My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 177 The United Quintuplets

Chapter 177 The United Quintuplets
For now, Yi Lingyuan can finally go to school.

After a hot spot in this era has passed, no one will pay too much attention to it. Another point of the information explosion is that poets cannot remember an event for a long time.

Today a star gets married and the day after a star gets green. Unless he is an nba basketball ambassador and a trainee who has practiced for two and a half years, he will lose interest in two days at most.

The school bombing incident created by Yi Lingyuan was naturally overwhelmed by various news during these ten days.

Now even the most discussed topic in the school is Mai Sakurajima who has returned to the showbiz. Yi Lingyuan's speech seemed like a stone thrown into a lake without the slightest sound.

At the beginning, he opened the door of the class and was watched by all kinds of eyes, but the whole morning passed, and he had already returned to the previous state. After all, Yi Lingyuan had no friends.

As soon as the lunch break was over, I got kicked on the buttocks before I stood up.

Turning his head away, Touma Hesha looked out of the window calmly with his familiar face on his face.

"I didn't bring any bento today, shall I accompany you to the second music classroom tomorrow?"

"Did I say I wanted you to accompany me?"

"Ah, that's it. Then I won't go."

Touma Kazusa turned her face and her expression suddenly became rather unfriendly.

"Well, I was joking."

Yi Lingyuan, who was completely shameless in front of Dongma and Sha, easily admitted cowardice.

After seeing that Nakano Sanjiu was still waiting for him outside, Yi Lingyuan stood up again and left.

"Tomorrow, remember to come here."

After a pause, Yi Lingyuan walked past Dongma Hesha, leaving words lightly.

"I miss Mrs. Shibata's craftsmanship a little bit, and I also miss your piano sound a little bit."

Compared with the past when she was together with Yi Lingyuan, she would become more talkative and active. Today, Nakano Sanjiu, who went to the student cafeteria with Yi Lingyuan, became dull.

It was the same in class before, and Nakano Sanjiu avoided Yi Lingyuan's sight intentionally or unconsciously.

Yi Lingyuan was used to the strange eyes of the students passing by. He was a well-known person before, but now this point of staring is really nothing.

"Sanjiu seems to have something on his mind today?"

"Mmm!. Mmm."

The appearance of being hit by the rumor was too obvious, and it was the first time that Yi Lingyuan discovered that there were such easy-to-understand people in the world.

"No, nothing."

Having said that, Nakano Sanjiu looked away guiltily, the sense of uneasiness was obvious and strong.

"Is it because of the visit to the doctor?"


This time, Sanjiu Nakano quickly vetoed it.

"I thought you were dissatisfied because I concealed the matter of visiting a doctor for a while. It's talking. At that time, I didn't expect that you would go to one at the same time. Uh huh"

Before he finished speaking, Nakano Sanjiu shyly tiptoed to cover Yi Lingyuan's mouth regardless.

The two stood silently outside the courtyard and stared at each other.

"Ling Yuan, forget about that!"

"Well, even if you say that, it's somewhat difficult for others."

I no longer have the plug-in of [Memory Specialization] that can be switched on and off independently. After being broken, the memory has basically become a passive blessing.


Seeing Nakano Sanjiu's cute puffy face, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, from now on I have forgotten that Sanjiu Nakano came to visit and hid in my cupboard."

Hearing Yi Lingyuan's teasing promise, Nakano Sanjiu's face became even more charming.

"This bad idea of ​​teasing people has always, never changed"

Seeing Nakano Sanjiu lowering her head and murmuring something, Yi Lingyuan patted her on the shoulder, which made her feel like a frightened bird.

Yi Lingyuan was quite hurt by this.

This time, Yi Lingyuan, who was in a pinch, only ordered a barbecue set meal. When he saw the person next to him who seemed to be Futaro carrying the most expensive beef tongue set meal, Yi Lingyuan felt that Feng Shui was turning. .

"It's okay, at least I have an extra barbecue this time, right?"

So comforting herself, Yi Lingyuan walked across to Clover with lunch.

Apart from the fact that this heartless girl has been fighting against the hot udon noodles vigorously, the atmosphere at the table seems to be extraordinarily weird.

Nakano Wuyue was staring at her all the time, which made Yi Lingyuan look at him in confusion.

(It's all due to this stingy guy, the atmosphere among the five of them suddenly changed when he came!)

(This girl hasn't been taught by me for a few days, isn't it hard to use her brain?)

When the two were playing the man-to-man game without admitting defeat, Nakano Yotsuba found an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Three Swords Style - Lion Song Song!"

While shouting quite loudly, the movements of Nakano Yotsuba's hands were not slow at all, and quickly picked up the barbecue meat in Yi Lingyuan's bowl and the fried squid's silk in Nakano Wuyue bowl.

Under Nakano Wuyue's heartbroken and Yi Lingyuan's unprepared eyes, Nakano Yotsuba ate them contentedly one bite at a time, without thinking about it.

"Four leaves~~!"

Regarding Nakano Mayzuki's gnashing of teeth denunciation, Nakano Yotsuba grinned and rubbed her head.

"Aha~ Sure enough, the side dishes are the best in other people's bowls!"

Saying so, Nakano Yotsuba stretched her arms upwards in a victorious gesture.

Nakano Wuyue gritted her teeth and patrolled Nakano Yotsuba's bowl for a long time, but still couldn't find any side dishes that could be grabbed.


Nakano Yotsuba, who was still complacent, opened her mouth and ate it without thinking too much when she heard the doting sound of feeding.

"Hmm~~~ The barbecue is delicious~!"

"Then do you want another piece?"

With a gentle and familiar voice, Yi Lingyuan's chopsticks were still on his lips, and he felt the murderous aura coming from all directions, and Nakano Yotsuba hastily refused.

It's not just the kind of little girls who eat around [this woman who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth let Master Ling Yuan feed her! 】【Sinai, Sinai! 】 Such resentment.

Even my own sisters cast more or less jealous glances.

Hastily continuing to bury her head in eating noodles without asking about world affairs, Nakano Yotsuba secretly sighed that not only did she not relieve the embarrassing atmosphere, but instead led to an even worse situation.

"May, I will also give you a piece of barbecue."


Nakano Wuyue, who lost her IQ when she saw food, stared at the piece of barbecue that Yi Lingyuan brought over with sparkling eyes.

"Take it as compensation for eating Clover."


After eating it in one bite, Nakano Wuyue felt her happiness surged.

"It's delicious~~, Ling Yuan, you are actually a good person."

At this time, this foodie has completely ignored the sight of the outside world and the resentment of his sisters.

Yi Lingyuan couldn't laugh or cry about Nakano Wuyue's praise, who would be the one to justify things like being issued a good card after feeding himself.

Although Nakano Kazuka, Nakano Nino and Nakano Sanjiu all wanted this feeding treatment, they just looked at each other and bowed their heads silently to eat.

Today, the five Nakano sisters are as united as ever!

(End of this chapter)

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