gourmet restaurant

Chapter 620 Delicious F National Dish

Chapter 620 Delicious F National Dish
Cherry foie gras, molecular cuisine.This is a new way of cooking.

Soak the foie gras with milk, remove the fascia, then add black pepper, brandy, and rum to marinate for [-] hours.The foie gras is cooked to maturity after being vacuum-sealed and cooked at low temperature.Then the foie gras is broken into puree, put into the mold and frozen.

Squeeze the juice from the cherries, add carrageenan to heat, put the shaped foie gras in liquid nitrogen to cool, then add the cherry juice for coloring.

Finally, put on the cherry base, and a piece of cherry foie gras that is almost fake is ready.

Jiang Yang picked up a cherry foie gras and put it in his mouth. It felt cold in the mouth, followed by the fruity aroma of the outer layer of cherry.After the foie gras is marinated with brandy and rum, the taste is more delicate. The two wines also add different flavors and texture levels to the foie gras.

Compared with the two kinds of foie gras, Jiang Yang prefers the taste of traditional foie gras.However, the appearance and richer taste of cherry foie gras are also deeply loved by Jiang Yang.There is no difference between the two types of foie gras, and different cooking methods can cook the same ingredient in different ways.

This molecular cuisine gave Jiang Yang a different experience, but it didn't shock Jiang Yang.

In fact, the so-called molecular cuisine, Huaguo has long had a similar cooking method.It's just that the name is not so tall.The most common one is tofu, which is made by grinding soybeans into pulp and condensing them with alkali.

To change the shape of food by means of cooking, isn't this just molecular gastronomy?
After eating two more dishes, Jiang Yang still didn't feel full.This is probably one of the characteristics of F national cuisine - less!

Jiang Yang got up and went to look for food again. He wanted to eat all the food here, but it was a pity that he was not a big eater.

Although the amount of each dish in F country is small, it can't stand the large amount. There are all kinds of dishes, and if you try them all, you will definitely not be able to eat them.

Jiang Yang was looking for the delicacies he wanted to eat, but it was a pity that he had to wait for every dish.

There are only so many chefs who cook, how can the few chefs brought from country F be able to cook?
Jiang Yang got the next dish, F-style baked snails!This dish is not a new dish for Jiang Yang. Chef Raj Reddy from country F also cooked this dish at the old man's birthday banquet.

However, Jiang Yang still wants to taste it. After all, how can one not eat snails when it comes to F national cuisine?
Sometimes how to put it, the dishes cooked by people with high cooking skills are really different.

Raj Reddy has also cooked this dish, but the F-style baked snails he cooked are different from the F-style baked snails cooked by Michelin chefs today. Although the method is not much different, the taste is very different. .

After Jiang Yang ate it once, he no longer felt disgusted by the snail.One bite at a time, the meat tastes rich and delicious.

Jiang Yang had just finished enjoying this dish, and was thinking of getting another dish to eat.But Jiang Yang held back, eating too many different dishes at once would make the taste less sensitive.Therefore, Jiang Yang chose to rest for a while before continuing.

Anyway, it's still early, and there's no need to worry about the whole day.

Jiang Yang came to the bow of the boat, leaned on the railing and looked at the sea.No matter how many times you look at it, you will be struck by its vastness when you see the sea again.

Through the sea surface, Jiang Yang could vaguely see the school of fish in the sea.It's just that the ship has not arrived yet, so it is far away.

"Are you from Huaguo?" A gentle female voice rang in Jiang Yang's ear, also speaking Huaguo dialect.

Jiang Yang looked over in surprise, she was a very beautiful girl, wearing a long skirt, under the blowing sea breeze, she had a beautiful feeling.

Fortunately, Jiang Yang has been tested by Meng Wanqiu for a long time, and his resistance to beauty has greatly increased, and he is not addicted to the beauty of the other party.

"I'm from Huaguo, so are you?" Jiang Yang was surprised.

He didn't expect to meet a girl who could speak Huaguo dialect.

"Hello, my name is Tang Jie, and I'm also from Huaguo." Tang Jie said in Mandarin.

Jiang Yang also said: "Hello, my name is Jiang Yang."

"Are you a chef?" Tang Jie asked.

Jiang Yang froze for a moment: "How do you know?"

Tang Jie covered her mouth and smiled, "I saw you at the reception last night. After all, you were quite...'unique' last night."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang couldn't help but smile wryly.He understood Tang Jie's meaning, it should be quite unique, after all, he was the only one in the whole reception who didn't wear formal clothes.

"Are you a chef too?" Jiang Yang asked.

Because Tang Jie was able to board the ship to participate in this world cuisine exchange meeting, she should also be a chef.

Tang Jie shook her head and said, "I'm not a chef, I'm here to play with my parents."

"Playing?" Jiang Yang asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Tang Jie said.

Looking at Jiang Yang's puzzled look, Tang Jie said in surprise, "Don't you know about the sale of tickets for the World Cuisine Exchange?"

Jiang Yang shook his head.

"Okay, then let me tell you. As early as a few months ago, Michelin began to sell tickets for this exchange meeting. World-class food and luxury cruises are very tempting. So this ticket is very good. It's gone long ago, and we managed to get it." Tang Jie explained.

Jiang Yang suddenly realized, no wonder he saw so many people boarding the ship yesterday, and there were many young people at the reception.So this is ah!
Most of the people on board should not be chefs, but tourists who participated in this exchange meeting!

"By the way, were you brought onto the boat by the elders?" Tang Jie blinked and looked at Jiang Yang.

In her opinion, Jiang Yang was so young, he should have been brought on board by his elders.As for Jiang Yang being invited by Michelin, Tang Jie thinks it is unlikely.

Tang Jie knew very well about some things about the World Cuisine Exchange Conference, and knew that invited chefs could bring a family member on board.

Hearing the words, Jiang Yang thought for a while and said, "Forget it... yeah."

Culinary masters such as Yang Cheng and Wu Bushou can be regarded as Jiang Yang's elders, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him being brought on board by the elders.

Tang Jie brightened her eyes and said, "That's great! You can come on the boat without paying any money."

"Uh..." Jiang Yang was speechless.

"Is the ticket... expensive?" Jiang Yang asked.

Tang Jie nodded again and again: "It's expensive, tens of thousands of RMB per person."

When Jiang Yang heard the words, he stopped talking immediately.Tens of thousands per person is indeed quite expensive!

But if you think about it, it's actually not that expensive.Leaving aside luxury cruise ships, it is usually not easy for these master chefs and Michelin-starred chefs to eat dishes prepared by so many top chefs at the same time.And... Tens of thousands are not always enough!
This girl Tang Jie, also from Huaguo, is a very lively and talkative girl. After chatting with Jiang Yang for a while, she was basically talking and Jiang Yang was listening.

In fact, Jiang Yang was quite happy to meet this girl.It's not because of Tang Jie's beauty, nor because Jiang Yang likes others, but because of the pure joy of meeting a compatriot abroad.

Tang Jie didn't chat with Jiang Yang for too long before she was called away by her parents. After a short rest, Jiang Yang decided to continue tasting delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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