Chapter 172 followed
Afterwards, Yi Lingyuan chatted with Nakano Yihua a lot more casually, and the two finally talked about performances and live broadcasts.

Performance and live broadcast seem to be two unrelated things, but they are actually figured out.

Yi Lingyuan wanted to laugh when he heard all kinds of strange death methods performed by Kazuka Nakano, and he also felt the power of Mai Sakurajima.

One year older than Ichika Nakano but able to become such a powerful national-level idol, this pretentiously mature senior of mine is still worthy of admiration.

"How about this, come and be my assistant when you are free!"

Yi Lingyuan suggested this on a whim.

"When, as an assistant?"

Nakano Yihua felt that she could no longer keep up with Yi Lingyuan's train of thought.

"That's right, you see, I'm also an anchor with a huge fan base now. If you get to know them well in my live broadcast room, it may be beneficial to Yihua's future development."

"But. Is this okay? Ling Yuan you."

"Don't worry, my fans are people who really like my music, don't worry that I will lose fans."

Yi Lingyuan naturally knew what Nakano Yihua was worried about, and comforted her very much.

"Well, let me think we'll be able to do some outdoor broadcasting or something."

Yi Lingyuan suddenly felt that his proposal was very good. It could not only enrich the content of the live broadcast, but also help Nakano Yihua accumulate fans and popularity.

Immediately afterwards, he discussed a lot of plans with Kazuka Nakano in earnest, such as CP hype, the location of the game, and so on.

When the two of them were having a lively discussion, the door outside the room was knocked once.

"Ling Yuan, I've come to visit you, can I come in now?"

The shy, weak yet courageous voice was naturally the familiar Sanjiu Nakano.

"Ah! It's Sanjiu!"

Yi Lingyuan was fine, but Nakano Yihua was as flustered as if she was about to be caught, her eyes wandered all over the place trying to find a place to hide.

"Well, Yihua, you don't need to be so flustered, right? Outside, isn't it Sanjiu outside?"

Affected by Nakano Yihua's flustered movements, Yi Lingyuan stumbled when speaking.

"Well... Anyway, I came here without telling Sanjiu and the others, so I'll find a place to hide first."

Needless to say, before Yi Lingyuan comforted Nakano Yihua, she hurriedly ran to the cabinet to hide.

He really didn't understand such a super-expansion, and Yi Lingyuan didn't bother too much, anyway let Yihua let her go.

"Please come in~~!"

Yi Lingyuan shouted to the people outside the door with a clear voice.

(If the fact that Sanjiu and the others came to find Yi Lingyuan without telling Sanjiu was exposed, then I would be too sorry for Sanjiu. It would be bad if Sanjiu misunderstood her.)
(After all, after all, I don't like Yi Lingyuan either.)

Thinking about it this way made her feel less and less confident, but Kazuka Nakano didn't care so much at this time.

Taking advantage of several ventilated rectangular strip-shaped gaps in the cabinet, Nakano Kazuka lay there cautiously to peek.

"Ling Yuan~~!"

Just as Yi Lingyuan was about to stand up, Nakano Sanjiu led him to the sofa to talk, but Nakano Sanjiu, who didn't want to come in, threw herself into Yi Lingyuan's arms, hugged his waist tightly, and buried her whole face in his arms inside.

Girls who are often indifferent and have three attributes will become more intense when their emotions are concurrent.

Worried about Yi Lingyuan's hand injury, hearing the bad news that he was hospitalized, the feeling of not seeing him for several days, and the news that his father asked Yi Lingyuan to fire him.

Various factors made Nakano Sanjiu unable to suppress the emotions in his heart, only when he smelled his familiar breath in Yi Lingyuan's arms, Nakano Sanjiu felt a little relieved at this moment.

Yi Lingyuan knew that Nakano Yihua was in the closet next to him, maybe he was still peeking at what he and Nakano Sanjiu were doing.

Therefore, Yi Lingyuan just restrained her hand and gently smoothed Nakano Sanjiu's hair, quietly waiting for her to calm down.

"Ling Yuan! Ling Yuan! Will you resign and not be our tutor?!"

Nakano Sanjiu still hugged Yi Lingyuan's waist and refused to let go of her hands, but raised her cheeks with a blushing look and asked Yi Lingyuan.

The two of them didn't wear much at all, and Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but feel distressed under such close contact, not to mention Nakano Sanjiu's wet eyes were full of pity.

It's a pity that the beautiful scene of Lang's lover's wife's love and the dazzling words of a certain Nakano hiding in the cupboard may become a scene of white science again.

But thinking of Nakano Kazuka looking at Yi Lingyuan from the side made me even more excited.

After pinching Nakano Sanjiu's nose intimately, Yi Lingyuan teased softly and said:
"So Sanjiu, what do you think, do you want to change to a teacher at the University of Tokyo or let me continue teaching?"

She buried her face in Yi Lingyuan's chest shyly again, crossed her legs wrapped in black silk, and restrained her shy voice from whispering:
"I, I hope that Ling Yuan can continue to be me and our tutor. Even after graduating from middle school, I hope Ling Yuan can continue to teach us."

I had expected the answer long ago, but after hearing that it was said by someone, I still couldn't help but be happy.It's like two couples who are passionately in love know that the other party likes them but still let the man who is late say "I love you" ten times.

Seeing the smile brewing at the corner of Yi Lingyuan's mouth, and the endless nostalgia and love in Nakano Sanjiu's words, Nakano Kazuka in the cupboard folded his hands on his chest, and leaned against the side of the cupboard losing strength.

The pain of suffocation made Nakano Kazuka regret why she ran over in a daze.

"Teacher Ling Yuan, she is the person Sanjiu likes, Yihua, you are the older sister, so there is no way for this kind of thing. After all, she is the eldest daughter."

"Dong Dong!!"

There was a brutal and unceremonious knock on the door, knocking on the door like a shower.

"Hey~~hentai, I represent Yihua, Sanjiu and Siyue to visit you!"

"Ah~~!" x3
Nakano Kazuka in the cupboard couldn't hold back his breath, and quickly covered his mouth to pray that Nakano Sanjiu outside would not notice his voice.

"Second, she's here too!"

The thin-skinned Nakano Sanjiu hurriedly stood up from Yi Lingyuan's arms, and also frantically patrolled the room looking for a place to hide.

Yi Lingyuan, who really couldn't see the development of each one, asked:
"Why are you all doing this?"

"It's all like this? What do you mean?"

Nakano Sanjiu didn't understand why Yi Lingyuan said that, and was still scanning the room as quickly as a radar.

Should it be said that they are quintuplet sisters?
Nakano Sanjiu also walked quickly towards the cabinet where people could hide.

"Wait! Where is Sanjiu?"

Before Yi Lingyuan finished speaking, Nakano Sanjiu had already run in and closed the cupboard door.
At the moment, Nino Nakano, who was impatient outside the door, shouted "I'm coming in" and pushed the door open.
(End of this chapter)

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