My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 176 Butterfly Loves Flowers

Chapter 176 Butterfly Loves Flowers


It's not the end of the term yet, so let alone the exciting summer vacation.

Everyone should go to school, go to work, Yi Lingyuan is also full of leisure except for going back to the lines of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Yuihama Yui, and Nakano Sanjiu.

It's a hot summer day outside, pedestrians are in a hurry, here's air-conditioned wifi, game watermelon, when you're bored, Yi Lingyuan can have a phone call with Mai Sakurajima.

Because of my sister-in-law's prejudice and the conflict between Mai Sakurajima's comeback and her mother, the two haven't seen each other for a long time.

He and Eri Kashiwagi are back and forth on their respective microblogs to slander each other, and flirt with the bosses in the group.From time to time, she was forced to read her books to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Yi Lingyuan didn't know what kind of life he was leading.

Occasionally, there will be a relaxed and comfortable feeling of "making wine with pine flowers and brewing tea with spring water".But when he got busy, sometimes Yi Lingyuan was sweating from the line news from three or four people.

The only practical plug-in at home was broken and disappeared on the roulette interface, but Yi Lingyuan found that his memory seemed to be getting stronger and even no different from before.

Thinking about it this way, it is quite guaranteed that I will live broadcast new songs in the future.

After all, the stingy lawyer who gave all his savings to his own family went to teach those trolls a lesson, and now he is really poor.

Because of the [-]th anniversary celebration of Xiao Po Station recently, Yi Lingyuan found many interesting videos.

Can't go to school, and don't have cute girls to flirt with.

Posting [Happy [-]th Anniversary] with the vast number of scumbags who peeked at the video during working hours, and barely spent another day like this.

Obviously the wound on his hand had already healed, so in order to avoid the limelight, Yi Lingyuan could only stay at home like this.

Taking advantage of the sunset, Yi Lingyuan went out to the convenience store and bought a large pack of snacks and drinks to comfort himself when it was not so hot outside but there were not many pedestrians.

After saying goodbye to the air conditioner in the convenience store, the most troublesome thing happened to Yi Lingyuan.

The elementary school students in the nearby school are out of school.

The conspicuous little yellow hats and small schoolbags are in groups of three or four, or chattering with their parents, making the whole commercial street lively.

Compared with the smiles of those businessmen, parents, or kind uncles and aunts.Yi Lingyuan just felt noisy.

Whether it's the experience of helping his aunt look after the three cousins ​​when he was a child in his previous life, or the memory of the bear kid destroying his handicrafts during the Chinese New Year, it is really hard for Yi Lingyuan to think that these children are cute.

It would be an exaggeration to say that I hate it, but it is quite correct to say that I don't know how to deal with it or that I am not good at it.

Speed ​​up your pace, and there are more obvious pedestrians in your community.

Yi Lingyuan felt comfortable after pushing open the small door of the outer courtyard and stepping into his own world.

"Welcome back!"

"Well, I'm back."

Sitting on the garden swing was Mai Sakurajima, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Yi Lingyuan remembered that the swing was built by the original owner of this house's so-called children, but it was moved away because of promotion and transfer. The swing was not used for a long time, but it was not damaged.

Seeing Mai Sakurajima and Yi Lingyuan swinging on a swing, her thoughts flew away to the night of dancing under the moon.

In comparison, Mai Sakurajima, who is wearing a normal school uniform, seems to have a different flavor when swinging on a swing.

"Why didn't you go in?"

Putting down the snacks, Yi Lingyuan walked behind Mai Sakurajima.Of course, this time it was definitely not to frighten and tease her, but to gently push the swing behind her.

"I left the key in your house and can't get in. I can't be a conch girl for you this time."

The wind from the swing blew past Mai Sakurajima's hair on her forehead, and Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but want to take a peek.

"Then you just play on the swing here so that you can take care of my nursing home?"

"Of course not~~"

The swing returned to the lowest point, Mai Sakurajima leaned her back in front of Yi Lingyuan defenselessly.

"I was waiting for you to come back."

Mai Sakurajima's words warmed Yi Lingyuan's heart, and he gently pushed the swing again.

"By the way, I have good news for you."

"What good news?"

"Ahem, actually, I have already confessed to each other with my mother."

"Ah That's good."

"The second thing is: I, Mai Sakurajima, the national idol will debut again!"

"Oh oh oh oh~~ so amazing~~"

Hearing Yi Lingyuan's flamboyant exclamation and flattery without any acting skills, Mai Sakurajima glanced at him angrily, and continued to turn her head and close her eyes to enjoy the wind passing by her ears.

"However, this time I re-signed a contract with another firm. I want to stand in the center of the stage independently of her."

"When the time comes, please leave me some autographs of yours."

Yi Lingyuan's unnutritive words made Mai Sakurajima angry.

Why is this guy so stupid, if he is obviously smarter and confesses directly to himself, wouldn't he even belong to him!

"By the way, let me ask if you have any experience in developing as an actor."

Yi Lingyuan suddenly asked this question for no reason, which made Sakurajima Mai not understand why.

"Is it possible that you want to debut with me and become a star?"

Having said this, I suddenly felt that the feasibility was really great, and Mai Sakurajima thought about it carefully.Yi Lingyuan's appearance is superior, he has great musical talent, and he has a lot of fan bases.

The more Mai Sakurajima thinks about it, the more she feels that Yi Lingyuan's debut seems to be very likely to become popular.

However, wouldn't it be very inconvenient for the two to fall in love, and they would definitely receive special attention.

Before Mai Sakurajima finished her fantasies, Yi Lingyuan turned into Kamijou and shattered her fantasies.

"I have a friend named Kazuka Nakano, who seems to be a young actress in a firm, and I want to help her."

"Is that the student you taught as a tutor?"


"Since this is the case, I will take care of her when I have time."

After Sakurajima Mai made such a promise, Yi Lingyuan felt relieved about Nakano Yihua.

"Well, I'll thank you for Yihua, Mai."

"I want yours more than her thanks."

Yi Lingyuan couldn't refuse Mai Sakurajima's resentful words.

"Okay, no matter what you ask, Mai, I will agree."

socialize with me!

Mai Sakurajima thought for a while and still didn't say this, but said softly with a complaining tone:

"You're my manager or something, I'm just sure it's impossible now. But, at least as my manager in name, you have to accompany me to my first event!-"

After a pause, Mai Sakurajima, who was swinging again, saw pedestrians returning home and children outside the wall in the air.

"When the time comes, you are not allowed to be late, you are not allowed to make excuses, and you are not allowed not to come!"

"Don't worry, I'm the manager of the famous Mai Sakurajima!"

"Besides, even if it's just to stay with you for a while, I will go."

"Hmph~~ A playboy who can coax people~"

Mai Sakurajima hummed softly, but when the swing was swinging, she couldn't hide her smile like a flower.

The swing in the wall is outside the wall, the pedestrians outside the wall, and the beautiful lady in the wall laughs.

(End of this chapter)

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