Chapter 197 Lie
Looking around, Nakano Omaru finally chose to give up, Furui Fubo still had no expression on his face, got up from the seat and walked out at a leisurely pace.

"There is no next time."

"We are no longer the same as the previous school!"

Nakano Yotsuba shouted to Nakano Omaru's leaving back.

"I am looking forward."

Nakano Omaru walked out without looking back, and waved his hand without looking back.

"Hey, Mr. Nakano Omaru, you should pay the bill first!"

Yi Lingyuan's words caused Nakano Omaru, who had been gracefully exiting the stage, to lose his boss aura in an instant. He staggered and turned his head to the front desk, dropped a banknote and was about to leave.

"Keep the change, please!"

"Hi sir, your money is not enough. You ordered 16 desserts in total."

Once again, Nakano Omaru, who was deflated, resisted the mentality of explosion, flicked another card, and then walked away quickly.

"Puff puff ha ha ha ha ha" x4
Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yotsuba couldn't hold back their laughter any longer, they burst out laughing.

"Ling Yuan~~bad heart"

Nakano Sanjiu, who couldn't straighten up from laughing, put one hand on her lower abdomen, and wiped away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes with the fingers of the other hand.

"Father, this is really the first time he has been so ashamed."

Nakano Yotsuba recalled her childhood memories, and it was completely unexpected that the man who always had a serious and indifferent face would show this side.

Yi Lingyuan said innocently:

"I just think that if I eat so much in May and pay the bill, I will go bankrupt."

"Stingy ghost~~"

Regarding Nakano Wuyue's muttering, Yi Lingyuan raised his eyebrows.

"It's really amazing, 16 desserts. I will eat dinner made by Nino when I get home later, which is the calories."

Yi Lingyuan didn't continue to speak the rest of the words, but just gave Nakano Wuyue a look for her to ponder.

Seeing Nakano Wuyue's iconic angry bun face, Yi Lingyuan didn't try to provoke her anymore.

"However. Because Wuyue persisted in his inner beliefs and was not corrupted by the enemy's sugar-coated shells. So I decided to give you a very effective calorie-burning method when I go back!"

In a blink of an eye, being moved by the conditions proposed by Yi Lingyuan, Nakano Wuyue looked at Yi Lingyuan with bright eyes.


"Of course, there is no need for strenuous exercise."


Looking at Nakano Wuyue's appearance, she already knew what she was thinking. She must be immersed in the fantasy of eating whatever she wants without caring about her weight in the future.

Nakano Yotsuba quietly leaned against Nakano Sanku and said:
"Hey, hey, Sanjiu, why do I feel that May is being fooled by Ling Yuan?"

"That is for sure."

Nakano Sanjiu's tone was flat but sure.

"Ling Yuan is very good at deceiving people, especially girls."

Nakano Yotsuba saw Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Wuyue talking and laughing happily at this moment, and immediately felt that what Nakano Sanjiu said was very reasonable.

"But speaking of it, my shoulder hurts a lot recently."

Yi Lingyuan rubbed his shoulders pretentiously, seeing Nakano Wuyue watching him perform so unscrupulously, he could only hint more blatantly:

"Ah, if only someone could give me a massage and beat my shoulders. It would be a bad thing if I'm too tired and can't think of ways to burn calories."


At this time, Nakano Wuyue had a clearer understanding of Yi Lingyuan's brazenness.

"Of course, it's okay to forget, but I heard that there seems to be a traitor among the sisters whose everything is divided into five equal parts. No matter how you think about it, the scale must be broken."

"I'll do it! I'll just do it!"

Reluctantly, she walked behind Yi Lingyuan, and punched him on the shoulder.

There seems to be a strange scenery on the way home. Two identical sisters are walking in front with ingredients in their hands, and the boy behind him is holding a bag of rice. Behind the boy is a girl with the same face as before. Willingly give him a thump on the back.

Of course, while puffing on his shoulders, Nakano Wuyue was still unwilling to use a whisper that only he could hear:


"Always grab my food!"

"Blackmailed me for five puddings!"

"The relationship between our sisters has become strange!"



"Thank you and love you."

Yi Lingyuan, who was holding the rice and was still thinking about what dinner Nakano Nino would make tonight, could be said to have really missed something this time.

(Hey~~What will Nino do tonight? I really want to eat fried tempura, and I really want to eat eel rice. Next time I go, buy a new line of eel!)

At the same time, Nakano Sanjiu and Nakano Yotsuba, who were walking in front at the same time, walked closely together.

"Clover, thank you for your message."

"It's nothing, it's just that I wanted you, Sanjiu, to come and go shopping, and it's a mistake to develop into this."

"Besides, didn't I tell you Sanjiu a long time ago, just take him down as soon as possible. I have always supported you (you)"

Speaking of this, Nakano Yotsuba motioned Nakano Sanku to look back at the two of them.

"If you don't work hard, you have to be careful. After all, there is really no way for him to attract girls."

"It's okay, everyone competes fairly, Ling Yuan is here... I will never give up."

It seems that Nakano Sanjiu will stop hesitating when encountering something about Yi Lingyuan.

Nakano's new house

"Ding dong~~~"

, Nakano Nino, who was bored when she heard the doorbell, finally cheered up.

"Nina, we're back!"

Among the group, Nakano Yotsuba ran the fastest, and ran into the kitchen with the ingredients.

"Just put the potatoes there"

Having said that, Nakano Er Nai was obviously stunned when he saw Yi Lingyuan, Nakano Sanjiu and Nakano Wuyue coming back together.

Nakano Nino, who can't hide his emotions at all, asked with a smile:

"Looks like I'm the only one who got flashed!"

"Well, in fact, Yihua is not here~"

Nakano Yotsuba ran to Nakano Nino and waved her arms, thinking of comforting Nakano Nino.

"Yihua is for work!"

Seeing Nakano Nino's increasingly unkind appearance, Nakano Yotsuba hurriedly used her poor brain to come up with a reason:

"That. In fact, it was all a coincidence that we met Ling Yuan~!"

It's true that I and Wuyue are like this, but Sanjiu was called by me, telling lies, and Nakano Yotsuba turned her face to Yi Lingyuan who was behind her, hoping to get affirmation and support.

Unexpectedly, Yi Lingyuan turned his head away helplessly and sighing.

"Clearly knowing that your expression when you're lying is so easy to see, Yotsuba, don't be so reluctant."

"Oh, is that so?"

Nakano Yotsuba, who still didn't give up, turned around and wanted to ask Nino again for confirmation, but only Nakano Nino greeted her with pity for a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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