My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 130 Chapter 1 Case 38 Partnership

Chapter 130 The First Case 38 Partnerships

To be commented on by an author I like about my clumsy work when I was young, and to be liked in the end, is simply a fan and an author's great luck.

Yi Lingyuan still remembers that when her clumsy work was published on the Internet bit by bit like a snail crawling, a fan sent her the family portrait of the hero and the woman that she drew.

[I like this kind of heart-warming text, and I hope there will be a happy ending]

Due to various reasons in reality, it is always a regret in Yi Lingyuan's heart that he has not finished writing a complete ending for his fan fiction.

"The 550 six comments are all positive. Your novel still has some merits."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu scooped up a scoop of ice cream with five flavors and various fresh fruits. While enjoying this delicacy, he did not forget to praise Yi Lingyuan.

"Of course, it's a fan fiction that Teacher Xia Shizi has recognized."

With the passage of time talking with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Yi Lingyuan came out of that dark history to some extent, and smiled proudly at Xia Zhiqiu.

Of course, if someone mentioned the plot words in the book in front of Yi Lingyuan, Yi Lingyuan felt that he might still explode in shame.

"It's really cheeky"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu snorted disdainfully, but she was even more charming and charming.

. . .

. . . . . .

Under the joy, the two happily ate various flavors of ice cream.

One is enjoying the pleasure of killing his own fake fans, and the other is purely enjoying the delicious texture and fresh fruit as a sweet tooth party.

"That's right, there is something I hope Teacher Xia Shizi can consider."

Suddenly remembering the game project between himself, Hashima Itsuki, Izumi Masamune and the others, Yi Lingyuan promised them that he would be looking for a light novel writer who is good at writing big sister characters.

Yi Lingyuan's first thought at that time was Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Compared with these two writers who can only write about the role of the younger sister, Yi Lingyuan thinks that Kasumigaoka Shiyu is better than those two idiots in terms of portraying the characters of the upper class this year. I don’t know 01:30 point.

After all, one is obsessed with his desire for his sister, and the other is better at describing supernatural battles, and he has successfully cut seven works in half, which is really admirable.

"I reject!"

"Well, I think you can listen to it first."

"Then before you let me be interested in being taken to sleep by you, Ling Yuan-jun, what do you think I should be called?"

"Teacher Xia Shizi?"

From the look of his face, it was obviously wrong.

"Teacher Kasumi Hill?"

Well, it seems that his complexion is getting worse.

"Shi Yu?"

"Well, you don't want to be so intimate as soon as you come up."

Although Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had a different feeling in her heart when she was called by Yi Lingyuan, she still felt shy. After all, this kind of development was too fast.

"The Hill of Xia?"

"You added 'senior sister'"

"Well, but I'm also a two-year student."

"You, you are also a second grader? You obviously don't look that big."

Hearing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's unwilling tone and awkward disappointment, Yi Lingyuan found it extremely cute.

"Emm, as the saying goes [there is a priority in learning, and there is specialization in art] and people often say [the master is the teacher]. Teacher Xia Shizi, if your attainments in light novels are higher than mine, then you are my senior."

Apparently, in order to fool Youxiazhiqiu Shiyu into participating in his game project, Yi Lingyuan has already begun to shamelessly look for various reasons.

"So, Shiba-senpai. What do you think of this title?"


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was cutely stunned for a moment.

"Shouldn't it be Kasumigaoka-senpai?"

Yi Ling couldn't help but be moved by the innocent demeanor that he exuded.

"Shouldn't it be that the name of Kasumi Hill Academy is more pleasant. It feels like a beautiful girl who reads quietly."

After staring at Yi Lingyuan for a while, and meeting Yi Lingyuan's clear eyes, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said to Yi Lingyuan solemnly:
"I feel more and more now, Mr. Ling Yuan, you are very likely to be beaten by a hatchet!"

"Senior Shiyu, don't scare me like that."

. . .

. . . . .

In the following time, Yi Lingyuan explained their game plan to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu bit by bit.

Including, women's clothing bosses, big eagle cute girls, etc., which will leave people with psychological shadows.

Hearing that this is also a Kasumigaoka Shiwa who likes to tell readers to play with applause, she also strongly supports the soul setting of this work.

If at the beginning, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu planned to listen to this project because of Yi Lingyuan, then now Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has been moved by this charming (?) project setting.

"Ms. Masamune Izumi, Mr. Itsuki Hashima, Mr. Eromanga, Mr. Eri Kashiwagi, and Mr. Reiichi. The lineup is really luxurious and exciting."

After hearing Yi Lingyuan talk about the companions who made the game together, even Kasumigaoka Shiyu would click his tongue. So many well-known light novel writers and illustrators plus a popular music anchor will be considered as a group by then. Just relying on this fame alone will never worry about not being able to sell.

Thinking about it this way, on the contrary, the new writer Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who has not yet finished a book, has the most advantage.

From the perspective of this plan and the members, unless they commit suicide themselves, the future of this game work is already something that Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who is half an industry insider, can guess to a certain extent.

It is a big hit, and it may even become a phenomenon-level popular work. If the plot and graphics are good, it may still be a classic evil work in seven or eight years.

"Then Shiba-senpai, you are welcome to join our game project."

Yi Lingyuan happily stretched out his palm to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also reached out to shake Yi Lingyuan's palm after a little hesitation.

"Then from now on, you and I, Shiba-senpai, will not just be the relationship between fans and authors."

"So, what does Ling Yuan-jun think of our relationship in the future?"

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's smiling face, Yi Lingyuan felt something was wrong but answered normally.

"Senior Shiba and I will be a partnership to fight together from now on."

"Well, then we will be in the same room from now on."

"Wait, Shiyu-senpai, you should make it clear, you definitely did it on purpose when you said that loudly just now!"

"Sa~~ who knows?"

Seeing Yi Lingyuan flustered, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu rested her chin with one hand and showed a dark and cute smile.

(End of this chapter)

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