My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 272 Endless Warmth

Chapter 272 Endless Warmth
"No, is the syllable here in a falling tone?"

Yi Lingyuan's piano sound stopped again, and Dongma Hesha, who was playing the violin, also put down the bow in his hand, and wrote and drew on the staff with the pen in his hand.

Touma's brows were always furrowed, and he was not satisfied with this part of the song.

"Since you don't have any inspiration, don't force it anymore. Let's rest for a few days. Touma, you have been staying up late these days, right?"

Yi Lingyuan got up from the piano seat, walked to Dongma Hesha and stared at her pale face worriedly.

"No, there are still ten days until the 28th. Your game will be released on that day. We need to write the final ending song as soon as possible."

Yi Lingyuan simply snatched the pen from Dongma Hesha's hand, and immediately picked up the princess who was standing on her waist.

"what are you doing?"

Dongma Hesha beat Yi Lingyuan's shoulder in panic and shame, but the strength in this hand was much less than before when he beat himself.

"Of course I want you to take a good rest."

Ignoring Dongma and Sha's struggle, Yi Lingyuan carried her into the room forcefully.

It's already December and 12th, and these days Yi Lingyuan doesn't go to the service department after class and hurts each other with Yukino Yukino, and after going to Nakano's house to hand over the five pickle girls, he and Touma Kazusa are together Constant arrangement in my own home.

Mrs. Shibata also said hello to Yi Lingyuan. Mrs. Shibata has been watching the relationship between the two for almost two years. Now Dongma and Sha are going to stay at Yi Lingyuan's house and Mrs. Shibata is naturally very happy.

On the day Touma and Sasa had just packed up and left, she quietly called Ms. Yoko to announce the good news.

Counting it now, Touma Kazusa has stayed at her home for four days, and Hiratsuka Shizuka is already jealous and will stay at her home for a while.

Yi Lingyuan was at a loss as to how he should deal with the relationship between him and Hiratsuka Jing.

0:34 am.

After Dongma and Sha fell asleep, Yi Lingyuan struggled for a long time to break free from her grasp, and took off the sweater that Dongma and Sha had grasped tightly. Debug changes against various notes on the table.

Gradually, the eyelids kept fighting, and after I closed my eyes again, it was the next morning.

"Well, the next step is to put some scallions on it?"

"How long can it be served after putting chopped green onion?"

"Huh? Is it so fast? Will the chopped green onion be undercooked?"

"Why put it if you don't need to be familiar with it? For the sake of looking good?!"

"Do you really know how to cook?"

"When you blame me for being stupid again, think about it carefully. Have you ever taught your daughter to cook?"

Touma Kazusa clamped the phone on his left shoulder, and hurriedly boiled a pot of lean meat porridge. From the tone of his voice, he should be communicating with Ms. Touma Yoko.

Yi Lingyuan thought of the days when he and Mai Sakurajima lived together in a trance, and it was so warm.

"There is no more unreliable mother."

Dongma Hesha angrily put the phone on the stove aside, stared at the pot of white porridge for a long time, still thinking about whether he should pour it out, rinse it and make another pot.

"Your communication has become quite normal recently."

Yi Lingyuan hugged Dongma Hesha's waist from behind, and clearly felt that her body instantly became stiff. This feeling of being at a loss made Yi Lingyuan feel even more proud.

"No, I just asked her for help as a last resort."

Dongma Hesha turned his little head aside awkwardly, rejecting Yi Lingyuan's statement.

"How's the song writing going?"

"It's a pity that I have modified a lot, but I still feel that it is not enough charm."

"You clearly said that I was not allowed to stay up late, but you did it yourself. You are really too much."

"Well, how about I try your porridge?"

Avoiding Dongma Hesha's complaints, Yi Lingyuan proceeded with this proposal with great interest.I haven't seen Touma and Sasha cook, but I think it should be much higher than my own level, right?

"Let me tell you first, the food I cook is not delicious."

"I think the one made by Dongma must be delicious."

Regarding Yi Lingyuan's words, Dongma Hesha basically didn't believe 1 people, but they still took a spoon to put a spoonful on him and handed it to his mouth.

Yi Lingyuan still held Dongma and Sha in his arms with attachment, and ate a spoonful of rice porridge in one gulp, and then...
Let go of the hand holding Touma Hesha and quickly ran to the trash can, spit the porridge into it, and said to Dongma Hesha with a bitter face:

"Touma~~ You learned how to cook from Yuigahama."

This man who was still swearing in the front foot did such a thing in the back foot, Dongma Hesha was even more angry, his teeth were itchy, his gentle face was replaced by a cold one, and he walked out with a cold snort.

Dongma Hesha picked up the music score on the table, then went back to his room to collect his luggage, and was about to leave.


Yi Lingyuan, who thought that Dongma Hesha was really angry, hurried forward to show off her cuteness with a pure face.

Seeing Yi Lingyuan sternly pestering him not to leave, Dongma Hesha didn't feel any anger left in his heart.

"I told you, don't be cheeky and act like a baby."

Saying so coldly, Touma Kazuya still added another sentence.

"I just go back for a day, after so long, Aunt Shibata will be worried."

After finishing speaking, Touma Kazusa smiled proudly and arrogantly again.

"Remember to ask me for today's leave."

Seeing Dongma Hesha striding tall and long legs, the figure of a model is driving the black windbreaker hunting, and the "pound" sound of boots stepping on the floor is very clear in the cold air. '

Yi Lingyuan packed up his things and prepared to go to school, and couldn't help humming a brisk song while doing these things.

Some people look cold on the outside, but when you walk into her heart, what you see in your eyes is full of warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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