Chapter 175 Discharge
It was the first time that Yi Lingyuan felt so homesick after the five idiots visited him.

Not for anything else, but I just feel that the cabinets in my house are relatively large and can hide three or five people no matter what.

Of course the above sentence is a joke.

Skillfully put on a fake smile mask, the words are not close but can also make this hospital director with a worrying hairline feel like a spring breeze.

Since I was not yet full, Hiratsuka Shizuka came to sign in the end.

It's not bad, but what Shizuka Hiratsuka is wearing seems to be the clothes that Mai Sakurajima left at home. Compared with the mature style of the past, Shizuka Hiratsuka who changed into the clothes of a 17- or 8-year-old girl is really cute. .

If you tie a ponytail, it will look like a real one, so the perfect front desk in boys' fantasy was born.

Hmm. Yi Lingyuan was punched by Hiratsuka Jing when he was trying to realize this possibility. If it was heavier, Yi Lingyuan guessed that he would not have to go through the discharge procedures today and go directly to the lower floor of the hospital to wait for cremation.

While the kind nurse sister was busy going through the formalities, Yi Lingyuan still did not give up trying to fool Hiratsuka Jing.

"It's rare for Xiao Jing to dress so youthfully and beautifully, why don't you try to tie a ponytail?"

Hiratsuka glanced sideways and gave Yi Lingyuan a look of "do you want to die", so that Yi Lingyuan could feel it for himself.

"If I hadn't washed all the clothes at your house and hadn't dried them, I wouldn't wear other little girls' clothes."

"Xiao Jing, have you been able to do laundry independently?!"

"Pfft~ Ah. Um. Sorry"

Feeling the iron fist of justice, Yi Lingyuan immediately confessed, saying that he shouldn't poke Hiratsuka Jing's sore spots outside.

"I will still do as much housework as possible, but your sister-in-law said that with your free labor, you can rest assured."

Having said that, Shizuka Hiratsuka leaned on the table with a guilty conscience and wanted to touch cigarettes from his pocket but found nothing.This time I thought of someone else's clothes I was wearing.

Hiratsuka, who was even more upset, questioned Yi Lingyuan Xingshi:

"The reason why you asked me not to go home in those few days was because of Mai Sakurajima? My room was taken by someone else?"

"Well, I actually tried to dissuade you, but it didn't work except for something."

Speaking of which, Yi Lingyuan recalled the way Mai Sakurajima opened the door to deliver benefits, and since I haven't seen Yi Lingyuan for so long, I really miss her food.

"It's a shame you can say that, do you know how I felt when I found other girls' hair on my bed?"

This time, Hiratsuka Jing didn't show any vicious expression, let alone want to hit Yi Lingyuan.But the more this happened, the more uncertain Yi Lingyuan felt.

"Feel sorry!"

Yi Lingyuan sincerely bowed his head and apologized without hesitation, and couldn't make any excuses and sophistry on weekdays.

"I thought I was going to lose a family member who could do my laundry, run errands, and clean the house."

"I said, Xiaojing, you don't need to add the comforting family behind you."

The touch in Yi Lingyuan's heart collapsed without being able to sustain it for a second.And Hiratsuka Jing also put her arms around Yi Lingyuan's neck.

The big sister's style is matched with the schoolgirl's clothes, which is indescribably weird.

"No, I think the definition of 'family' should be added!"


Hearing Hiratsuka Jing's firm tone, Yi Lingyuan's heart was inevitably touched.

"After all, if you come here as a student, you can still bring me the great effect of fishing and playing games in the office, letting you act as an invigilator, and using your sleeping face photos and other sexual photos to make those little girls obedient."

Feeling the constant exertion of the arm clamping his neck, Yi Lingyuan can guarantee that Hiratsuka Shizuka's words are true!
But, why did Yi Lingyuan want to cry all of a sudden?

(Sure enough, it was Shi Lezhi who wanted to marry this unscrupulous teacher before me!)

Under the strange eyes of the dean, Hiratsuka Jing signed the formalities as Yi Lingyuan's guardian, and the two of them got into the car with the big and small bags sent by the people who came to read it.

"Xiao Jing, is the direction home going in the wrong direction?"

Yi Lingyuan looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, and asked Hiratsuka Jing.

"That's right, I'm taking you to a big meal this time."

"Have you found another delicious ramen restaurant?"

"No, this time I'm taking you to eat western food, the one in Chiba Building."

"May I ask, Xiaojing, you must have been dropped by someone, right?"

It was the first time for Yi Lingyuan to see Hiratsuka Jing so boldly invite him to eat somewhere.

Unlike Yi Lingyuan, who failed to start a stud business, Hiratsuka Jing's family can be considered a wealthy family in Chiba.However, Shizuka Hiratsuka never showed too many signs of being rich.

Apart from the elegant and luxurious outfits worn to attend various so-called evening parties that are actually forced blind dates, on weekdays it is just a teacher's outfit plus a white coat.I like to take Yi Lingyuan everywhere to discover delicious ramen restaurants.My favorite breakfast is the tomato and beef brisket bento sold by Lawson Convenience.

In fact, Yi Lingyuan really likes Hiratsuka Jing like this.

"That's not true, I just feel that my man has done some great things and want to reward him."

Realizing that he said it smoothly, Hiratsuka Shizuka added with a serious face:
"I mean my own family."


Yi Lingyuan turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window on the other side, and always felt that Hiratsuka Jing dressed like an ordinary high school girl, so she couldn't speak seriously.

"Got it, Chief Hiratsuka Shizuka!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was still unconvinced and wanted to say something, but suddenly saw the traffic policeman waving at him to signal to pull over.

I did as instructed by the traffic police, and after a while, I received suspicious eyes and inspections from the traffic police.

"Are you really full? Please show your driver's license!"

As the traffic policeman with the big nose said this, he kept looking around in the car, his eyes full of suspicion.

For example, the murder method to escape in disguise, the young couple's elopement and other speculations kept appearing in his mind, and his expression became more solemn and his eyes sharp.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with all the documents Hiratsuka Shizuka handed in. No matter how carefully the big-nosed traffic policeman checked it, there were no flaws, and in the end he chose to let it go.

It can be seen that Hiratsuka Jing was very happy along the way. If it is not bad, Yi Lingyuan probably should be the sentence of the big-nosed traffic policeman, "Are you really full?" '

Although she didn't say anything, Hiratsuka Shizuka was still very happy in her heart.

When I arrived at the western restaurant, I also sat down and ate with the clerk's expression of "Are all high school couples so rich now?".

Yi Lingyuan found Hiratsuka Jing, who came back to eat with a ponytail after leaving once in the middle, made Yi Lingyuan feel so beautiful.

"Ling Yuan, what do you think?"

"It's delicious, Hiratsuka Shizuka-san."

(End of this chapter)

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