buy books in such a ghostly weather. To be honest, Eirari thinks it's better to wait a day or two to go to the bookstore to buy them.

So whether I want to see An Yilun or want to meet Yi Lingyuan who made a declaration of heaven to me again.
Shaking her little head with twin ponytails vigorously again, Sawamura Eiri forcefully expelled these thoughts, and secretly told herself: Eiriri and Ai Lunya grew up together as childhood sweethearts, although It has been six or seven years since the Cold War.

However, what the golden retriever loser didn't know was that she cursed An Yilun a total of 180 five times while queuing, while she said 230 eight times when cursing Yi Lingyuan.

Holding a coloring page in one hand to block the sun, but staring at the bookstore, which is not very big, and thinking foolishly:

(When I meet the two of them, how should I open my mouth? Is it better to pretend that I met by chance, or should I say that I also came here to buy Teacher Xia Shizi's books?)

across from the bookstore
Bought a bottle of chilled jasmine tea from the street, An Yilun was also carrying his black backpack and squatted down on the side of the road with a small piece of shade, looking bored at the air that was somewhat distorted by the high temperature.

"What the hell is Ling Yuan doing! Why is it so slow?"

Picking up a small stone with his right hand and throwing it towards the gap in the sewer, he felt depressed for a while when he missed it, and suddenly remembered what An Yilun also jumped up and stood up.

"Wait! This guy Ling Yuan seems to be promoting Teacher Xia Shizi's book during the live broadcast. Moreover, according to my understanding of this current situation, a beautiful girl like Teacher Xiang Xiazhiqiu is definitely not like that guy Yi Lingyuan. There is an unclear relationship!"

If Yi Lingyuan were here, he would definitely complain about An Yilun's mysterious reasoning ability, but his reasoning, which is obviously full of loopholes, always makes sense and points to the truth every time.

look at the bookstore

"By the way, can you write in one of the books when you sign: For Yubihama Yui, Xiaozhen is the best in the world!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was deliberately slowing down the signing speed, confiscated it and stretched one of them across the entire page.

And Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised his head and looked at Yi Lingyuan's eyes, which made his back feel cold, and he looked away guiltily, looking around to see if the air conditioner was turned up.

"Is that Yuigahama Yui your date?"

"That's not it, she's a companion of my club. By the way, let me boast that she is a book fan, but I was brought into the pit. How about it, I kidnapped another book fan for you."

Although Yi Lingyuan didn't know what was wrong, his heart skipped a beat the moment Xiazhiqiu Shiyu asked.However, on the surface, he didn't show any performance, but he was more cheerful and took credit from the past.

Any discomfort in his heart disappeared immediately, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't show any emotions, and asked Yi Lingyuan solemnly:
"How do you write the surname Yuigahama?"

"Oh? You won't?"

"It's too biased, I don't know how to write, you can teach me."

(Is Yuigahama a partial surname? But even if it is a partial name, Kasumigaoka, a light novel writer, should know it, right?)
After a little hesitation, Yi Lingyuan went forward to hold Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's right hand in order not to delay the time of the people queuing up behind him.

Not as slender and powerful as Touma Kazusa, nor as delicate and slender as Yukinoshita Yukino, but more like hands that are as soft and sensual as a human being.

Yi Lingyuan's favorite long straight black hairstyle is right in front of her eyes, and she can still smell a faint fragrance, whether it's the smell of shampoo or the scent of a girl's body.

Another editor, Sonoko Machida, who had been standing not far behind Kasumigaoka Shiwa and was in charge of the whole scene, rolled his eyes silently.

(What kind of light novel plot is this unfolding? The little girl Shi Yu is obviously flirting with this handsome boy.)
Machida Sonoko turned her head away speechlessly, patrolling other corners of the bookstore to avoid this uncomfortable dog food.

(In other words, is it time for me to find someone to fall in love with and get married?)
"By the way, can you write a few more names by the way after you finish writing?"

Knowing that he was pushing his feet, Yi Lingyuan's tone was relatively weak.

"Is it for a friend?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who didn't know what happened, was still smiling at the moment, thinking that Yi Lingyuan must have asked many of his friends to push the book for him.

"Well, this one says 'Touma Kazusa', this one says 'Yukinoshita Yukino' and this one 'Hiratsuka Shizuka'"



Xiazhiqiu Shiyu reluctantly maintained a smile, the knuckles of his left hand were pinched, and his tone became more and more cold:

"These are... your friends?!"

(End of this chapter)

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