My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 239 How many people

Chapter 239 How many people
"English pear pear."

"English pear pear."

"Huh?. Ah, I just lost my mind, Mom."

The fireworks gradually dissipated, and Eriri Sawamura came back to her senses under the soft call of her mother Sayuri Sawamura.

Sayuri Sawamura and Mr. Sabins, who was a few places away, exchanged eyes tacitly, and asked her daughter Eiri Sawamura:
"Yinglili, do you like Yi Lingyuan?"

His mother's sudden question made Eri Sawamura blushed instantly, and the redness spread all the way to her neck.

"I, I, I, I, I don't care about that guy."

Sawamura Eriri couldn't utter the remaining half of the sentence, so she stared at her big teary eyes in embarrassment.

Saiduri Sawamura, who knew her daughter well, sighed in her heart. She knew that Eiri Sawamura's current situation was probably falling.

In fact, Sayuri Sawamura has always liked that child Ai Lunya, but it is a pity that there has been an indelible gap between the two since the incident in elementary school.

Of course, An Yilun was also raised by her, but Yi Lingyuan was similar. At each gathering, the only people Yi Lingyuan would like to communicate with were herself and her husband.

There are two big ones and one small, and the three otaku fight for their favorite anime characters blushing without image at the elegant reception, which is also quite a good memory.

not to mention.
Sayuri Sawamura took a deep look at Yi Xuexin.

Even in that environment, Yi Lingyuan grew up to be so excellent, so good that there are not many in the circle of the entire Tokyo son who are not satisfied.

In contrast, Ai Lun also, no matter how biased Sayuri Sawamura herself is, she can only be said to be a good boy with a good nature.

He nodded to his husband, and Mr. Sabins responded in an understanding way.

"Then, Mr. Yi, let's settle the engagement of the two children first."

"Okay, how about we set the date for when they both graduate? This way, the two children will have enough time to spend together."

Naturally, Sabis happily agreed to this proposal that was beneficial but harmless.

The two of them immediately chatted happily about some trivial matters, and when Yi Xuexin walked over, they still didn't forget to take a meaningful look at Sawamura Eriri.

After the fireworks show, my parents didn't go back to the room to play galgame like they used to, but started a small family meeting with Eri Sawamura in the living room.



"What?! Then, that Skyfall Party wants to get engaged to me?!"

Eri Sawamura, who was suddenly bombarded by this breaking news, now feels that her mind is blank. At this moment, she has completely lost the ability to think.

"It seems that Ying Lili is not satisfied with you, so I'll call Yi Xuexin to reject him."

"do not!."

When Eri Sawamura blurted out this answer, and saw her two unscrupulous parents showing weird smiles, she knew that she must have been tricked again.

"Oh, I am very satisfied with Ling Yuan being my son-in-law."

Sabins made a rather western-style flamboyant gesture, but at the moment he was actually thinking in his heart: With Yi Lingyuan's assistance in his pocket money, he would definitely be able to buy one more, no!Two figured out!

Saidura Sawamura, a scheming elder, covered her mouth with a sneer.

(It's great, someone finally wants my daughter, otherwise it's possible to be single for ten or eight years with this awkward and arrogant personality.)
"You guys. Really."

The ashamed and angry Sawamura Eriri couldn't survive the two narrow smiles here, and ran back to her room with her head down.

The computer was still on, and the reality was the interface of Eri Sawamura before going to watch the fireworks.

After completing only two of the original 12 chapters of cg, there has been no progress.

However, the owner of this room doesn't have much time to care about Huahua anymore. He is stuck on this big pink bed, and his face is deeply buried in it, making a humming sound.

"What~~~! Married to that heavenly party..."

"Aren't I going to be bullied by him for the rest of my life!"

Rolling around and around on this big bed, Sawamura Eriri didn't even know how to describe her mood.

The sideways head was looking towards the window sill, and his eyes flicked across the cute figures that he usually had, and finally stopped at the brand new figure of Xiaolan.

"It's obvious that the Heavenly Falling Party insists on replacing it with Xiaolan's figurine. Are you an idiot? How can things like parties change at will?"

"Like me, I'm a staunch supporter of the childhood sweetheart party."

In the end, Sawamura Eriri didn't even believe her own.

His fingertips ran across the bed sheet to form a mark, but he unconsciously wrote Yi Lingyuan's name, even he himself didn't realize it.

"It's supposed to be like this. It's supposed to be like this"

[Although I am an unswerving green plum party, I am the heaven in your life from now on. 】

That night, Yi Lingyuan's words to him came back to his mind again, and Sawamura Eriri's heart suddenly twitched violently.

"As long as a girl cries, she will soft-heartedly comfort her. As long as the atmosphere and tenderness are in place, she will say such words so suddenly. Passionate! It's not trustworthy at all!"

"not at all."

Eri Sawamura would never admit it back then, but now she misses him a little.

Xia Zhiqiu Shi Yu's home


Xiazhi Shiyu stopped typing, walked barefoot to the window and closed it, felt the cold wind and the smell of fireworks mixed in it, and then firmly looked at the manuscript in her computer.

"This time is the last volume. I will definitely write words that can completely impress him, and I will use this volume to confirm my heart to him."

Winter horse and yarn home
"Why do you have time to call me?"

"Does mother need any reason to call her daughter? Could it be that I am to blame for disturbing the two-person world between you and Ling Yuan?"

The teasing sound from the phone made Touma and Sasa's already depressed mood even worse.

As a mother, Touma Yoko was keenly aware that something was wrong with her daughter at this time.

"Could it be that Ling Yuan eloped with other women and abandoned you?"

"I'm not abandoned! He went to the fireworks display with his friends from the society."

"That's it."

There was no emotion in the tone on the other end of the phone.

"Although that child promised me that he would let you spend the three years of high school happily, but if you are really snatched away by other girls... Hesha-chan, you will be in real danger."

"If you blindly suppress your emotions, then don't regret it."


(End of this chapter)

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