Chapter 637
When Meng Wanqiu came home, her father was watching the news.

Not the news on the TV, but the news on the phone.

"Oh~" Father Meng sighed.

Meng Wanqiu asked a little strangely: "Dad, why do you sigh when I come back?"

Father Meng said, "It's not because of you, but because of a piece of news."

"What news?" Meng Wanqiu asked.

"It's a cruise ship that has lost contact. It is said that there is a world cuisine exchange meeting held on it, and there are many passengers. This human being is too small in the face of natural disasters." Father Meng sighed.

Meng Wanqiu suddenly grasped the key words, and hurriedly asked, "Dad, what exchange meeting are you talking about?"

"World Cuisine Exchange Conference? What's wrong with you? Your face is so pale?" Father Meng asked a little strangely.

"No, it's nothing. Dad, I'm not feeling well, so I'm going back to my room first." Meng Wanqiu said, stumbling upstairs.

Mother Meng came out of the kitchen and asked strangely, "What's wrong with Xiaoqiu?"

"I don't know. It was fine when I came back just now, but it was like this in a blink of an eye." Father Meng said.

Mother Meng glanced at the door of Meng Wanqiu's room with some concern.

Meng Wanqiu returned to the room, frantically turned on the computer, and searched.

The news jumped out one by one, the more Meng Wanqiu read it, the paler his face became.

The cruise ship hosting the World Cuisine Exchange Conference lost contact at sea and was afraid of a sea storm. Experts pointed out that the chance of survival is not high.

Seeing this, Meng Wanqiu almost fainted.

Meng Wanqiu called Jiang Yang over and over again, but she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart.Maybe, at some point, Jiang Yang will answer the phone and tell her that it was just a false alarm.

Meng Wanqiu didn't eat dinner, she really didn't have an appetite and couldn't eat anything.

Jiang Yang's voice, appearance and smile kept echoing in Meng Wanqiu's mind, like a movie, replayed over and over again.

Meng Wanqiu was a little scared. She didn't remember who said that when a person passed away, things about him would be recalled involuntarily in her mind.Meng Wanqiu stopped herself from thinking wildly, but it didn't have the slightest effect.

Meng Wanqiu didn't know how she fell asleep, and when she woke up, it was already the next morning.


above the sea.

The cruise ship is still moving forward firmly in the wind and rain, despite the wind and rain.

In the cabin, Jiang Yang led a group of people busy. They were preparing food and occasionally helping out.

It has to be said that in the process of confronting nature, physical exertion is extremely great.

With united will, the disaster may not be that big anymore.

The ship is moving forward, constantly moving forward!

Finally, a ray of light appeared not far away, and there was a clear sky!
When the captain saw it, his body shook suddenly, and he shouted loudly: "Forward!"

Naturally, the sailors also saw that this was definitely not a mirage, but that they had really reached the edge of the storm.

As long as you step over, you will win!

Everyone roared as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Although the mood was exciting, everyone was extremely cautious, and many people fell on the road.They never let up when they're not arriving.

Time passed slowly, and the ship moved firmly towards the dawn, moving forward!
Jiang Yang and the others could also feel that the storm seemed to be a little smaller in the restaurant.This is a good thing, everyone feels hope.

I don't know when, the bright sunshine shines on the hull.Stolen through the window into the cabin, fell on everyone.

That trace of warmth can't dispel the coldness of the body, but it dispels the coldness of the heart!
"We... survived?" Someone looked at the people around him in disbelief.

"We... survived!" The people around him affirmed.


"We survived!"

There was a burst of cheers, a burst of cheers with all their strength, and a burst of cheers for escape!
The people in the boat were cheering, shouting, jumping, laughing, hugging, and finally crying.

Jiang Yang stared blankly outside, such an experience made him feel extremely tired in his heart!He doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to sleep well.

Just as Jiang Yang was thinking, the phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Yang took out his cell phone and saw that it was Meng Wanqiu calling.

Jiang Yang answered the phone.

"Hello~" A trembling voice came from the phone.

"Hello, late autumn." Jiang Yang said as calmly as possible.

Meng Wanqiu did not speak, and there was a long silence between the two.

after awhile.

"Jiang Yang... that's great, it's great that you're all right!" Meng Wanqiu cried.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Jiang Yang comforted.

Meng Wanqiu didn't speak, only sobbing came from the phone.

When Jiang Yang heard it, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

He didn't know how Meng Wanqiu knew something had happened to him.

Jiang Yang and Meng Wanqiu talked softly for a while before Meng Wanqiu reluctantly hung up the phone.

When Jiang Yang came back to his senses, he found that almost everyone on board was talking with the outside with their phones.

Jiang Yang doesn't know how long it will take to go back, but what he knows is that he really wants to sleep now.

He was about to walk back.

"Jiang Yang." Marie Geyer suddenly stopped him.

Jiang Yang turned around and said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Are you going back to your room to rest?" Marie Goyer said in English.

"Yes." Jiang Yang nodded.

"I want to rest too, but I'm scared alone, can I go with you?" Marie Goyer asked with big eyes blinking.

This is no longer a hint, but a naked statement.

"I'm not used to resting with others. There are so many people here, you can just rest here." Jiang Yang said.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yang left regardless of Marie Geyer's expression.

Marie Geyer's expression was wonderful, she never thought that Jiang Yang would reject her.Although I rejected it once before, everyone was in panic at that time.

Marie Goyer looked down at her figure, she was still as proud as ever.How could you be rejected when you took the initiative to deliver it to your door?

Marie Geyer is very confident that no man will reject her. She is the school girl in the university, and she has many people chasing her.

Is Jiang Yang still a man?
"Hmph, Jiang Yang, I remember you." Marie Geyer snorted proudly.

At this time, a man came up to Marie Gayer and said, "Beautiful girl, my room is big enough for two people to rest."

Marie Geyer turned her head and glanced at the man, and said a word: "Get lost!"

Jiang Yang returned to the room, collapsed and fell asleep.

Don't look at him just cooking some dishes, but he is a master of cooking, and every dish requires Jiang Yang to expend a lot of energy and energy.

After cooking for such a long time, Jiang Yang's spirit has been exhausted to the extreme.So I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.

The disaster is finally over, and perhaps this disaster will become an indelible impression on all those who have experienced it.

(End of this chapter)

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