My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 198 The Real Weight Loss Method

Chapter 198 The Real Weight Loss Method
The hard-hit Nakano Yotsuba is facing the wall alone and thinking about her mistakes.

Interrupted by this idiot who can't tell lies at all, the atmosphere in the family became active, at least Nakano Ernan temporarily forgot that he was left at home by himself.

Swearing an oath in front of his father, Nakano Omaru, and choosing to walk down the road together with Yi Lingyuan and the six of them, Nakano Sanjiu quietly took out his books and began to study.

Of course, there is also a foodie staring at Yi Lingyuan with blinking eyes.

Yi Lingyuan kept laughing to himself because of the tangled appearance he hesitated to speak a few times, it's really funny how cute Nakano Wuyue is.

"I hammered your shoulder all the way, now you should tell me too."

Nakano Wuyue hesitated for a long time and finally spoke, with such a weak tone towards Yi Lingyuan which was rare this time.

"of course."


The unbelievable look of Nakano Wuyue was about to stand up.

According to Yi Lingyuan's personality that likes to bully himself, no matter what he thinks, he will make himself do this and that, and only tell himself a joke after watching himself carefully.

It's just that at this time, the legendary secret recipe that can consume a lot of calories is about to tell himself, and Nakano Wuyue, who was stunned by the surprise, can't care about these details.

Staring closely at every movement of Yi Lingyuan for fear of missing a trace, Nakano Wuyue saw Yi Lingyuan take out several dimly colored books from his schoolbag.

The books I usually use are all colorful or red and purple, but the real books are plain and dull, with black gray, white gray and dark yellow as the background, which is unusual at first glance.

Of course, this was Nakano Wuyue's mind, but as the name of the book came into Nakano Wuyue's field of vision, the atmosphere around her stopped.

"C language - from entry to entry"

"advanced mathematics"


"Here are the calorie-burning secrets for losing weight. This is obviously a combination of doubting life!"

Nakano Wuyue complained loudly to Yi Lingyuan when she saw these legendary books.

Even Nakano Yotsuba and Nakano Sanjiu stared at these books and silently moved their seats, sitting a little further away from Yi Lingyuan.

Yi Lingyuan, who had been prepared for a long time, stretched out his index finger and shook it, and calmly began to tell the truth that he was going to make Nakano Wuyue's success fool him again.

"Although the weight of the human brain only accounts for about 2% of the body weight, the energy consumed by the brain accounts for 20% of the energy consumed by the whole body. The energy consumed by the human body is mainly provided by sugar, fat and protein in the diet. But the human brain is using Energy material is different from other organs, it mainly relies on the oxidation of glucose in the blood to supply energy”

"What's the matter? What do you guys want to express?"

Nakano Wuyue, who hadn't figured out what Yi Lingyuan was going to say, was still talking angrily with her neck stuck, and at the same time raised her vigilance.

Nakano Wuyue still remembers the first time he and Yihua and the others met Yi Lingyuan in the student cafeteria, he used some theory of evolution to fool himself that eating more was the evolution of species.

The most hateful thing was that I believed it at the time, remembering the pain of gaining several kilograms during that time, Nakano Wuyue looked at Yi Lingyuan even more unkindly.

"The brain needs 0.1 calories per minute to survive. When you concentrate on learning, your brain consumes 1.5 calories per minute. In contrast, people consume about 4 calories per minute while walking. calories, and intense exercise burns 10 calories per minute."

Speaking of this, Yi Lingyuan began to talk nonsense in a serious manner:

"And these books here are all knowledge that can only be learned when the brain is concentrated and running at high speed."

"Usually a code or a high math problem requires you to think hard all night and you may not be able to solve it."

"Then think about it, after you finish studying these books, don't you need to consume a lot of calories every day to keep your brain running at a high speed?!"

"It doesn't seem to be the case."

What Yi Lingyuan said this time is well-founded, and those statistics can't fool anyone.

For a while, Nakano Wuyue believed it a little bit.

"Also, in May, if you think about it, if you go out to exercise, you will be very tired and easy to hurt your body. If you study these books, you can't help but improve your grades and make you thinner. Not only can you study well, but you can also lose weight. Got it?"

At this time, Nakano Wuyue, who had been completely taken into the ditch by Yi Lingyuan, felt in a daze that there was nothing wrong with it, but Nakano Wuyue, who had been cheated before, asked cautiously to be conservative:
"Philosophically, everything is dialectical and has two sides, so this method must have shortcomings, right?"

"Of course not!"

Yi Lingyuan slapped the table imposingly,
"Think about how many poor college students in the mainland of China are tortured to death by things like advanced mathematics and calculus. Didn't they all survive in the end?"

"This, this way"

In this way, the last straw that broke the camel's back also successfully completed the mission, Nakano Wuyue hesitated again and again and made up his mind to put away the three books.

Holding the three books in his arms cherishingly and complicatedly, Nakano Wuyue still did not give up and finally asked:
"Is there really no other price?"

"Of course~~ I'm not some demon from Azeroth"

Yi Lingyuan folded his hands on his chest and nodded vigorously, afraid that he would not be able to help laughing.

(The cost would be baldness at best)
Suddenly, a ferocious murderous aura came from the opposite side, and Yi Lingyuan's body became stiff when he thought of a certain traverser who was himself.

"Ling Yuan, just said what was on my mind again."

Nakano Sanjiu's flat voice broke Yi Lingyuan's last luck, he turned his neck stiffly like a robot, and forced a smirk on his face:
"That. What I said just now, in fact, you didn't hear it in May, did you?"

"Sinai! You bastard!"

"Ai ai~~hey~~~Don't. Don't read books, you have to respect knowledge in May~"

"Ghosts will respect the knowledge that people learn to be bald!"

"Yi~Ling~Yuan~you are not allowed to run away~!"

"That... If you are not satisfied with this plan, I have other books, such as medical examination books, which I think have the same effect."

In the huge five-person room organized by Nakano Yihua, Yi Lingyuan and the already blackened Nakano Wuyue were flirting with each other, and the whole room was full of joy.

From time to time, there will be a few words of reprimand from Nakano Nino who is handling the ingredients.

"That's great~~ Right, Sanjiu."

"Well, Yi Lingyuan was so handsome when he ran away."

"Uh yes...hahaha."

 Maybe, it's because God also likes Two-dimensional
  Go tm god!Why should an honest person like KyoAni, who has the conscience of the industry, suffer this kind of treatment!Why? ! 40l gasoline, 13 lives because of a mentally retarded paranoid?

  The news broadcast said that the witnesses claimed that the person who set the fire yelled: "It's disgusting to let you copy."
  It's really crazy. It's not just KyoAni who is doing this. I'm afraid the industry will really be greatly affected. I'm afraid the matter of pills in the industry is no longer a joke. Wait for the follow-up and hope that it can be handled properly and the criminals will be severely punished.

(End of this chapter)

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