Chapter 226
Is the easter egg at the end of the last chapter surprising, exciting, or unexpected?
Of course, the epilogue of the previous chapter was just a joke, let me tell you guys.

After it's over, I'll find time to write a chapter dedicated to Yi Lingyuan and Sagiri's daily drama after they get married as a postscript, so that the Sagiri party members can lie back in their coffins with peace of mind.


Since then, Izumi Sagiri, the girl's room, has horrific laughter from time to time.

It made it impossible for the people downstairs to work with peace of mind.

Teacher Izumi Masamune came back from next door with a happy face, and it seemed that he got along well with his new neighbor.

After talking with Subaru Uchimaki, Itsuki Hashima is in the stage of bursting with inspiration, and the way his fingers are flying can be said to make people feel ashamed.

With the coquettish operation of entering the police station before, it is not too early at this time. Masamune Izumi and his short-sleeved friend are working hard in the kitchen together, sweating profusely, and panting to cook a large table of delicious dishes .

Of course, it was also Yi Lingyuan who delivered the food, and by the way accompanied the little loli before coming down after eating.

Masamune Izumi, the elder brother, is already indifferent, and almost acquiesced in Yi Lingyuan's behavior, and continued to discuss with Itsuki Hashima and the others how to write his line. I heard that this guy has changed the image of the character in charge to a blonde loli look.

On the contrary, Sawamura Eriri always feels something wrong when she sees the intimacy between Yi Lingyuan and Izumi Sagiri.

It's just that her awkward personality and hesitation about whether she likes this place still bothered her, so she didn't get to the bottom of it.

five people after dinner
Yi Lingyuan played the violin hard to build up emotions for these big bosses. Teacher Izumi Masamune, who decided to make a big change in the script, also became a big touch. Sawamura Eriri looked at the computer screen alternately. , still unable to write.

This girl also revealed her problem when chatting with Teacher Eri Kashiwagi in the group before.

If she hadn't read novels or comics, and didn't have a deep understanding of the emotions of the characters, she could hardly draw anything decent.

Simply, Hashima Itsuki is almost finished writing, and Izumi Masamune's work is in charge of Mr. Eromanga, and he only needs to wait until Kasumigaoka Shiwa's work is finished before he can start painting.

And Yi Lingyuan and the others' plan is pointing at the winter comic, so they are not in a hurry now.

But speaking of this year's summer comic, Yi Lingyuan quietly took a peek at Ying Lili, and it seems that this company also has works this year.

As for Subaru Uchimaki, her sister had already called her back. It seemed that his little girlfriend was going to come to his house to return his sister's things.

Yi Lingyuan always felt that it must be another one-episode youth love comedy.

Itsuki Hashima, who finally finished the draft, sent the manuscript to Eri Sawamura with tears in his eyes.

"Hey—— woo woo. My little Ellie will be handed over to Mrs. Eri Kashiwagi."

"I see."

"Teacher Eri Kashiwagi must treat him well!"

"Are you endless?"

"Oh, my hard work. Eri Kashiwagi, you must draw a beautiful Eri!"

Seeing this guy's appearance of Baidicheng supporting Gu, the completely impatient Eriri Sawamura bared her canine teeth ferociously, scaring Hashima Itsuki to quickly return to normal.

"Anyway, the characters are all cute girls with big carvings. Hashima, you don't have to be so sad. Maybe the characters drawn by Mr. Kashiwagi are bigger than yours."

After Yi Lingyuan made a successful repair, Hashima Itsuki also fell into autism.

The three of them who had achieved something each did not stay for dinner, Hashima Itsuki, the sister-in-law, ran away with a very winking look, leaving behind Yi Lingyuan and Sawamura Eiri.

"Come on, I'll take you to the station."

"No need, I can do it myself."

"It's getting late, should I see you off?"

"It's still the time of the devil, it's not too late."

"What if you meet an idiot?"

"The law and order in Chiba is so good, it won't happen."

"I heard that there are idiots around here who specialize in attacking blond tsundere girls."

"You're talking about you, Mr. Hentai!"

Today's Miss Golden Retriever is extraordinarily smart, after refuting Yi Lingyuan's words, she walked lightly for a certain distance, and turned her head with her white neck held high, her golden twin ponytails were shining brightly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Why don't you just follow up and stay there!"

"Oh?! Oh, come on."

"Hey, did you know that this summer comic has Conan's anniversary limited edition figure for sale."

"With the slogans [Anniversary], [Commemorative Edition], and [Limited Edition], you know it's the kind of figure that is very expensive to collect money."

"I heard that there is Haibara Ai in a swimsuit."

"Buy! Must buy!"

"Cut~~ The dead house is really disgusting."

"I said, don't you want to buy Dutou Li? There should be Xiaolan's figures too."

"Don't go, there are too many people, and the lottery purchase is not reliable at all."

It's just that what Eri Sawamura didn't say was that she still had a booth selling books to look at, so she couldn't spend so much time queuing up, getting a number, and waiting for the lottery. Although she wanted it very much.

Passing by the tea shop, the thirsty Yi Lingyuan pointed to the understanding Eri Sawamura and nodded.

"What do you two want to drink? Here's a couple's special for half the price of the second cup of milk tea."

"It's not a couple."

"This heavenly party and I are mortal enemies!"

"Alright guys, here is the menu, please tell me if you need anything."

After saying this, the store boy handled the lemons in the refrigerator with a business-like smile, and muttered in a low voice:

"It's just a bunch of lovers and you still talk about mortal enemies. Is this how high school students show affection?"

The small tea shop of more than ten square meters was naturally heard clearly by the two people waiting, and they looked at each other and then quickly opened up a little distance.

In order to ease the atmosphere, something is the best choice.

"Boss, a cup of green tea."

"Boss, a cup of black tea."

The two people, who sensed the atmosphere of party struggle, looked at each other again, but this time the cremation was about to pop out.

"Where did the old man come from to drink green tea in his teens?"

"This is what I should say to you. Do you want to retire after drinking black tea now?"

"Green tea can promote body fluids and quench thirst, protect teeth and improve eyesight, and can also lower blood lipids. Black tea will only cause stomach heat and aggravate insomnia."

"Huh? Drinking too much green tea can also cause stomach cold and irritate the gastric mucosa! Black tea can nourish the stomach and relax blood vessels."

"Obviously green tea is good!"

Obviously black tea is good! "

(This couple has cat cake on their minds!)
Seeing that the people in the queue behind were startled away by these two idiot couples, the store manager said to them with a half-hearted smile:

"You two, green tea and black tea are the same tea, but the production process is different. They are still one in essence, just like you two."

(The same childishness and tm god-synchronized show of affection!)
(End of this chapter)

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