My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 144 3 pages of paper

Chapter 144 Three Pages of Paper
"Okay, let's stop here today, I will come over early tomorrow and explain the rest of the questions to you."

Yi Lingyuan tidied up the test papers in his hands, put them in his schoolbag, and then stretched indistinctly.

"Ah~~ It's finally over"

Nakano Yotsuba also stretched her arms and stretched her body indifferently to relieve the fatigue caused by sitting for a long time.

"Then I'll go first, remember to go to bed early after the entertainment."

"Ling Yuan, goodbye."

"Goodbye, hentai."

"and many more!"

Nakano Yihua suddenly stopped Yi Lingyuan who was about to leave, and saw that not only Yi Lingyuan but also Nino and the others looked at her in surprise.

Nakano Yihua bit her teeth between her lips, and said bravely:

"Stay here and play a game before leaving."

"Uh,'s pretty late."

"If you don't supervise, Yotsuba and the others will have to play until very late before going to bed."

Sensing Yi Lingyuan's stern gaze, Nakano Yotsuba immediately looked at her toes with guilt, how could Yi Lingyuan not know that Yihua was telling the truth with that look.

"Well, then what game do you want to play together?"

"Kuang Fu Han Dynasty!"

"Clover, don't talk!"

With a dark face, Nakano Nino went over with a knife in his hand, and Nakano Yotsuba ran to Wuyue with his head in his arms, and his eyes were even more resentful.

"Let's play the question game!"

Nakano Kazuka quickly set the tone.

"Question game. emm seems to be good."

"Of course, this can promote the understanding between our teachers and students, and make your teaching more convenient, Mr. Ling Yuan."

"I want to ask a question!"

When Yi Lingyuan was still thinking about what to ask the group of idiots, Nakano Sanjiu was also the first to raise his hand abnormally.

"Then Sanku Nakano, what question do you want to ask—?"

Kazuka Nakano became the host in an instant, and the test paper in his hand was wrapped into a stick as the topic, creating a loud and passionate atmosphere.

"Ling, Ling Yuan, what type of girl do you like?"

Nakano Sanjiu clenched her hands in front of her body, rubbing them constantly. Although she was still a little shy, now Nakano Sanjiu was able to stumble and express her thoughts.


Yi Lingyuan also fell into deep thought about this point.

Hei long straight, quiet, black silk, poisonous tongue (?) or pink dumpling hair, cute, silly.

But when you think about it carefully, the loyal dog attribute after the Lengjiao was captured is also cute, and the shy look of the girl of the Three Wu family also moved Yi Lingyuan's heart. Of course, the sense of accomplishment from bullying the golden-haired defeated dog is also impressive. Fascinated, the silver-haired little loli who draws colorful illustrations is also very emotional.

If I summed up all my preferences in one sentence, it would probably be: beautiful!

Ahem, ahem. Yi Lingyuan felt that it was better not to say such incomparably true words.

Probably seeing Yi Lingyuan's troubled expression, Nakano Yihua made a relief:
"How about, Teacher Ling Yuan, how about writing down the characteristics of the type of girl you like first?"

"good idea!"

Yi Lingyuan took the pen and paper handed over by Nakano Wuyue, and wrote them on three pages separately, but he was wicked to prevent this group of girls who had already ignited the fire of gossip from seeing.

Lifting the three pages of paper in his hand, Yi Lingyuan smiled maliciously.

"In this information age, even information is very valuable. It's too boring to get my private information so easily."

This action made the five girls in front of them a little at a loss, and they didn't know what kind of medicine Yi Lingyuan was selling in his gourd.

Nino Nakano, who has always been arrogant, was the first to attack.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in this kind of thing anyway. I don't care what kind of girl you like!"

Nakano Nino arrogantly took out her phone, and wanted to start texting and chatting with her friends.

However, Yi Lingyuan's eyesight is still good, and she can clearly see that the recipient of her sending is [My Computer].

And the rest of them still looked at themselves eagerly, not rebelling like Nakano Nino.

After taking a panoramic view of these five people, Yi Lingyuan realized that the information that seemed to be his was quite attractive, or the desire to gossip among these pickle girls was still very strong.

In this way, Yi Lingyuan secretly raised his psychological price, and said:
"Open Mathematics "Mathematics" on page 150 and [-]. There are ten multiple-choice questions in the unit test. The secret on the paper will be given to whoever finishes first."

"Even if you say that, how can you still have the energy to do the questions after learning everything?"

Nakano Wuyue, who was the first to refute, felt that Yi Lingyuan's idea was not realistic at all.

But before Nakano Wuyue and Yi Lingyuan finished their theory, her four good sisters quickly opened the books and started to do the questions.

"this you"

Nakano Wuyue looked at the four compatriots who were serious and focused on the problem, and then at Yi Lingyuan, with a look of disbelief.


Yi Lingyuan spread her hands innocently, as if it had nothing to do with her, and they were doing it by themselves.


Seeing Yi Lingyuan's stinky fart, Nakano Wuyue finally refused to admit defeat and sat back, angrily doing ten multiple-choice questions.

. . .

. . . . .

Although Nakano Sanjiu is working very hard, Nakano Nino's movements are also quite fast, and Nakano Yotsuba's forehead. Yotsuba is very imposing!

But there is no doubt that Kazuka Nakano, who is the best in mathematics, finished it first.

What is even more unquestionable is that Nakano Yotsuba's ten questions were all wrong this time, perfectly avoiding all the correct answers.

If it wasn't for watching Clover's writing process, Yi Lingyuan would give her another chestnut to taste, and gave Nakano Clover a look. Yi Lingyuan taught Nakano Yihua the three pieces of paper with writing in her hand.

And Nakano Kazuka shared it with his four younger sisters without hiding it.

Written on the paper are:

This is basically nonsense, and basically all the girls Yi Lingyuan met did not lack this quality, except for that irritable loser.And these five pickle sisters also think that each other is a gentle person.

【can cook】

Except for Nakano Nino, who was lightly tiptoeing secretly proudly, the other four all simply put on a bitter face, and Nakano Nino contributed a lot to them being able to survive till now.

"Ling Yuan, do you like girls who can cook?"

"Yeah." Regarding this point, Yi Lingyuan nodded unabashedly, "It would be even better if I could cook a delicious miso soup."

Nakano Sanjiu's face was not obviously sad, but he clenched his right hand tightly, preparing to study cooking hard.

It has to be said that this is another charming shining point of Sanjiu.

And Nakano Nino remembered the day when Yi Lingyuan stayed overnight and praised her delicious miso soup.

"Ahem, then the next one is the last keyword."

Nakano Yihua opened the note, and it read:

【Study well】

“……………………” x5
That night

All five pickle girls in the Nakano family were killed in battle, and none of them survived!

(End of this chapter)

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