gourmet restaurant

Uneasiness and fear

Uneasiness and fear

After Jiang Yang finished his phone call, he was alone on the deck in a daze.

"What are you doing here?" Tang Jie came to Jiang Yang at some point.

"Just called my girlfriend." Jiang Yang laughed.

"Oh? Jiang Yang, you already have a girlfriend? Are you beautiful?" Tang Jie asked again and again.

"Well, it's very beautiful." Jiang Yang laughed.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

It is normal to have a sea breeze at sea, but this wind is different, with a touch of weirdness.

"The wind is so cold!" Tang Jie touched her arm and said.

Jiang Yang also felt the coldness of this wind, which seemed to be different from the general sea breeze.

I don't know when, the sky is no longer a clear sky, but dark clouds cover the sun.

Tang Jie looked up and said worriedly, "It's not going to rain."

Jiang Yangwen looked up and said, "I don't know."

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it hurts people's faces when it blows on them.

Tang Jie was wearing a skirt, and under the wind, the skirt was blown up and fluttering. Tang Jie firmly held down the hem of the skirt so that it wouldn't get blown up, even though she was wearing safety pants.

"Why don't you go back to your room." Jiang Yang said to Tang Jie.

Tang Jie nodded: "Then I'll go back first."

After Tang Jie left, Jiang Yang looked at the darkening sky and felt a sense of depression in his heart.

Most of the people resting on the deck also returned to their rooms.

Jiang Yang didn't go back.

He looked at the sky, feeling more and more depressed in his heart.

The wind got stronger, blowing the waves of the sea to beat the boat.

"Everyone, please go back to the room! Everyone, please go back to the room! Once again, everyone, please go back to the room!"

The announcement on the cruise ship rang, of course, in English.

Soon after Jiang Yang heard the broadcast, sailors on the ship came to "please" people back to the room.

There were also tourists who protested loudly, but they were all taken back forcefully.

Jiang Yang smelled something unusual, it seemed that things were not simple this time.

Jiang Yang quickly returned to the room. He didn't make things difficult for the staff, although he also wanted to see what was going on.But he is very clear that as an outsider, the most important thing now is to follow the arrangements of the insiders.

In the room, Jiang Yang waited quietly.Time passed slowly, he didn't know what would happen next, but the boat shook more and more.

There was a loud noise from outside the room.

Jiang Yang opened the room and walked out.

In a living room where a dance party was held in the cabin of the cruise ship, Jiang Yang finally discovered the source of the noise.

Almost half of the people on board gathered here, including tourists, cooks, staff and some sailors.

The sailors were responsible for maintaining order, and Jiang Yang could tell at a glance.

The voices in the hall were a bit chaotic, mixed with restlessness and panic.

It seems that the strange situation made many people start to panic.

Emotions are transmitted.One person's panic may be passed on to another person, and in the end it will be passed on from ten to ten.

Obviously, most people are aware that the current situation is not good, and the word fear is written on most people's faces.

On the contrary, the staff and sailors on the ship looked calm.

In the hall, someone suddenly shouted loudly.

"what happened?"

This sentence caused a thousand waves with one stone, and as soon as the sentence hit the ground, countless questions followed.

"We have a right to know what's happening now!"

"Yeah, we need to know what's going on."

"Is there any danger?"

"Are we going to die?"


Each question is like a sharp knife, stabbing hard in everyone's heart.

At this moment, the deputy captain came in.

He picked up the microphone and said: "Everyone be quiet! Listen to me! Please rest assured that this boat is safe! Please trust us and we can handle any problems! What everyone has to do now is to stay quietly in the cabin and don't run away. Get out. Also, I hope everyone abides by order!"

After speaking, the deputy captain put down the microphone and left.

He appeared only to appease everyone, but when he left in a hurry, it was obvious that the situation was not as rosy as he said.

The words of the deputy captain played a little role.At least the people present were not so noisy, and they were much quieter.

Jiang Yang found that, in fact, the anxiety and fear in everyone's heart had taken root. Although they were calmed down now, they did not really disappear.

If the danger really comes, the hidden anxiety and fear will explode together, and Jiang Yang will not know what will happen then.

As time passed, the shaking of the hull became larger and larger.

Some people in the hall had already returned to their rooms, while others chose to stay.

It seems that there are many people in the hall, which can give people a sense of security.Too many people seem to have no effect, but in a state of fear, people will grab everything that can provide them with a sense of security.

Jiang Yang returned to the room.

He stayed in the hall for a while, and the uneasiness and fear passed on to him, as if it was going to swallow him whole.

Jiang Yang didn't dare to stay any longer, it was too scary.

When he returned to the room, the small space did not give people a sense of security, but instead had a unique sense of depression.This is not usually the case, that is, only under such circumstances.

Jiang Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, it seemed that he had been infected with anxiety and fear.The contagious power of emotions is really quite terrifying!
Jiang Yang called the system in his heart, looking for skills that could save his life.

However, Jiang Yang was disappointed, there was no life-saving skill in the system.

Jiang Yang's heart sank, a little disappointed.

Anxiety and fear took the opportunity to spread, gradually engulfing Jiang Yang's heart.

The phone on the bed suddenly lit up, and a ring rang.

Jiang Yang picked it up and saw that it was the sound of an alarm clock.

It should be time for him to take a nap at this moment, and Jiang Yang specially set an alarm clock.

It is now 02:30 in the afternoon, but it seems to be dark.

The lights in the cabin are turned on, and from the window of the room, you can see dark clouds covering the sky.

Jiang Yang suddenly wanted to call Meng Wanqiu, so he picked up the phone and dialed the number.

Can't get through the phone!
Jiang Yang saw that there was no signal!
But just talked to Meng Wanqiu on the phone not long ago, but now there is no signal?

Jiang Yang felt uneasy.

Outside the window, light began to flicker in the dark clouds, a dazzling white light.

This is... Lightning!
The dark clouds covering the sky and the flickering lightning shake the hull of your ship.

Like the end of the world.

Jiang Yang stared out of the window, feeling great fear in his heart.

He is afraid of accidents. When he has a career and love, and when there are many things he cares about, Jiang Yang is afraid.

People, the more they care, the more they are afraid of losing.

Just as people who are richer are more afraid of death, poor people who have nothing will be more open-minded in the face of death.

Fear spread.

In the cabin, it kept spreading...

(End of this chapter)

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