Chapter 169

Waking up from the dream again, Yukinoshita Yukino stared blankly at the ceiling of her home.

A few days have passed, but what Yi Lingyuan said that day still echoed in Yukino Yukino's mind.

【That kind of self-righteous jealousy and disgust, gathered together, may easily take people's lives】

[I hope you can keep in mind that it is more important to be self-disciplined than to belittle others than to follow the trend and then learn to grow]

【Your eyes, your mouth, your hands, they grow on your body not for you to hurt others, but for you to share joy with others, isn't it the taste of happiness with others? 】

Putting her left hand on her forehead, Yukinoshita Yukino blinked, and couldn't help thinking why she dreamed of Yi Lingyuan again.

Some people on the Internet say that if someone appears in your dream, then the subconscious mind of your brain is actually forgetting him. After three times, your memory will fade.

However, Yukino under the snow counted it down. In the past few days alone, she had dreamed about that guy Yi Lingyuan three times and still hadn't forgotten him. On the contrary, it was getting worse.

Yukinoshita Yukino had dreamed of her a few times when she became friends with Yuigahama Yui, which made Yukinoshita Yukino wonder if her sexual orientation was a problem.

Fortunately, Yukinoshita relieved Yukinoshita Yukino from worrying about being broken when she dreamed that Yubihama Yui had more things to do together with Yi Lingyuan and the three of them playing and playing together.

But now.
Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the alarm clock at four o'clock in the morning, and felt that she should do something to divert her attention.

Go to the study room and turn on the computer, accompanied by the crisp and melodious background music, the cute cat with folded ears appears on the screen.

"Delicious ingredients often require the simplest cooking methods"

After hearing the familiar voice of "A Bite of China", Yukinoshita Yukino quickly covered her eyes, not wanting to see a bloody scene.

"I lied to you, Yukinoshita, I didn't expect you to like cats so much."

The subsequent sound became Yi Lingyuan's teasing laughter from the film.

Gritting her teeth, Yukinoshita Yukino's face was icy cold, if Yi Lingyuan was on the scene, something might really happen.

"Why are there traces of this scumbag everywhere!"

After careful consideration, Yukinoshita Yukino deduced that it might be that this guy took the opportunity to make something strange in the study when she had a cold last time, and she seemed to have not turned off the computer.

After such an accident, Yukinoshita Yukino became even more cautious when watching cat videos, for fear of saying something like [oil temperature is [-]% hot].

After Yi Lingyuan's pranks gradually disappeared, Yukinoshita Yukino gradually immersed herself in cat-sucking.

A long time passed.
After realizing that she was hungry, Yukinoshita Yukino went to cook and made herself a breakfast.

After eating, she played the piano for a while as usual, Yukinoshita Yukino came out of the bathroom wearing a loose white bathrobe, and stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom, fiddling with her clothes.

After hesitating for a moment, Yukinoshita Yukino wore the dress that Yi Lingyuan said was very beautiful, casually put on a top and black stockings.

Stepping on the cold floor, Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated at the mirror, trying to learn how Yuigahama Yui made a scissors hand beside her eyes, and said in Yuigahama Yui's tone:

"Ah hello~~!"


Yukinoshita Yukino maintained the action she just made, but she immediately retracted the smile that was pulled out, and frowned slightly.

"Sure enough. I still feel stupid"

Feeling that she was infected by Yuigahama Yui just now, Yukinoshita Yukino hurriedly left the room and went to the entrance to put on her shoes and went out to visit some scumbag.

Trying to choose a shady place to go, Yukinoshita Yukino walked through the hot and noisy crowd, and finally found the shop where the three of them bought desserts that day.

"This, and this, and this on the fourth floor."

While choosing the dessert, Yukino Yukinoshita worked hard to recall what styles Yuigahama Yui said he chose.

In fact, the taste of Yukinoshita Yukino has always been relatively light.Although I don't hate things like desserts, I don't like things that are too sweet.

After waiting for the clerk to pack the dessert, Yukinoshita Yukino who had been in deep thought asked for no reason:

"Excuse me, is there a place that sells max coffee near here?"

"This .max coffee should be available in the Chiba shopping mall."

After receiving the wrapped food box from the clerk, Yukinoshita Yukino nodded his thanks, and walked quickly to the shopping mall not far away.

Picking up a can of max coffee, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at it carefully, but still didn't know why Yi Lingyuan liked this coffee so much.

Originally, only one can of coffee was placed, and another can was put in after a while.

In pairs, that's fine too.

. . .

. . . . .

After Yukinoshita Yukino asked the nurses at the nurse station politely, she knocked on the door of Yi Lingyuan's ward.

In the nurse's station, the two who were smiling politely just now sneaked together and muttered:
"With this one, this is the fourth one, right?"

"Not three?"

"And the governess who sent him here."

"It shouldn't be possible. Having three such beautiful girls is already unbelievable, and the teacher is too magical. I dare not write like this in Qiqi novels."

"Hey! What are you two talking about there, don't be lazy!"

"Yes, head nurse!" x2
Yukino Yukinoshita, who didn't know it at all, had already knocked on Yi Lingyuan's door.

"Please come in."

It was quite happy to have Yi Lingyuan as a visitor so early in the morning of Sunday.

Before Yukinoshita Yukino went in, she was still thinking about avenging Yi Lingyuan's prank, but now seeing his appearance, she has no anger at all.

"Didn't you stab your left hand? Why is your right leg also hanging?"

"Ah this."

Yi Lingyuan racked his brains to think of reasons, but he couldn't tell Yukinoshita Yukino directly that he had been kicked by Dongma Hesha's and turned blue. .

Yi Lingyuan solemnly said to Yukino Yukino:
"Actually, I was attacked by someone!"

"Have those people turned from Internet trolls to abusers now?!"

Yukinoshita Yukino tightly held the food belt she brought, her eyes were so cold that they could emit a cold light.

"Um, it's not really a big deal. I can walk with a slight injury to my leg."

Saying so, Yi Lingyuan got off the hospital bed, and Yukinoshita Yukino moved to the sofa, and by the way, turned on the TV and tuned to the food channel.

"Look everyone, this bamboo rat is too sick, it must be because it is too hot, so it has heat stroke. Why don't we take it"

 Congratulations to "The Hungry Meat Eater" for becoming the rudder master of this book, congratulations to the rudder master!

(End of this chapter)

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