Chapter 273
Yi Lingyuan came out relatively early, and most of the students were still eating or packing at home during this time.

After eating something casually at the Lawson convenience store, Yi Lingyuan waited at the intersection of the red street light.

A cold north wind blew by, Yi Lingyuan pulled the pure black scarf around his neck.

From the angle of view, I can see my own compass plug-in list at a glance, and all kinds of devastating skills are displayed there.

Yi Lingyuan sighed deeply, and turned into a cloud of white mist in midair.

I always feel that if I am a male protagonist of light novels, the title of the book must be "I Can Kill Gods and Travel to Daily Life, I Must Have Made a Mistake", and it is really useless to have these things in a world without demons.

"You can give me something useful, cooking proficiency or something, cold resistance or something like that."

【Fairy Ball】

[The legendary super magic, one of the three magics of Fairy Tail, the invincible protection ball. 】

Yi Lingyuan: "."

(I thank you!)
(Can you give me something low-level, this kind of thing that is against the sky at every turn, I beg you to leave me alone!)


When Yi Lingyuan was distracted and complaining, a certain cheerful dumpling had already touched his back, and jumped on him from behind, making Yi Lingyuan subconsciously drop the schoolbag in his hand and hold Yubihama Yui's thigh.

The soft cotton gloves with a puppy pattern stuck to his chin, very warm.

"Duanzi, why don't you go to play with Yotsuba these few days, I feel like I'm getting more and more flamboyant now."


Seeing the scattered waiting people around, Yubihama Yui jumped off Yi Lingyuan embarrassedly, and Yi Lingyuan also took this opportunity to pick up his schoolbag.

"Xiao Yi hasn't come to the service department for four days, and it's been a long time since the three of them went out together."

Yuigahama Yui imitated Nakano Yotsuba's bulging face, which was so cute, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but want to pinch it.

Of course, he did so, every time Yi Lingyuan made troubles, Yubihama Yui always let herself go, she was really soft-hearted.


Yi Lingyuan was a little hesitant. The work he, Itsuki Hashima, and Masamune Izumi were working together was short of the last ending song.

Seeing Yi Lingyuan's hesitation, Hihama Yui thoughtfully proposed a way out.

"Sure enough, forget it. Xiao Yi has been so busy recently. And that work must have put a lot of effort into it, so we still do."

The biting winter wind made Yuigahama Yui shrink her neck subconsciously, feeling the cold air pouring into her collar.

"It just so happens that Dongma is also resting today, so I'll give myself a vacation too."


It was the green light, and Yi Lingyuan walked quickly towards the opposite street.

Yuigahama Yui followed behind him with small steps, holding his schoolbag in both hands.

"Really? Xiao Yi won't lie to me, will he?"

Arriving at the opposite street, Yi Lingyuan turned around and was about to answer when he saw Yubihama Yui shrinking his neck.

"it is true."

He untied his scarf and wrapped it around Yuigahama Yui's neck.

"It's cold today."

Saying so, Yubihama Yui was about to take it off and return it to Yi Lingyuan.

"I'm more resistant to cold, if it doesn't work, I can put a [Fairy Ball] to keep warm."

"Xiao Yi, he's suffering from secondary illness again."

After the two declined, Yi Lingyuan came up with a compromise.Half of the long black scarf was wrapped around Yubihama Yui's body and the other half was wrapped around Yi Lingyuan's body. I have to say that buying a long scarf is a good choice.

Apart from the fact that the two of them have to be close together and not be too far apart, there are no major disadvantages.

"In this case."

Yubihama Yui lowered his head and awkwardly took off the puppy-patterned glove on his left hand and handed it to Yi Lingyuan, and changed his schoolbag to his right hand.

"Xiao Yi didn't wear gloves, so we have one for each of us."

Yi Lingyuan took Yubihama Yui's gloves and learned to let his left hand hold the schoolbag, and his right hand took Yubihama Yui's left hand and put them in his coat pocket together.

"Is it warm?"


The students who went to study early during this time period all speeded up their pace after seeing it.

In the cold winter, struggling to get up from the bed to go to school is already miserable enough, and the days of eating dog food early in the morning are simply not human.

in lesson
Yi Lingyuan was very uncomfortable with the empty desk behind her, but Nakano Sanjiu was able to keep up with the lessons in class now.

Yi Lingyuan, who had nothing else to do, simply stared at Hiratsuka in a daze, feeling that her graceful figure writing on the blackboard became more and more attractive.

Aware of Yi Lingyuan's undisguised eyes, Hiratsuka Jing met his eyes and then quickly turned back.

After seeing Yi Lingyuan for four days, I somehow feel that Hiratsuka Jing is more beautiful than before.

(No wonder it is said that distance produces beauty. I really miss Xiaojing after four days of absence.)
(What is this guy doing again, looking at me with burning eyes is definitely not thinking of anything good, but should I go back?)
(To go back or not to go back?)

"Ah no~~ Hiratsuka-sensei?"

The study committee member in the front row slightly disturbed Shizuka Hiratsuka's current state, and withdrew his mind to glance at the writing on the blackboard he wrote.

【go back】

【not going back】

【go back】

【not going back. 】

A text like this was written in two lines.

"Cough cough."

Hiratsuka tried her best to keep a straight face and quickly erased the writing on the blackboard. Fortunately, her usual majesty (physics) was good, and no one dared to talk too much, so the class continued like this.

After waiting for the afternoon class to end, Yi Lingyuan didn't go to the service department.

The three of them had already made an appointment, and Yi Lingyuan had to finish teaching the five pickle girls first.

After I went to the sports department to pick up a sporty Nakano Yotsuba, I gave them the scheduled lessons as usual.

One by one were quietly competing, Yi Lingyuan could only pretend to be stupid for no reason.

It was Nakano Wuyue who had been waiting so calmly.

After rushing home and changing clothes, Yi Lingyuan went to meet Yuigahama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino.

(End of this chapter)

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