Chapter 143
"Did I tell you the history question here before?"

The small table in the living room was full of people, and the quintuplets of the Nakano family sat there obediently and listened to Yi Lingyuan explain the test papers.

Yi Lingyuan, on the other hand, was standing by the side holding the grade analysis he had sorted out, shaking his head and slowly giving lectures.

Turning his eyes away from the documents in his hands, Yi Lingyuan had a panoramic view of the expressions of the five people.Except for Sanjiu Nakano who nodded normally to express understanding, the other four were either confused or solemn.

"You should pay more attention when listening to my lectures. The number one general in the East Palace, Princess Pingyang's son-in-law. It's already obvious, it's Chen Ying!"

Rolling up the paper in his hand into a stick and knocking it on Nakano Yotsuba's head, Yi Lingyuan hated iron but steel.

But Nakano Yotsuba felt aggrieved and patted her little head, not daring to resist, and continued to look at her test paper, ready to fight.

And the rest of Yotsuba's sisters just glanced at her without any encouragement or comfort, and were forced by Yi Lingyuan's majesty to concentrate on looking at their test papers.

Of course, even so, the quintuplets still have their own inner activities.

(Oh why did Ling Yuan hit me again.)
(Clover was beaten again.)
(Why did I forget this question again, I must remember it next time.)
(I shouldn't have fed that hentai!)
(I was still very shy when I saw Ling Yuan)

"Next question, except for Sanjiu who got it right, the four of you actually chose the same answer. You really deserve to be quintuplets."

"The founder of the Mangshan Army is Shen An. You must remember it next time! What do you think of this option C [Sir Dybala]? But you can tell from this strange name that it has nothing to do with her!"


Seeing Nakano Yotsuba hesitated to speak, Yi Lingyuan called her name.

"Clover, do you have something to say?"

"Ling Yuan, didn't you tell me in the exam secrets that [Three long and one short, choose the shortest, three paragraphs, one long, and the other long. Choose C if the length is different?"

Then, Yi Lingyuan hit Nakano Yotsuba on the head with another chestnut.

"You use such a good memory for endorsement!"

Nakano Yotsuba, who didn't dare to refute, held her head pitifully and looked at Yi Lingyuan, hoping to make this cruel guy feel a little guilty.

Sure enough, Yi Lingyuan, who was a little uncomfortable seeing Nakano Yotsuba's pitiful eyes, withdrew his hand awkwardly, coughed twice and continued to talk about the topic.

. . .

. . . . . .

The hands of the clock on the wall turned one by one, and the time passed bit by bit.

However, time always passes quickly when people focus on one thing, so when Yi Lingyuan looked up at the clock on the wall again, an hour had passed.

"Okay, let's take a break here. After 20 minutes, we will finish the rest of the questions."

As Yi Lingyuan's voice fell, the five pickle sisters of the Nakano family fell limply on the table in sync.

And after the spectacular scenery squeezed by Ou X and the desktop surprised him, Yi Lingyuan also hurriedly turned around and looked out of the balcony, constantly hypnotizing himself:
"See no evil, hear no evil. Very spectacular, very spectacular, very spectacular. Oh no!"

"Forget it, I'd better go to the balcony to blow some air!"

Frustrated to find that her hypnosis was useless, Yi Lingyuan had no choice but to lament and open the floor-to-ceiling windows to the wide balcony to see the night view of the highest place in Chiba.

The city at night is grotesque but colorful. Under the various lights, the city appears more energetic than during the day, as if a giant beast is resting its energy during the day before moving its body and stretching its muscles and bones.

One of the few benefits of Chiba's seaside is probably the pleasant and comfortable sea breeze at night. Even in summer, when there is no sunlight to transmit heat at night, it is enough for people who are afraid of the cold to wear long sleeves.

Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but think of Mai Sakurajima, obviously she should also know the harm of [Adolescent Syndrome] if it continues to develop, but why is she so resistant.


The sudden coldness on his cheek made Yi Lingyuan, who was squinting to enjoy the sea breeze, suddenly come back to reality, and Piaoyuan's thoughts also retracted.

Looking to his right, it really was Kazuka Nakano.

"Thank you."

After seeing Yi Lingyuan take his drink, Nakano Yihua followed his example and leaned against the railing of the balcony, aimlessly looking at Qianyehai in the distance.

"I remember you always liked this max coffee in school and bought some, but it feels a bit too sweet."

While saying this, Nakano Kazuka took another sip of the max coffee in his hand.

"Sure enough, I still have to be a little uncomfortable with drinking."

"Well, actually, when I drank this kind of coffee for the first time, I also found it extremely unpleasant."

After opening the soda can in his hand and drinking half the bottle in one go, Yi Lingyuan smiled and said to Nakano Yihua.

"Then Ling Yuan, how did you fall in love with this kind of coffee?"

"It's because of your big sister"

"Elder Sister? Is that the black, long, straight girl who plays the piano?"

"Well, it's her. When I went to work as a piano teacher for Touma, I was shocked when I opened her refrigerator. The refrigerator was full of this kind of max coffee."

"and then?"

"Later, I would go to Dongma's house to teach her how to play the piano basically every night. Later, I really couldn't see her poor cultural grades and taught her as well."

"But Touma only has this drink at home. After being served with max coffee for a long time, she finally likes it."

Speaking of this, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help laughing when he remembered the time when he was a teacher for Dongma Hesha in the first year of high school.

"It was harder for me to teach Touma at that time than you!"

"At that time, Dongma was like a wounded little hedgehog. He was obviously softer than anyone else, but if he insisted on pretending to be scary, he would always be cold and sharp to others."

"But, after getting along for a long time, I know that Touma is actually quite cute and easy to tease."

Telling Nakano Yihua his memory of Dongma Hesha, Yi Lingyuan looked to the north, and he remembered that Dongma's house was in that direction.

Nakano Yihua rested her arm on her pillow and turned her head sideways to see Yi Lingyuan gently telling about Dongma and Sha, feeling a pang of sadness in her heart.

Nakano Kazuka herself didn't know what kind of emotion this was.However, seeing Yi Lingyuan's smile and warmth when he talked about Dongma Hesha, I felt envious of Dongma Hesha whom I had only met a few times.

Nakano Kazuka couldn't hear what Yi Lingyuan said, and just stared at his profile in a daze.

(If I could meet you earlier, can you also miss me like this?)
(End of this chapter)

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