My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 131 The Scholar

Chapter 131 The Scholar
Because of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's deliberately loud words before, there were quite a few people in the restaurant peeping at Yi Lingyuan and whispering in their mouths.

When it didn't involve his black history in junior high school, Yi Lingyuan was very proud to feel that his face was thick-skinned.

Otherwise, it would have been too late to deal with so many beautiful girls all day long.

Sitting upright on the seat with a calm demeanor, his figure is tall and straight, and his appearance and temperament are also exquisite. He is obviously holding a love light novel "Metronome of Love" in his hand, but he has the momentum of reading a sage book.

"Ling Yuan-jun, it's really nice to hold a book like this."

"Sister Shiyu, stop making fun of me."

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's sniggering, which succeeded in a prank, Yi Lingyuan had no choice but to beg for mercy.

"It's not impossible"

Seeing the look of joy in Yi Lingyuan's eyes again, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu pretended to ponder, and then said:

"However, Ling Yuanjun needs you to eat these ice creams."


Scanning the tabletop, Yi Lingyuan felt very desperate.

A total of five servings of ice cream were served, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu only ate two or three mouthfuls of each one, so it can be said that it was not touched at all and not bad.

"Since you don't eat much, Shiyu-senpai, don't order so much."

Seeing the ice cream on the table, Yi Lingyuan was very distressed at the moment.

"I want to eat all five flavors, so I order them all. How about I pay for them?"

"It's unnecessary, after all, I've agreed to invite you, Shiyu-senpai."

"Then leave the rest to Ling Yuan-jun, it's shameful to waste food."

"You should remember this when ordering food!"

Sighing, Yi Lingyuan started to work on the five servings of ice cream.I have to say that apart from the photo maid Nan Qinli, the reason for this maid cafe's great fame is absolutely inseparable from the level of delicious desserts. The ice creams in the formats of Black Forest and Fresh Fruit Club are really delicious.

After destroying the two servings, Yi Lingyuan felt that this matter should not be forced, and he already felt a little cold. If he really finished eating the five servings, he might not have an accident.

His eyes flicked to the third volume of "Love Metronome" on the desktop, and the words "For Yuigahama Yui, Xiaozhen is the best in the world" were written on it.This is the only new book that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu jokingly claimed was in Yi Lingyuan's hands when she eloped, and the rest of the signed books are still on the table in the bookstore.

"Don't worry, I will send the few books you want to give to your friends to your residence. Just send them to me via line."

Seemingly aware of Yi Lingyuan's thoughts, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said comfortingly.However, Yi Lingyuan could clearly hear that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu seemed to put extra effort on the word "friend".

"Well, thank you on their behalf."

Saying this, Yi Lingyuan took out her mobile phone and exchanged phone numbers and lines with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Seeing that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was happy and took a plate of ice cream and said that he would share it for himself, Yi Lingyuan suddenly felt that there was something wrong, why it always felt wrong.

Yi Lingyuan took the third volume of "Love Metronome" and opened the pages curiously, but her mind was already trapped as soon as she saw a few words.

"Didn't it mean that my book can only be read with a pot of fragrant tea accompanied by bathing and burning incense?"

Yi Lingyuan responded without raising his head:
"But now, Senior Sister Shiyu, you are by my side, that is, a beautiful woman is by my side, and the red sleeves are more fragrant. It is also special to read Teacher Xia Shizi's masterpiece at this time."

"It's really sophistry~"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu swallowed a spoonful of ice cream, and whispered Yi Lingyuan's sophistry.

Just talking, the voice subconsciously lowered.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's words were indeed right.

That is, Yi Lingyuan looked really good when he was studying, so seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu only dared to write while listening to Yi Lingyuan's voice, because she was afraid that she would be obsessed with watching it again and again.

With one hand resting on her fragrant cheek, the other hand held the ice cream unyieldingly, watching Yi Lingyuan read a book without blinking her eyes, as long as she doesn't move.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu actually kept a secret in her heart all the time. When she first wanted to talk to Yi Lingyuan, the book was just an introduction. What's more, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that the boy who was fascinated by his book was really temperamental at that time.

If you use a word that is out of date, it is probably: a scholar.

When Xiazhiqiu Shiyu saw Yi Lingyuan's reading for the first time, she was thinking in her mind: So the scholars who fascinated ghosts and fox spirits in those ancient anecdotal novels really exist in reality.

There are many beautiful scenery in the world, there are stars hanging down the plains, the moon surges in the great river, the sun sets over the long river, the lonely smoke in the desert, the dawn wind and the waning moon.There are also Gongsun dancing swords, Jiuxian facing the moon, Qu Yuan asking the sky, bamboo sticks and straw shoes.

But in the heart of this young girl who is a newcomer writer, a young man with a bookish look is the best scenery in the world.

It was so good that the girl was willing to hide not far away and watched quietly for more than an hour, and didn't dare to come forward to ask questions until the boy finished the book.

. . .

. . . . .

Seeing Yi Lingyuan immersed in the book again.

On the contrary, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was not satisfied with sitting opposite Yi Lingyuan, she quietly got up and sat next to Yi Lingyuan, and looked at it from a closer angle, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was even more happy in her heart.

A table of guests not far from here is even more envious of a couple looking at the painting.

The girl with orange hair and a one-sided ponytail clutched the arm of her best friend tightly with envy.

"It's so sweet, na~ na~ Haiwei, did you see that couple? It's so sweet!"

"Hey hey hey~~ It's very sweet. But, Enaka, aren't we here to catch Kotori?"

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter now, when will sweet love be my turn~~!"

The black, long, straight girl with Yamato Nadeshiko style clenched her fists and prepared to correct this obsessed fool first.

look back


After discovering that Yi Lingyuan, who was concentrating on reading, had extremely low perception of the outside world and basically did not think about his actions, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu even found a new way to play (?)
Easy to let Yi Lingyuan open his mouth, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu fed a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

Scoop after scoop, but this woman is not tired of it, and after the remaining two servings of ice cream are finished, she still frantically asks for one.

It seems that the feeding paly is going to be carried out to the end.

And the maid Sangnan Xiaoniao who was in charge of this table was even more worried, in case she got sick after eating so much ice cream.That's not good, she is still quite worried about this impressive and interesting guest.

(End of this chapter)

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