Chapter 168

What happened next, the people outside the room where only the two of them were alone naturally didn't know.

However, according to the remarks of some nurses and sisters:
When a certain Miss Tuanzi who was in a good mood walked out, she walked lightly, and she smiled silly when she met everyone.

Yuigahama Yui, who was immersed in her own beautiful world, was filled by another person who was in a hurry.Compared to Yuigahama Yui who fell to the ground, Touma Kazusa, who had a tall figure like a model, took a few steps back and stabilized the center.

"Yeah, sorry, sorry."

Yuigahama Yui rubbed the buttocks that had been thrown hard, and quickly apologized.


The anxious Touma Kazusa didn't even think about looking at the person who knocked him down, but he just took a few more glances after hearing the voice of this somewhat familiar girl.


"Did Ma come to visit Xiao Yi too? He's in the VIP ward in Room 702. Do you want me to take you there?"

Seeing that it was Touma Kazusa, Yuigahama Yui kindly asked if he wanted to help.



Touma Kazusa didn't answer, but looked at Yuigahama Yui's clothes with indescribable complexity in his eyes.

"No, I've heard about it from the nurse."

In response to Yubihama Yui's kindness, Touma Kazusa walked quickly to Yi Lingyuan's ward, and only dropped a word that made Yubihama Yui suddenly blush.

"The button on the chest of the clothes is wrong"

Yuigahama Yui, who hurriedly ran to the bathroom to tidy up her clothes, barely recovered her normal complexion after slapping her face with cold water several times.

"Xiao Yi, he's really serious too, don't touch when kissing ~~"

While arranging her ball head in front of the mirror, Yuigahama Yui complained to someone who made her embarrassed.

It's just that, as long as he doesn't want to complain in a more serious tone, he knows what will happen next time.

Room 702 VIP Ward
Yi Lingyuan, who was happily eating the dessert left by Yui Hihama, still had no idea that a great horror was coming.

The door was pushed open violently. Compared with the previous two more polite visitors, this time it seemed that an unexpected guest had come.

"Winter horse!"

Yi Lingyuan was very happy and pleasantly surprised to see Dongma Hesha pushing the door in with a heroic figure in black.

Yi Lingyuan knew that when he did that wayward thing, he was most worried about Dongma Hesha.If it weren't for Yi Lingyuan, please ask Hiratsuka Jing in advance, I'm afraid that Dongma Hesha will rush up and drag him to the hospital before he can say a few words.

After sorting out her emotions, Yi Lingyuan couldn't hold back a smile on her face, and opened her arms, waiting for Dongma and Sha to throw herself into her arms.

It's a pity that Yuigahama Yui's visit killed this possible situation in the cradle.

Dongma Hesha couldn't restrain her anger and kicked Yi Lingyuan's calf. By the way, Dongma Hesha was wearing small leather boots today.

Afterwards, a humanoid object fell on the hospital bed and rolled around in pain. Because his left hand was injured, he could only hold his left calf with his right hand sadly.

Seeing Yi Lingyuan's painful look, Dongma and Shayuan let out a heavy breath, feeling that the bitterness and anger in their hearts had also come out.

It's just that it's still very painful to see this scumbag on the bed after coming here for a long time, which makes Touma and Saa a little worried and even a little regretful.

Dongma and Sha, who were standing far away, poked at the shaking guy on the hospital bed.

"Hey, hey~, are you okay?"

It was not once or twice that Dongma and Sha were played by Yi Lingyuan for various pranks, and tricks like pretending to be pitiful were not uncommon.

It's a pity that Mr. Yi Lingyuan, a scumbag, can often increase his acting skills from cxk level to actor level when coaxing girls, so Touma and Sa can't tell whether this guy is actually lying to himself or the real himself This time it was more serious.

"I feel like this time, Touma, if you don't blow it up for me, it won't be all right."

Yi Lingyuan sat up from the hospital bed, and said to Dongma Hesha with a serious expression.

"You really wanted to lie to me just now!"

Dongma and Shana's wolf-like sharp and dangerous eyes reappeared, and they punched Yi Lingyuan's chest unceremoniously.

Unlike Yubihama Yui's coquettish slapstick, Touma and Sa's Yi Lingyuan grinned for a while.

(It seems that girls who practice piano are still bad.)
Fortunately, after letting Dongma and Sha vent their anger, they are still relatively calm, at least the risk of life has been ruled out.

I looked at the sky, and then at the rare moonlight.Yi Lingyuan simply suggested that the two of them go for a walk in the courtyard together.

"Did you come up with something evil?"

To Dongma and Sha's questioning, Yi Lingyuan naturally shook his head like a rattle, and almost patted his chest and said that he was a good person.

"Does it count if I say it's easier to escape in the courtyard?"

"What do you say?"

Dongma Hesha's right foot tapped the toe of the small leather boot on the ground, looking eager to try.

"Actually, I just want to enjoy the moon with you."

"Hesha, what do you think?"

Yi Lingyuan got up and stretched out his right hand to Dongma Hesha.

"It's this trick again, calling my name pretending to be intimate."

Speaking of this, Dongma Hesha still consciously held Yi Lingyuan's palm, thought for a while and replied with the ancient prose that he had just learned recently:
"Enter the house under the moonlight, and set off happily."

Needless to say, the courtyard environment of this hospital is expensive enough to support a quiet courtyard suitable for relaxation.

There are many trees of all kinds, but few flowers, probably because of the possibility that some patients may be allergic to pollen.

It is estimated that the dean who built this courtyard is quite accomplished in Suzhou gardens. The layout of each place can be seen to some extent with some ingenuity, and the cut trees and lush bamboos in it make people feel a little bit of coolness. heart.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the two walked together in the atrium. The courtyard was like stagnant water and the sky was bright.

"How is your injury?"

"The doctor said that if he recovers normally, it will not affect his ability to play the piano in the future."





"Really? Really? Really?"

"Really! Really! Really!"

Only then did Dongma Hesha feel a little more at ease and leaned against Yi Lingyuan, sharing the intention to appreciate the scenery.

Walking under a tree with wide branches and leaves, Touma Kazusa said:
"I suddenly remembered a song, Ling Yuan, do you want to listen to it?"

"what is it call?"

"Do you want me to sing "Answer" to you?"


Dongma Hesha's singing sounded:
"The pain I felt in my heart was so cold that it pierced my heart"

"One day you will definitely give me warmth and untie my frozen heart"

"I've always believed in that"

Accompanied by a touch of sadness, in the secluded courtyard, the sound of a cappella singing drifts away, and the fingers of Dongma and Sha dance lightly.

On the pretty branches on the moon, people make an appointment after dusk.

(End of this chapter)

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