Chapter 173 I Refuse

in the cupboard.
Nakano Yihua and Nakano Sanjiu stared at each other in embarrassment, because Nakano Nino was talking about Yi Lingyuan outside, the two sisters decided to use their eyes to communicate.

"Why is Yihua here?"

"Isn't Sanjiu here too?"


"Yi Hua actually likes Ling Yuan?"

"This is not the case, how can I."


"I'm here to discuss Ling Yuan's tutoring."

"Then you heard everything I said just now?"


Needless to say, Nakano Sanjiu, who was so ashamed at this time, buried her head between her legs again and remained silent like an ostrich.

And Nakano Kazuka was also embarrassed and didn't know what to do, and it was not good to look away in this small cabinet.

Fortunately, the conversation between Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Nino that rang outside attracted their attention, which made the atmosphere less awkward.

"Really, what the hell are you doing in there?"

Very authentic Nakano Nina's arrogant speech, obviously he has already made up all kinds of accidents that Yi Lingyuan may have in his mind, and he is very anxious.

It's a pity that the worry and kindness in my heart completely disappeared when I opened my mouth.

"Uh this"

Yi Lingyuan couldn't help looking at the cabinet with erratic eyes, noticing Nakano Nino's suspicious eyes and hurriedly moved his eyes to look around the whole room.

Seeing the sharp contrast between Yi Lingyuan's unspeakable appearance and the usual calm atmosphere, Nakano Er, who is obviously more mature, thought of something bad about a certain department.

"You, you, you, you hentai, are you doing some shameless things in the room!?"

"Eh?. Shameful things?"

For a while, Yi Lingyuan didn't have a better idea of ​​what Nakano Nino was thinking about.


"You, Er Nai, your thoughts should be purer to me!"

Speechless, Yi Lingyuan hit Nakano Nino on the head with a knife, and also retorted loudly.

"You absolutely are!"

Nakano Nino still spoke forcefully,

"I knocked on so many doors outside and you ignored me. You were so flustered just now."

"So. So, your hentai is definitely here!"

Yi Lingyuan's face turned green when he heard Nakano Nino's volume enough for the entire corridor to hear.

From Yukinoshita Yukino to Kasumigaoka Shiwa to Sakurajima Mai, Yi Lingyuan, who thinks that after being tempered by these poisonous people, has been very resistant to spiritual shocks, feels that the shadow in her heart is the same as the theme song of a certain Digimon—" Unlimited"!
But when it came to Nakano Nino, a fool, how could he be so pissed off? !
And Nakano Kazuka and Nakano Sanjiu, who were still in an awkward atmosphere in the cupboard full of two people, both covered their hands and laughed softly at this moment.

Since this Nakano Nina slandered him so much, Yi Lingyuan couldn't care less about Nakano Yihua and Nakano Sanjiu staring at him from the cupboard.

As if there were no those two people, Yi Lingyuan squinted his eyes and prepared to moles Nakano Nino to relieve his hatred.

"Oh~~? But I still don't know much about it."

Yi Lingyuan put on a look of distress, but secretly observed Nakano Nino's expression of embarrassment and indignation at the moment.

"You, you hentai don't know what!?"

"Perhaps it's because I have more experience than Nino and you who are immature. I still can't understand what Nino you are talking about."

"Hey you. You clearly know in your heart that you made me pure just now."

"Then what is it that makes you purer, Mr. Nakano Nino, can you tell me?"

"Well, I just want to confirm whether what you think is the same as what I know."

Saying this, Yi Lingyuan hypocritically grabbed Nakano Nino's wrist and forced her to talk to him face to face.

"Please~~Ms. Nakano Nino~~!"

And Nakano Ninao, whose shame had been stimulated to the limit, flushed red. A small hand that was not caught by Yi Lingyuan clenched her fist and hammered it on Yi Lingyuan's chest in a panic. She had completely exploded with shame and said loudly:

"That's. That's"

"Ling Yuan, you bastard! Hentai! Big hentai!"


Yi Lingyuan, who really couldn't hold back, laughed out loud in front of Nakano Nina.

In this way, he knew better that it was Yi Lingyuan who was teasing him, and Nakano Er Nai kicked Yi Lingyuan's calf angrily.

Coincidentally, the kicking place was exactly where Touma and Sasa attacked.

Yi Lingyuan, who was in pain, sat down on the ground with a pale face, and his only good right hand was covering the injured calf.

(Are they girls like kicking in the shins?!)

Seeing that Yi Lingyuan was injured, Sanjiu Nakano was about to rush out, but Kazuka Nakano stopped her.

"Hey! Are you hentai okay?!"

Seeing that Yi Lingyuan's face was not pretending at all, Nakano Nina also panicked.

I blamed myself for doing such a stupid thing in my heart, almost crying, but Nakano Nino still said bravely:

"Next time you tease me like this again, I will still be rude!"

After saying this, Nakano Nino felt that she was so stupid that she couldn't help it. Why did she just say such words without thinking? Tears almost fell out of her eyes.

"Don't get excited. Actually, I don't blame you. The main reason is that my leg was injured a few days ago."

It was the first time that Yi Lingyuan dared to pat Nakano Ninao on the head. This time, the anxious Aojiao who was about to cry did not resist, but looked at Yi Lingyuan nervously and affectionately.

"There is a wound medicine on the table and it will be fine in a few days."

This time, Nakano Er Nao acted obediently and according to Yi Lingyuan's instructions.

Seeing Nakano Nino concentrate on wiping the wound medicine on her legs, Yi Lingyuan felt that she was quite cute when she calmed down.

On the other side, Nakano Kazuka and Nakano Sanjiu, who were hiding in the cupboard, hugged each other silently, each with the emotions in their hearts, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Originally, Yi Lingyuan planned to continue to say something to take the opportunity to brush up Nakano Nino's favor, but after hearing the voice from outside the door clearly, both he and Nino changed their expressions.

"Ling Yuan~Ling Yuan~Ling Yuan~Ling Yuan~Ling Yuan is stupid~"

Nakano Yotsuba's silly singing voice was transmitted loudly and crisply throughout the corridor.

"Hey, Yotsuba! This is a hospital, please be quiet when you come to see patients!"

Nakano Wuyue's solemn voice also followed.

Nakano Nino looked at the cabinet in a similar panic again, and Yi Lingyuan, who was more prepared earlier, took her arm directly this time:
"Don't, don't! There's really no room for it!"

The situation was urgent, Nakano Er Nai really didn't know where else to run, and just after running behind the curtain, Yi Lingyuan told her that white silk was showing.

Like ants on a hot pot, he looked at the hospital bed and then at Yi Lingyuan.In the end, Nakano Er Nao took Yi Lingyuan and ran into the quilt together.

"Let's talk about it first, you hentai are not allowed to take advantage of me!"

Yi Lingyuan hugged her tightly in his arms very bluntly, and said firmly in a low voice:

"I reject!"

(End of this chapter)

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