Chapter 227
Although it was already obvious that the heat was fading away, the sun did not set at all this morning.

It is red and bright, emitting a fiery light.Plants are naturally greedily absorbing sunlight and carrying out photosynthesis, but people naturally want to hide in air-conditioned rooms to save their lives.

It's a pity that the scorching summer can't stop the enthusiasm of dead houses to buy wives and their notebooks.

Mingming Xia comic will not open for nearly an hour, but there are already quite a few people carrying backpacks that look similar but different at first glance.

As for wearing support clothes and wearing T-shirts with pictures of his own wife, there are countless.

I feel that An Yilun can be regarded as handsome compared with those people.

"Ling Yuanjun, you've spoken out what's on your mind again."

Calmly, he lifted Yi Lingyuan's foot under the table, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu picked up the teacup and reminded him softly.

Sure enough, An Yilun was looking at Yi Lingyuan with a dark face and speechless.

"I said Ling Yuan, don't you have anything to say?"

"Ahem, didn't everyone come to discuss the details of today's comic exhibition?"

Directly ignoring An Yilunye's words, Yi Lingyuan pushed the booth and area map of the exhibition that had been distributed several days in advance on the desktop.

"This is the release hall of Detective Conan's random inspection figure. It is expected to open at [-] o'clock and start queuing up to get the number. One hour later, the lucky audience will be drawn."

"Here is a game with Key's new hairstyle. It seems that there was an anime called "little busters!""

The intersection on An Yilun's forehead kept popping out, and he forced a smile on his face:
"Don't just ignore me like that!"

On the contrary, Sawamura Eriri propped her cheek with one hand tiredly and watched Yi Lingyuan talking there without any movement.

"That guy has always been thick-skinned, and it's not like he doesn't know it."

Putting down the teacup, lifting Erlang's legs, the black silk-wrapped calves clung to Yi Lingyuan's legs calmly, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu tilted her head cutely and said:

"What a hypocrite."

"Then let's all talk about their respective routes. There are some things that you won't be able to buy in such a large venue. It just so happens that you can help buy one along the route."

"Why not, let's act in groups of two."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu curled the hair with her index finger, and said meaningfully.

"Baigou, you and An Yilun are also in the same group, and I'm with junior Ling Yuan."

Trying to suppress her excitement, Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke in a flat tone.

"You, you are the defeated dog! The insidious mantis girl!"

Sawamura Eriri, who was still sluggish just now, has already fought back aggressively.

"Ala, I'm really sorry, but the way you went from full of momentum to a dog in the water in just five seconds before was really impressive."

"Woooooo~~~! Xia~zhi~Qiu~shi~yu~ you old woman!"

"Excuse me, what are you talking about, I didn't hear clearly flat~chest~defeated~dog~!"

Two striking girls, one black and one gold, collided with the sparks in their eyes, and in an instant, kicks started to kick back and forth under the table.

Each of them gritted their teeth and refused to show weakness. The sound of crackling and vibrating drinks on the table attracted the attention of people nearby.

"Arnold, Eiri Shiwa-senpai, let's go first"




Yi Lingyuan just opened his mouth to try to persuade him to make peace, but was suppressed by these two people one by one.

Rubbing his painful calf with a bitter face, Yi Lingyuan also gave An Yilun a wink.

An Yilun, who received Yi Lingyuan's wink, also looked at the two women who were beating fiercely and shuddered fiercely, and quickly lowered his head to look at today's itinerary.

As for Yi Lingyuan's distress signal, coming out to mediate, etc.
Hehe, let the instigator bear the burden.

In the end, a reliable waiter came out and asked with a smile of business etiquette:

"Is there anything you two ladies need help with?"


It doesn't look like they need help. Could it be possible to give them a hammer and a sickle so that these two rivals can separate life and death?
Forget it, Yi Lingyuan always felt that he might be caught first.

"No, there is nothing to help, sorry to trouble you."

Yi Lingyuan replied politely and apologetically, while Eri Sawamura and Shiwa Kasumigaoka glared at each other, then snorted coldly and lowered their heads as they drank their drinks.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. I wish you a happy meal."

The clerk's eyebrows couldn't help trembling, and he turned back and left with a bad mood.Yi Lingyuan guessed that the clerk might not know how many words mmp he would say in his heart.

After the fight, the two women drank the drinks in front of them elegantly and exquisitely. Their calm and calm appearance made Yi Lingyuan suspect that it was just an illusion.

"Ling Yuan-jun, how do you think we should be grouped?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu lightly threw out the question, which immediately put Yi Lingyuan in a dilemma.

The drink that Sawamura Hinari was used to also flowed back because she didn't inhale, and the defeated dog also paid attention quietly.

As for An Yilun?

Forget it, Yi Lingyuan felt that it was more likely that the guy would be saved by the hatchet himself.

This question is very simple, choosing one side will hurt the other, but this question seems to be different from the usual two-choice one.

There was also this trembling An Yilun present.

"Then I'll be with you"

"Why are you grouping?"

An Yilun who had already drawn a lot on the preview booklet with a pen also suddenly spoke.

He attracted the attention of the three of them, and successfully resolved Yi Lingyuan's crisis.

An Yilun also pointed to the manual he put on the table.

"I have a lot of routes and goals for today, so should yours be the same? In this way, it is the most time-saving for the four of you to act separately, and buy the most wives' notebooks!"

At the end, An Yilun, who had inexplicably ignited, also gave out a cry of love!
Then the four people were kicked out by the clerk.

The time was almost up, and the three of them hugged Sawamura Eriri or Mr. Kashiwagi Eri's thighs and successfully walked through the aisles of those booth staff, easily avoiding the crowd and entering.

Looking back at the long queue and the desperate summer, Yi Lingyuan felt so refreshed that he wanted to make a promise to Eri Sawamura.

After walking in, Sawamura Eriri rushed to her booth first. Although her parents were helping her organize the booth, she had to go to see it herself.

After Ying Lili left, Yi Lingyuan looked at the crowd who hadn't come in at the intersection, and at the various handicrafts, knives and notebooks that had just been set up at the booth.

"Hey, Lunya, it looks like we can be the first to buy the limited release wives now."

"Liuhuajiang—! Here I come—!"

After seeing An Yilun's disappearing figure, Yi Lingyuan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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