My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 240 My One Friend

Chapter 240 A Friend of mine

"I'm going back to my hometown for a while, you take good care of yourself."

After Hiratsuka Jing left these words and went home, Yi Lingyuan's summer vacation became more wanton, at least she didn't have to run errands for this older leftover girl in the future.

After watching the new episode of "One Piece", Yi Lingyuan subconsciously wanted to stretch, but was choked back by the pain in his ribs.

Grinning and rubbing the bruises on his ribs, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help complaining that Yukinoshita Yukino's sexual reaction that night was a little too big.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was shaken by his own words, is very cute, but he subconsciously gave him an elbow, but he knows it still hurts now.

After opening the refrigerator, he saw the empty floor after floor, and after looking at the empty kitchen after Hiratsuka was gone, Yi Lingyuan decided to buy some food to stock up.

I casually found a set of clothes in the closet. Naturally, short-sleeved shorts are the most suitable for the high temperature at noon.

"I'm going out."

Habitually yelling at the empty room, Yi Lingyuan turned the key to lock it.

The swing in the courtyard was rippling in the summer wind, and Yi Lingyuan sat on it curiously for an interview, almost scorching his ass.

Obviously, it is very pleasant without sunshine, but it is midsummer under the sun, which is really a strange time when the seasons change.

"It's really bad. It's a red light under the sun."

While waiting for the green light, Yi Lingyuan took out his mobile phone to cook for a few tens of seconds, and the office workers behind him seemed to do the same. This behavior seemed to have become a norm.


Yi Lingyuan looked at the person who took his words.

"Three Jiu?!"

"Ling Yuan."

"What a coincidence."

. . .

. . . . .

"It's great that Ling Yuan is so energetic. He hasn't come to our house since the exam."

It's not that Yi Lingyuan doesn't want to be a guest and have a meal, it's just that when he thinks of Nakano Nino's confession and the strong kiss in the back kitchen, Yi Lingyuan suddenly doesn't know how to face this girl.

"After all, it's summer vacation, so I don't need tutoring anymore, and I have no reason to go to your house."

Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Sanjiu each had a basket containing things. Yi Lingyuan browsed the yogurt and packaged ham in the dairy area in front, and Nakano Sanjiu followed behind Yi Lingyuan.

"Ling Yuan can come and play."

Seeing Yi Lingyuan put some vegetarian dumplings into the basket, Zhong Sanjiu continued:
"You can also come over and have dinner together. I can cook for Ling Yuan."

Nakano Sanjiu's words frightened Yi Lingyuan's hand holding the instant steak, and it all scattered in the freezer.

Hurrying to get Nakano Sanjiu away from this terrible idea, Yi Lingyuan directly attacked the issue that he deliberately ignored.

"Is Sanjiu here to buy something?"

"Well, I've already bought it."

Glancing at the fresh fruits and vegetables in Nakano Sanjiu's basket, Yi Lingyuan continued to ask:
"I remember there is a closer supermarket near your home, just to buy some vegetables."


Sanjiu Nakano lowered his head and said in a quick voice:

"In short, it's not because I think Ling Yuan comes here to buy things, so I walk here from time to time every day to try my luck to meet you Ling Yuan. I just came here naturally."


Nakano Sanjiu kept using her right hand to cover the basket, thinking in her heart whether the tsundere tricks she learned from TV recently would be useful.

"So Sanjiu, you can say such a long paragraph in one breath!"

Even a person with a gentle personality like Nakano Sanjiu would have the heart to beat Yi Lingyuan to death at this time.

Angry and depressed, Nakano Sanjiu saw the advertisement on the wall.

[You can participate in the lottery if you spend more than [-] yuan. The top prize is three travel coupons in xx area, and the hot spring hotel includes board and lodging]

"Hey, the first prize is the place where grandpa lives, I miss it so much."

"I prefer the second prize, and meal vouchers are more useful to me."

"It just so happens that Er Nao wants to ask me to sell something, I'll give it a try too."

When Nakano Sanjiu mentioned Nakano Nino's name, Yi Lingyuan suddenly didn't know how to respond.

"Hey, Sanjiu."


"What if... ah no, I mean a good friend of mine suddenly confessed to a girl with a good relationship, but he doesn't know how to respond to this touching emotion."

(It's Nino.)
"Then reject it."

"Huh? But... my friend was really shaken by this, the girl's emotions were so hot that he couldn't bear to refuse, but..."

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, reject her."

"No way."

Yi Lingyuan looked at Nakano Sanjiu whose face was still not fluctuating much, and muttered softly:
"I always feel that Sanjiu is particularly aggressive today."

"I think Ling Yuan's friend should meet someone who confesses to him."

Yi Lingyuan was confused by Nakano Sanjiu's sudden words. Didn't he object to it just now?
"If the suggestion of rejecting her has been firmly proposed many times but has not been adopted or shaken, it is probably between the two who have feelings."

Nakano Sanjiu's tone was full of complex emotions such as envy, sadness and longing, and continued to say:
"It's about my friend, too."

"She always wanted to confess, but she lacked confidence, so she never said it."

"It is said that once the words are spoken, the two cares cannot be restored."

"So, confessing is really a matter of courage."

"Friends of Ling Yuan, please respond well."

Hearing this, how could Yi Lingyuan not know that her excuse has been seen through, but Nakano said that she didn't point it out, and this girl is also using this to convey her thoughts in a subtle way.

"I'm looking forward to your friend's determined confession."

"It will surprise you, Ling Yuan."

 I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore after getting up early to practice the car these days. I will write the update of the "Xian Fan Yong Ge" helmsman tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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