Chapter 631
The strong wind roared, and through the gap in the window, there was a whining sound.

Jiang Yang was a little restless in the room, facing the doomsday-like scene outside the window, Jiang Yang was just an ordinary person.

The boat was shaking more and more, and it was almost unsteady.

Time passed slowly, and there was already a heavy rain outside the window. With the wind hitting the window, it made a rattling sound.

in the living room.

The crowd gathered together, and as the cabin shook more and more violently, some people kept screaming, cursing, and crying.

Gradually, the previously suppressed emotions suddenly began to erupt, and the crowd became more and more irritable.

The sailors tried their best to maintain order, so that there is no chaos yet, but it seems that the order will collapse sooner or later.

"Didn't you say that the problem can be solved? Why hasn't it been solved yet?" Someone scolded angrily.


"Mom, I want to go back!"

"Almighty Lord, save your believers!"

"Damn it, did the sailors on this ship all grow up eating fish?"

Jiang Yang walked in and saw exactly such a scene.

This time, no matter how noisy the crowd was, the deputy captain did not show up.

Jiang Yang stood in the corner, watching all this silently.

He came to seek a sense of security and courage, but he found that after he came, he didn't seem to find a sense of security, nor did he bring himself courage.

Inside the cabin, all that was left was endless anxiety and fear.

Here, there are not many people who are stupid, and they can all accurately perceive that something is wrong.There are even many people who often take cruise ships, and this incident made them extremely disturbed.

Just because he is smart, he understands his situation better and is more afraid.

The crowd was noisy, with various voices, resembling Ukiyo-e.

However, not long after, the sailors who were there to maintain order also left, no matter how those people yelled and scolded, they did not turn back.

They left in a hurry.

The departure of the sailors was like a catalyst, making the fear spread faster.

Jiang Yang leaned against a corner, squatting.The swaying hull was a little unstable.Like him, and many more.

These people who usually have a head and a face, at this moment, have no scruples about their face in their hearts, and they all sat on the ground.


A loud voice sounded.

"You damned woman, how dare you resist!" Followed by a curse.

Jiang Yang looked along the source of the voice, and saw a strong, tall foreign man with beards yelling at a woman.The woman was blond and wore a long, form-fitting and sexy dress.

At this moment, the woman was lying on the ground covering her face, looking at the man in horror.

After the man yelled and cursed, he grabbed the woman's arm and walked out of the hall.

"No! Please don't! Let me go! You let me go! No, I won't go! Help me! Who will save me!" the woman shouted.

However, the size gap between women and men is too great. No matter how hard women struggle, they cannot break free from the man's iron palm.

The man dragged the woman step by step towards the outside, and the woman struggled on the ground.

The people around turned a blind eye, and their expressions were a little empty.

Jiang Yang squeezed his fist, then let it go.

The woman was gradually pulled to the door, and the long skirt on her body became messy.

Her voice gradually became desperate and hoarse!
Just as the woman was about to be pulled out of the hall, Jiang Yang suddenly stood up.

"Stop!" Jiang Yang shouted.

His sound attracted everyone's attention, including people Jiang Yang knew.

The foreign man looked at Jiang Yang with a sinister smile and said, "Boy, do you want a hero to save the beauty? Don't think about yourself, yellow-skinned monkey... Bah!"

The last sentence made Jiang Yang completely angry.

He was already in fear, but no matter how frightened he was, he didn't want to do anything unethical. This was the most basic persistence of a person.

The foreign man put down the woman and walked towards Jiang Yang step by step.He needs to vent, no matter what way!In his opinion, Jiang Yang was just a sandbag delivered to his door.

Jiang Yang's eyes froze, just as he also needed to vent his inner fear.

The foreign man didn't speak, and waved a huge fist towards Jiang Yang.

Seeing that Jiang Yang was about to be hit on the face, the foreign man was a little excited. In his eyes, Jiang Yang had already fallen to the ground covered in blood.

Suddenly, his fist seemed to hit somewhere, and he couldn't move forward a bit.

Immediately, a fist kept enlarging in his eyes, and finally felt a sharp pain in his nose, and he unconsciously flew backwards.

Jiang Yang's physique far exceeds that of ordinary people, which makes his strength great. Even though the man is much bigger than Jiang Yang, he is not as strong as Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang chose the most direct way to fight back.He grabbed the incoming fist and punched it back.

This straightforward way, although not technical, is the best way to let people vent their inner anger.

The man's nose was bleeding, and he stood up angrily.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you!" the man roared angrily.

Then he rushed towards Jiang Yang like a ferocious lion, but before he got close, he was kicked out by Jiang Yang.

The man was about to stand up again, but before he got up, feet landed on his body, each foot was so heavy.

Jiang Yang kicked enough, and I almost vented the fear in my heart, so I stopped.

The man had footprints all over his body, trembling all over, and kept saying, "Stop beating! Stop beating! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

The man looks miserable, but in fact there is no big problem.Jiang Yang has exchanged fighting skills in the system, he knows where it hurts and it's okay, and he also knows where the most deadly.

"Stand up and apologize!" Jiang Yang's voice was cold!
The man stood up tremblingly, but Nuo Da's figure looked like a little chicken in front of Jiang Yang.

He turned towards Jiang Yang: "I'm sorry!"

"Yellow monkey? Heh!" Jiang Yang sneered.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you a yellow-skinned monkey, I'm the monkey." The man was shocked and said quickly.

Jiang Yang glanced at him indifferently, pointed to the woman who hadn't recovered, and said, "Apologize to her."

The man didn't dare to refute, he immediately took small steps, but limped in front of the woman in pain.

"I'm sorry Mary, I was impulsive! Please forgive me!" the man said.

The woman was still in a daze, but she was brought back to her senses by the man's voice.But her eyes were not on the man, but on Jiang Yang.

Just now Jiang Yang rescued her like an angel, when she was most desperate.At that moment, Jiang Yang's figure was infinitely tall in her eyes.

"Please maintain order! We have to trust the captain and the others. Now, be yourself and maintain order is the greatest help to them." Jiang Yang said loudly.

Taking advantage of his power just now, he wants to prevent some things from happening.

The effect was obvious. Although no one answered, the people who were about to move became quiet.

If they want to move, they have to weigh it up, whether they can beat Jiangyang.

Such a big man was put to the ground by Jiang Yang's punches and kicks.Moreover, Jiang Yang's violent beating of the man left them with lingering fears.

Jiang Yang sat down again.

(End of this chapter)

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