gourmet restaurant

Chapter 621 Yang Cheng visits Jiangyang at night

Chapter 621 Yang Cheng visits Jiangyang at night
The F national cuisine special lasted for one day, and it was not cleared until the evening.

The day's activities did not seem to make these tourists feel tired, and they participated in the evening entertainment with great enthusiasm in the evening.

Tang Jie also invited Jiang Yang to go with him, but Jiang Yang refused.

He was about to go back to his room to rest, but not long after he got back into the room, someone knocked on the door.

Jiang Yang opened the door, and standing outside was Yang Cheng.

"Can I come in?" Yang Cheng asked with a smile.

Jiang Yang stepped aside quickly and said, "Please!"

Yang Cheng smiled and walked in.

"Didn't go to the reception today?" Yang Cheng said with a smile.

"I don't want to go." Jiang Yang said while sitting on the bed.

"Young people should learn more, maybe there will be an unexpected encounter." Yang Cheng said.

Jiang Yang smiled and shook his head.

Yang Cheng also stopped making this joke, and asked instead.

"How was the stay?"

"It's good, but I'm not used to living on a cruise ship for the first time." Jiang Yang said truthfully.

"Hahaha, just get used to it, just get used to it." Yang Cheng smiled and said.

After a pause, he asked again, "How do you feel today?"

Jiang Yang knew that he was asking about dishes, not anything else.

"F national cuisine can occupy such a high position in the world, it really has its own uniqueness. Today F national cuisine opened my eyes." Jiang Yang said.

"Wait for a few more days, and you will find that there are many unexpected delicacies in this world. Their cooking has its own characteristics." Yang Cheng said.

Jiang Yang nodded, and he also looked forward to it.This World Cuisine Exchange Meeting doesn't seem so boring.

"I'm here today because I have something to tell you." Yang Cheng said.

Jiang Yang knew that the real drama was coming, if he only asked himself those questions, there was no need to come to him now.

"Mr. Yang, tell me," Jiang Yang said.

"The day after tomorrow is our Huaguo cuisine special, and then we will cook dishes like today's F country chefs." Yang Cheng said.

Jiang Yang nodded. He was not surprised at what Yang Cheng said.Since there is a special session of F national cuisine, there must be a special session of Chinese national cuisine. It will be a matter of time.

"Jiang Yang, you are the youngest among the chefs who participated in the meeting. So I think you will be troubled and cook a few more dishes. Our old bones can't stand too much trouble." Yang Cheng was very upset Sincerely speaking.

"This is no problem." Jiang Yang agreed without hesitation. What did he think it was, if it was just this, there would be no problem.

For Jiang Yang, cooking dishes is not difficult. He enjoys the cooking process and can harvest happiness points. Why not do it?

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Jiang Yang would refuse. If Jiang Yang refused, the chefs would be more tired.Originally, a day's cooking was a big burden for them. If they were more tired, they would probably suffer from exhaustion at the end of the day.

In fact, this kind of example has not happened before.The culinary masters who can come to participate are basically older. After an exchange meeting, the waist may be flashed.

This can't be helped, the World Cuisine Exchange Conference, although it is an exchange meeting, but chefs from various countries will also secretly compete.Their elders value the country more than anything else, so how could they lose the face of the motherland because of their own health?

Jiang Yang was able to agree to take on more dishes, and Yang Cheng felt a lot more relaxed.

"By the way, Mr. Yang, I have a question." Jiang Yang said as if he suddenly remembered something.

Yang Cheng smiled and said kindly: "Just tell me, you can ask anything."

"When we cook, do we cook all master-level dishes? Or what?" Jiang Yang asked.

He didn't ask this question casually. Master-level dishes are different from ordinary dishes. The dishes seem to be the same, but for the chef, the degree of difficulty is different.

If all of them cook master-level dishes, then Jiang Yang has to prepare well.

Hearing this, Yang Cheng said with a smile, "Of course not! If you cook all master-level dishes, you must not be exhausted! In fact, we only need to cook like dishes, and there is no need to cook master-level dishes. Apart from us, other countries are the same. I want to see, have you eaten master-level dishes today?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yang thought carefully about the dishes he ate today, and there really wasn't a single master dish.He thought that he was unlucky and failed to get the master-level dishes, but now it seems that this is not the case.The feeling is that everyone does not cook master-level dishes.

Yang Cheng asked with a smile, "Any other questions?"

Jiang Yang thought for a while and said, "There is really a problem. What about the ingredients we need to use? Shall we report it now?"

Yang Cheng pointed to the bottom of the room and said: "I have brought all the ingredients. Don't worry, the ingredients are still very complete. You don't have to worry about this. Kitchen utensils and other Michelin officials will also prepare them."

Jiang Yang looked down in surprise, all with... What a rich man!

"Are there any questions?" Yang Cheng asked.

Jiang Yang shook his head and said, "No more. Thank you, Mr. Yang."

Yang Cheng waved his hand and said, "It should be us who should say thank you."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, go to rest early." Yang Cheng said.

Jiang Yang sent Yang Cheng out the door and closed the door when he came back.

After Yang Cheng came out of Jiangyang's room, he came to a part of the cruise ship, where six old people were talking together.

Seeing Yang Cheng approaching, they immediately stood up and asked concerned: "How is it?"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Jiang Yang agreed."

Shao Dongsheng said: "It's great, finally there is an exchange meeting that can be relaxed."

Yang Cheng also nodded with a smile. The chefs participating in each exchange meeting are different, but the chefs of each session don't want to participate in the second session after participating.

Wu Bushou said: "Jiang Yang has helped us so much, we should repay Jiang Yang."

As soon as Wu Bushou's words came out, everyone immediately agreed with him.

"Extremely extreme!" Xia Hong said.

Guan Dinghua: "I think it should be the same."

Huang Huaixing: "I have no objection."

Lu Zhen: "However, the question is how should we repay Jiang Yang? Cooking advice? He is also a real master of cooking."

Lu Zhen's words made everyone fall into thinking. It is indeed the case. Jiang Yang is already a culinary master, and there is too little that can be repaid to him.

Shao Dongsheng: "How about... we introduce some contacts to Jiang Yang?"

Yang Cheng: "No, you know that those people are arrogant. Their cooking skills are not recognized by them, and it is useless to introduce them. On the contrary, it will make them look down on Jiang Yang."

Xia Hong spread his hands: "That means there is nothing to repay Jiang Yang?"

"You can't say that. I have a solution, but it still needs everyone's cooperation." Yang Cheng thought for a while and said.

"What way, Lao Yang, you are in the Year of the Rat." Wu Bushou said.

Yang Cheng said a few words in a low voice, and everyone clapped their hands and said: "Old Yang, your method is better, you are the best."

Yang Cheng smiled modestly: "Then the matter is settled like this."


"no problem."


(End of this chapter)

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