My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 129 Yi Lingyuan's Black History

Chapter 129 Yi Lingyuan's Black History

"I shed all the tears of this life for the king, Shaohua Baishouliang will not regret it."

"When the cherry blossoms fall and the dusk darkens the soul, the purple eyes face the kisses of the king."

Obviously it was intentional, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu cleared his throat, and read out every word in cadence, outlining the dark history of Yi Lingyuan's junior high school days.

Yi Lingyuan, who has always been thick-skinned, well-disguised, and extremely good at hiding his emotions, turned red to the neck for the first time, and covered his face with one hand, so he couldn't see anyone.

"You, Kasumi Hill, how did you find it?"

Regret, pain and a lot of shame filled Yi Lingyuan's heart at this time, and he looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu through the gap between his fingers quite desperately, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Hmm~~Sa~who knows?"

Seeing Yi Lingyuan's current appearance, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was almost overjoyed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became wanton.

Thinking of how hard it was when she stayed up all night looking for Yi Lingyuan's information bit by bit on the Internet, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that all the hard work was worth it.

"It's really a brilliant literary talent, Yi Da writer."

"Ms. Xia Shizi, no, Master Xia Shizi, please don't say any more."

Surrendering simply, Yi Lingyuan only hoped that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu would stop talking about his dark history that made him feel ashamed when he thought of it.

"May I ask if you don't want me to talk about the chapter "So Angels Shed Tears" or the chapter "Touching the Yaoqin-Sword Dance and Clothes"?"

"As long as it's not about my novel, it's fine!"

Holding his head in his arms, Yi Lingyuan was determined to be an ostrich that buried his head in the sand for refuge.

"Oh~~? Is that so?"

Yi Lingyuan's evasive appearance made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu more determined to play tricks on him.

(No, this hypocrite is too tempting to look like this.)
He leaned his head over and whispered softly into Yi Lingyuan's ear:

"Even there are such old and popular female characters as Sayuri Tiangong, Ling Yuan-jun, you are really a dead house."

"Don't you know that too?"

Hearing the words of the counterattack that was still stubborn under the cover of the arms, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's heart was filled with infinite motivation.

"[We made a promise. As long as Muku is crying and sad, I will be by Muku's side and comfort Muku]"

"Stop~! Stop!"

In the end, Yi Lingyuan had no choice but to raise his head and look squarely at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"You, why have you memorized the original text in the book?!"

"Isn't this a basic skill for light novel writers?"

"What an apology for the profession of a light novel writer!"

"Don't try to take the opportunity to change the subject, Ling Yuan-jun. Let's talk about your clumsy debut fan fiction."

As expected of a best-selling novelist who plays with readers' minds, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's calculation and vigilance in this aspect are really not ordinary high, and it is easy to see through Yi Lingyuan's true intention of making a conversation.

Fortunately, at this time, the five servings of ice cream ordered by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu were served one after another.

The kind Nan Qinli's maid, Sang, looked at Yi Lingyuan worriedly. His look of lovelessness was really worrying. If Nan Qinli didn't think that the person sitting opposite Yi Lingyuan was a beautiful woman. An elegant girl, she even wondered if Yi Lingyuan had met the underworld.

Otherwise, why would he show such despairing eyes?
Deliberately slowing down the movements of her hands, Nan Qinli blocked Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's sight and blinked at Yi Lingyuan, conveying her meaning through her eyes.

'Are you OK?Looks out of sorts? '

When reading novels in the past, Yi Lingyuan always felt that a man and a woman could understand what the other was expressing with just one look, and this kind of thing was just pure artistic processing.

Until today, after Yi Lingyuan easily understood the meaning expressed in Nan Qinli's eyes in an instant, he felt that his knowledge was shallow.

'Don't worry, I'm fine, this level of mental attack has long been tempered by a snow girl. '

Yi Lingyuan also blinked quickly at the heart-warming maid Sang Fei whose real name was Nan Qinli, conveying her meaning.

Yi Lingyuan forcibly cheered up and took the plate from Nanqinli's maid Sang with a smile. Seeing that this gentle and sensible girl was still frowning worried about herself, she was deeply moved.

(This maid-san is too heart-warming!)

(Why do you blink quickly? Is it because your eyes are too dry? Do you want to remind the owner to go back and take a few drops of eye drops?)

It's great that humans can't hear other people.

So it is too sad to say that a certain Fengchuange forced the boys and girls to hear each other's voices.

Gaining a short respite, Yi Lingyuan was thinking about how to break the situation, when Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's attack made Yi Lingyuan panic again.

"I have to say, the affectionate confession to Fujibayashi Anko and the love letter to Fujibayashi Muku in the article made me feel a little bit throbbing."

I thought it was Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's bad taste again, and wanted to make fun of myself.Yi Lingyuan was about to eat an ice cream to cool down her blushing face, but she was keenly aware of the seriousness in Chuxiazhiqiu Shiyu's tone.

"This is not mocking you, a hypocrite, but my inner feelings as a reader of your clumsy fan fiction, Kasumigaoka Shiyu."

"There are all kinds of cute female characters, but they are too greedy and their own writing skills are not enough to support such a large number of descriptions and characterizations. In the end, instead of becoming a hodgepodge, they found another way to become a small theater-style unit drama narrative. .”

Speaking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but nodded in approval, and was very sure of Yi Lingyuan's different thoughts.

"To be honest, the writing is terrible. It's clearly a light novel, but it insists on using a lot of gorgeous rhetoric and rhetoric. There is no foreshadowing of the plot in the whole story, and even the outline can't be seen."

There is reason and evidence, and what is correct cannot be more correct.Yi Lingyuan nodded secretly and was very convinced by the comments from more outstanding colleagues.

"The characters of the protagonists in the book are even more hateful. When you see one and love the other, you are romantic but don't take the initiative to take responsibility. It is obviously not the setting of a wooden male protagonist, but you always maintain an ambiguous relationship with a large number of female protagonists."

Speaking of this, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu gave Yi Lingyuan a strange deep look:
"Let me tell you, the protagonist's idea of ​​opening a harem is actually the idea of ​​a scumbag like you?"

"Hey, I was 14 when I wrote that book, don't slander me."

Anyway, Yi Lingyuan wouldn't admit to this kind of thing even if he was beaten to death.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also seemed to agree with this idea, and didn't delve into it. He paused and said to Yi Lingyuan seriously:
"However, the fiery and firm love that the book wants to express"

"I love so much!"

"Special, special, special like!"

Mouth said the words seriously and firmly, keeping his eyes on Yi Lingyuan.

In the eyes of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Yi Lingyuan with the same color, a pool of autumn water flows endlessly, bright and moving.

It's a pity that I don't know who the phrase "like" is for.

Is it that clumsy novel, or the lover in front of me?

maybe both
 Good luck to all candidates

(End of this chapter)

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