Chapter 127 Elopement
The editor named Machida Sonoko was originally patrolling the entire bookstore, but a sudden feeling of cold winter suddenly attracted her attention.

"It's amazing, the friends you recommended seem to be all beautiful girls!"

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's superficial smile, Yi Lingyuan felt that the hairs on his body were about to stand on end. With the sixth sense brought by Tianma Meteor Fist, that kind of heavenly being in the dark Induction tells itself that it is in a great terror.

"Mr. Xia Shizi, isn't your judgment a bit too arbitrary?"

"As a romantic light novel writer, it is a necessary skill to know whether the other party is a beautiful girl just by the name."

"How do you think light novel writers don't have such weird skills?!"

"Cut~~ It seems that my feeling is right."

Plain clothes, white blouses, professional ladies' short skirts and the indispensable long black silk make Kasumigaoka Shiwa look like a mature adult, compared to the junior Sakurajima Gaku who likes to pretend to be mature I don't know how much stronger my sister is.

Of course, at this time, the taxpayer author Xia Shizi lay down on the chair behind her with her lips pouted like a child, and the marker pen in her hand was spinning around and punching rapidly with the owner's mood.

It's a pity that immediately afterwards, this very loving scene was easily broken by Kasumigaoka Shiwa's blackened words.

"Circling among a few lovely girls but never making promises, constantly reaping the girl's love but showing tenderness to other girls, in the end this flirtatious bastard was used by his favorite girl The hatchet pigeon lowered its head, and other parts of the body were separated by other girls. Under the setting sun, the girl sat on a raft holding the head of the scumbag and gradually floated towards the sea."

"In the end, that scumbag who has been living under the envious eyes of others has fallen to such a point."

The state of blackening became more and more intense with the radiating thoughts, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's sickly smile made Yi Lingyuan feel a little scared.

"Stop stop~~!!!"

The more she listened, the more chilly she was, Yi Lingyuan hurriedly stopped Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's next words, and always felt that if she didn't stop this blackened and coquettish author, the male protagonist she was talking about would be used in some way killed.

"You don't want to make up such a horrible unfolding in your head, aren't you a heart-moving writer who loves stomach medicine?"

"Isn't such a plot moving enough?"

"You are depressing people's hearts!"

"How about changing the ending to make you into Huafei?"

"You finally admitted that you cursed me maliciously!"

"Sa~ who knows? Maybe I'm just telling you what happened to you in another parallel world?"

"It's obviously more terrifying when you say that!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still had a sullen face, as if his blackening had not yet ended, but Yi Lingyuan was completely taken aback by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's last unintentional words.

The self in another world is divided into x, and being held in the head with a hatchet and a ship, which is obviously more terrifying.Yi Lingyuan was even thinking about whether to go back and confess to Dongma and Sha quickly, and then the two of them would marry and have children and live happily ever after. If he continued like this, he might really be doomed!
As for the editor Machida Sonoko who had been standing beside Kasumigaoka Shiwa, she couldn't help but quietly moved away a few steps.

(Forget it, judging from the performance of this couple, falling in love is really too dangerous. I should work hard to become the editor-in-chief before the age of 30.)
While thinking like this, editor Machida Sonoko couldn't help but rubbed his palms.

(I always feel a bit cold, is the temperature of the air conditioner too low?)

"Let me just ask, is the third volume Sayuka's home game? I feel that the second volume was suppressed by Xiao Zhenwei for a whole volume, and it's time for our Sayuka party to feel proud!"

Quickly cheering up, Yi Lingyuan brought the topic to the plot of the latest third volume of "Love Metronome".

And some character writers who seem to be selfless are actually the authors of the unswerving Sayuka party behind the scenes. After hearing the question from this party member, they are really tickled. I can't wait to show off to Yi Lingyuan the clever layout of this volume, the touching plot, and how Sayuka once again refreshed the favorability in the heart of the hero Naoto.

Walking out of the blackened atmosphere in the blink of an eye, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes were filled with brilliant starlight, and the pride and pride could not be suppressed.

"OK! OK! Please don't say too much, don't spoil me"

"Ms. Xia Shizi's books need to be bathed and changed, and then fasted and incensed, accompanied by a pot of fragrant green tea to savor carefully."

Seeing Kasumigaoka Shiyu's appearance like this, Yi Lingyuan knew the plot of the third volume of "Love Metronome", and quickly interrupted Kasumigaoka Shiyu's opening, saying that he couldn't enjoy the flavor after being spoiled.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was being scratched to the point of itch, was very unwilling, bit her teeth lightly, and the lips that were smeared with lipstick looked even more charming, her brows furrowed, and she subconsciously shook her right leg.

The feeling of not being up or down made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu a little irritated, but Yi Lingyuan's second sentence immediately made her helpless, knowing that it was flattery, but she couldn't help being happy in her heart.

Unknowingly, the corners of his mouth curled into a pleasant smile, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu nodded slightly and said:

"Fantasy words are really sugar-coated cannonballs."

"That's really wronging a loyal minister, Teacher Xia Shizi."

Yi Lingyuan proudly took out a stack of A4 papers prepared in advance from her schoolbag, and what was printed on it was the book review written by Yukino Yukinoshita.

"What is this? "Teacher's List"? Is it possible that you want to use this to show your evil intentions?"

"What is the heart of infidelity! This is at most "Chen Qing Biao", I want to sue my old age and return to my hometown."

Of course, this was a joke, and he was talking to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but he actually obediently handed her the manuscript in his hand.

"This is the evaluation and impressions written by a very good friend of mine after reading your book. Her language may be better." Yi Lingyuan thought for a while before choking out the word "venomous tongue".

"However, I have always felt that her evaluation must be very rigorous and profound. As a reader and fan, she may not be as good as me, but as a reviewer of your book, she is absolutely qualified."

After receiving the paper handed over by Yi Lingyuan, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu simply flipped through a few pages without seeing the meaning of the text. Just relying on his clear and profound handwriting, he can see the character and face of the person who wrote it.

After reading it carefully, I couldn't help but admire this person's rigor and seriousness. Flaws that I hadn't noticed were written out in such an orderly manner. Even the source of the original text was marked. He is really a meticulous person.

Just through this book review alone, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu vaguely seemed to see that upright woman who was mixed with imperceptible gentleness amidst the stern cold wind.

But also because of this, a strong sense of crisis surrounds his heart, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who is determined to take action, does not hesitate, and says to Yi Lingyuan with a serious face:

"Hey, hypocrite, let's elope!"

(End of this chapter)

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