gourmet restaurant

Chapter 636 Together

Chapter 636 Together
What kind of smell is that?Like a mother's embrace, like a loose sea.No, this damn sea is not forgiving at all, she wants to bury us here.

John Daly thought wildly.

The taste of this seafood porridge is unforgettable for him, and what is even more special is the special taste in this seafood porridge.

A chef who can cook this kind of taste is enough to make John Daly look different.

If John Daly valued Jiang Yang's potential before, now John Daly regards Jiang Yang as a chef of the same level.

Everyone at the scene was overwhelmed by this seafood porridge. Some of them had eaten master-level dishes and knew what kind of dishes it was.Some people think that this is a very miraculous dish without eating it, and even deify Jiang Yang in their hearts, thinking that Jiang Yang was sent by the gods to save them.

Jiang Yang cooked two dishes, one dessert and one seafood porridge.The two dishes brought strength to different people, which is the power of hope and the power of unyielding.

When faced with disasters, what do human beings rely on to face them?Is it wisdom?Is it knowledge?

Do not!
What humans have is too immature for nature.

In the face of disasters, the only thing human beings can rely on is an unyielding will and a firm belief in hope.That is the most powerful weapon and power for mankind to fight against disasters!

With a bowl of seafood porridge, everyone's fear and anxiety calmed down, even the most irritable and irritable person gradually calmed down.

The boat was still shaking so badly that it almost wanted to capsize people.Outside the window, there was still lightning, thunder, and violent wind and rain, with no sign of stopping.

However, the people in the boat are no longer so desperate, they are full of hope.

"Let's get through this disaster together!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled that sentence.

"Okay! Let's exert our strength with strength, and exert our wisdom with wisdom. Let's face it together!"

One should agree.

"Face it together!"

"Face it together!"

One after another, people join in this common war of resistance. At this moment, people's hearts are more orderly than ever before!
Jiang Yang laughed when he saw this scene.

Perhaps, when human beings face disasters, only by working together in this way can they survive smoothly and safely.

"Mr. sailor, if there is anything we need to do, just let us arrange it!" A man came to the sailor and said.

The sailor had never seen this scene before. He didn't show any fear when he pointed the gun at these people, but now he was a little at a loss.

"I... I'll ask the captain."

The sailor departs, and presently brings the real captain.

The captain was also surprised. Usually when this happens, it’s best for the passengers on the ship not to cause trouble. I’ve never seen all of them want to help.

The captain is different from the sailors. He quickly arranged everyone's work, and arranged them to go to various places according to their specialties.

Sailors are just flesh and blood, not steel, and they get tired and hungry.It's just that in critical moments, they all chose to gamble everything and use strong will to suppress all discomfort in their bodies.

Now that someone can share it, the sailors can also get a moment of respite.

After assigning work, the captain left with his people.

The only ones left in the restaurant are the old, the young, and women.

However, they were not idle. Under Jiang Yang's command, they prepared food for the busy people on board.

Jiang Yang also experienced the feeling of having a master chef as a helper, at the cost of Jiang Yang's superhuman physique and exhaustion.

There was also a small episode in the middle.

Jiang Yang originally planned to ask Yang Cheng or John Daly to direct. After all, their culinary status is high, so it is not difficult to direct.

But unexpectedly, everyone actually asked him to be the conductor, and everyone became Jiang Yang's assistant cook.

You know, among these assistant cooks, most of them are master chefs of a country.

No one dissatisfied with Jiang Yang, not to mention Jiang Yang's powerful force, even his superb cooking skills have impressed many culinary masters.

The boat moved forward with difficulty in the wind and waves.In the vast sea, even a cruise ship is just a flat boat, so small and helpless in the wind and waves.


In Rongcheng, Meng Wanqiu paced back and forth in the office.

Jiang Yang's phone is broken!

Meng Wanqiu originally called to ask when Jiangyang would land, but when she called, it showed that she couldn't get through.

At first, Meng Wanqiu thought that the signal at sea was not very good, so she called again after a while.But after making more than a dozen phone calls in a row, they couldn't get through.

Meng Wanqiu became a little anxious.

Jiang Yang couldn't get through to the phone all the time, and Meng Wanqiu couldn't guess what happened.But she couldn't help but have some bad guesses in her heart, and every time she thought about it, Meng Wanqiu couldn't find peace in her heart.

She couldn't continue working, so she could only pace back and forth in the office, alleviating her inner worries.

The phone screen on the desk suddenly lit up, and Meng Wanqiu rushed over to pick up the phone.

Disappointed it was just a text message.

It's not Jiangyang's news.

Meng Wanqiu put down her phone, feeling a little dazed.

At the same time, Ren Pengcheng was also quite irritable.

Not long ago, Michelin officials called him to say that the cruise ship hosting the World Cuisine Exchange Conference had lost contact!
The news was undoubtedly a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and Ren Pengcheng immediately wanted to scold the Michelin officials.

How can I lose contact?How could it be possible to lose contact?

Ren Pengcheng knew that scolding was useless, and now he could only pray that nothing would happen.Otherwise, he, the president of the Chefs Association, must bear a lot of responsibility.

All the chefs who went this time were master chefs. There are eight master chefs in total, each of whom is a treasure of major cuisines.Not to mention the loss of eight chefs, even the loss of one culinary master is a cruel thing for the Chinese culinary industry.

Worries were spreading in Ren Pengcheng's heart, and he wished he had to participate in this shitty world cooking exchange meeting.

Among the participants, one of them is his junior brother!If Master knew about it, I don't know how sad it would be!

Ren Pengcheng thought to himself.

I don't know where the news leaked from. Now various gossips are spreading, that is to say, the cruise ship where the participants of the World Cuisine Exchange Conference is missing, and they may be killed!

For a while, this matter became a hot topic, and almost the world was talking about it.

Immediately afterwards, the official had no choice but to announce the news, which can be regarded as confirming this matter.

Officials said an aircraft had been dispatched to search for it.

For a while, the most concerned are the relatives and friends of those participants, followed by some people who eat melons.

Lin Yong's heart tightened when he saw the news.He hurriedly called Ren Pengcheng to inquire, and after getting confirmation, he almost didn't come up in one breath.

Jiang Yang went to participate in the World Cuisine Exchange Conference, but he recommended it. If Jiang Yang died, he was at least half of the responsibility.

Lin Yong suddenly fell into deep self-blame.

Meng Wanqiu came home from get off work......

 It was too difficult, I stayed up all night to finish writing!sleep!

  Cough, the brazen author is asking for votes online!
  In the new month, everyone vote for me!


(End of this chapter)

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