Chapter 274 Sad Story


Yubihama Yui's energetic voice pierced Yi Lingyuan's ears from a long distance away.

Yukino Yukinoshita stood there quietly, jumping up and down happily from Yui Hihama to Yi Lingyuan, and kept waving at Yi Lingyuan.

The cold wind of the winter night at this time could no longer stop her nature, Yi Lingyuan reckoned that if Yukinoshita Yukino was not there, Yubihama Yui would have rushed over.

"I've kept you waiting."

Panting heavily, Yi Lingyuan hurried over quickly, the time wasted at the home of the five Nakano sisters was really too much.

In the past, Yi Lingyuan used to have dinner or stay there from time to time, but now they are not used to leaving so early.

Nakano Wuyue kept sending text messages accusing Yi Lingyuan of his recent indifference.

"Well (three beeps) it's okay, we didn't have to wait long."

"It's only 10 minutes, it's not to the point where you commit suicide and apologize."

Yubihama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino's two completely different answers, on the contrary, made Yi Ling feel extraordinarily at ease.

After so long, Yukinoshita Yukino's venomous tongue Yi Lingyuan has formed immunity, and Yi Ling feels that he has completed the evolution of his species to a certain extent.

What a great progress in human history!
"Then let's go eat hot pot."


Yi Lingyuan answered Yuigahama Yui's question.

"It's the inland Sichuan-Shu hot pot."

"Yuyi shouldn't be able to eat such spicy food. We'd better eat Beijing-style copper hot pot."

Yukinoshita Yukino refuted Yi Lingyuan's proposal.

"Copper pot?"

Yuihama Yui is like a curious baby. She has never tried Sichuan hot pot or Beijing-style copper pot.

"That's not bad."

When Yi Lingyuan thought of the deliciousness of the Beijing-style hot pot, he missed it very much.

"By the way, only sesame dipping sauce is orthodox!"

"Do you still want to dip in sesame juice?!"

Yuigahama Yui, who always eats sukiyaki with aseptic eggs, feels that this way of eating is like discovering the American continent.

At this time, our Xuebai classmate started her serious science popularization.

"Sichuan-Shu hot pot in the south mostly uses dried sesame seeds, crushed peanuts, green onion and coriander, etc. to make oil dishes. The dipping sauce of Beijing-style hot pot in the north is mostly sesame juice, adding fermented bean curd, chives, etc. for adjustment."

"If you eat Beijing-style hot pot, which is very representative in the north, it is best to use sesame sauce as a dipping sauce."

"Oh, is it such a trouble to eat hot pot?"

For a Yuigahama Yui who can only eat sukiyaki with eggs, these things are really difficult to understand.

"Then you just wait for me to eat the dipping sauce I made for you."

Yi Lingyuan patted Yuigahama Yui's small head with a smile, immediately cheering up her who was downcast.

"Let's go~~ I'm going to eat hot pot!"

. . .

. . . . .

A hot pot meal is the most palatable in cold winter.

When the three of them were full and went out, they felt that the oncoming cold wind had become fearless. The feeling of warmth from the inside out and the sufficient energy brought by their full stomach made them unable to bear it. Walked around the street for a while.

Even in winter, the flickering lights, bustling streets, and crowded crowds have never changed.

The three of them passed a greasy couple, and the boy grabbed the girl's hand and put it in his coat pocket, which was very sweet.

Yubihama Yui subconsciously glanced at Yi Lingyuan who was beside him, and keenly observed the envy in Yukino Yukino's eyes. His mood immediately became better, and his eyes were so curved that they were about to become a pair of crescent moons.

(This is something that Xiao Yukino doesn't even have.)
Thinking of this, Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but smirk, Yukinoshita Yukino quietly pulled Yi Lingyuan's sleeve and asked softly in his ear:
"Yui, what happened to her?"

"I don't know too well, I didn't understand the sudden smirk just now."

"What strange change she has must have something to do with you."

"You are too absolute, you must pay attention to evidence."

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Xue Nai, stop whispering there~~~"

Yuigahama Yui pushed a person from behind with one hand to make them continue to walk.

"Say you're here for shopping, don't just stay where you are~~"

Yuihama Yui excitedly dragged Yukinoshita Yukino to a store, where all kinds of trinkets that girls like were displayed everywhere.

"Does Xiaoxue Nai want to change to a more beautiful headband?"


"I feel that the red headband on Xiao Yukino's head is too simple. Xiao Yukino is so beautiful but she can control a lot of beautiful accessories~~"

I took the hair rope recommended by Hihama Yui and compared it on my own hair, and the effect was good.Yukino Yukino looked at Yi Lingyuan questioningly.

"Scum Yi, what do you think?"

"Well, that's great. Yukinoshita, you can match various colors with ease."

It's a pity that Yukinoshita Yukino still didn't choose to buy this.

"Don't you like it? It feels very suitable for you."

"I just prefer the red one I chose."

Yukinoshita Yukino touched the cheap ordinary red headband, but she had some deep meaning when she answered.

"That's it! It's Mr. Pan, the pirate!"

Yuhihama Yui happily dragged Yukinoshita Yukino to Mr. Pan's doll area.

"Woo┗|`O′|┛哩~~ I am Mr. Monkey d. Pan, the One Piece King, please give me the road money~~"

Yuigahama Yui used the pirate Mr. Pan to say all kinds of interesting lines in front of his face, which made Yukinoshita Yukino smile constantly.

"Are you the One Piece? I am the God Slayer, the Saint, and the one who holds the Fairy Ball. Come and fight me!"

The playful Yi Lingyuan also took a Mr. Pan to fight with her.

"I'm defeated, let me be your partner."

The doll in Yubihama Yui's hand surrendered at the speed of light and applied to surrender to the enemy, which Yi Lingyuan never expected.

"Did you admit defeat so quickly? It's a bit of a resistance."

"No, I still want to be by Xiao Yi's side. Being Xiao Yi's enemy is completely impossible."

"In that case, we are about to embark on our brave journey to challenge the Great Demon King under the Snow. Are you ready, follower of the brave?"

"I'm ready, brave."

"Go ahead!"

"Oh go~~!"

The great devil under the snow releases the freezing light.

The brave Yi Lingyuan was defeated.

Yui Hihama, the follower of the brave, defected to the enemy again.

What a sad story.

(End of this chapter)

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