gourmet restaurant

Chapter 642 The first guest after opening

Chapter 642 The first guest after opening

Time passed slowly, and finally came the day when Jiangyang opened.

The opening of Jiangyang was very quiet this time. There was no publicity, no announcements, or some flower baskets at the door.

Yu Zhiyu has already taken up his post and officially became an apprentice in the Jiangyang shop.

Two days ago, Jiang Yang gave Yu Zhiyu a special training session.

The result made him very desperate. This is simply a novice who has never been exposed to cooking.Not to mention the superb skills, even the salt and monosodium glutamate are not clear.

Jiang Yang had no choice but to teach Yu Zhiyu to recognize the seasoning first.With limited time, Jiang Yang could only teach Yu Zhiyu some commonly used seasonings. As for those that are not commonly used, Jiang Yang planned to wait until they encountered them.

It took a day to understand and explain the seasoning, and Jiang Yang taught Yu Zhiyu how to chop vegetables the next day.

Knife skills are one of the foundations of chefs, and chefs like Jiang Yang pay more attention to knife skills.

Yu Zhiyu can't even hold a knife, holding a kitchen knife is like holding a machete, and cutting vegetables is like chopping bones.

Jiang Yang had no choice but to start teaching from the basics again. After spending a day, Yu Zhiyu was finally able to chop vegetables.

But the finished product cut out is unbearable to look at.

Jiang Yang didn't dislike it either, he just asked Yu Zhiyu to come down and practice hard.

Today is the opening day, and the two are sitting in the hall, waiting for the guests to come to the door.

After waiting for a long time, there was no one in the store.

Yu Zhiyu muttered: "Master, why don't we just yell."

Jiang Yang shook his head, playing with his phone indifferently.It seems that it is not his shop that has no business.

Yu Zhiyu looked anxious, and said, "Master, if you are too embarrassed to yell, how about I yell for you? Or we can place an advertisement on the Internet to ensure that your business here is booming."

Jiang Yang looked up and said, "Don't worry, those who are destined will come in."

Yu Zhiyu:? ? ?

Destined?Master, you are running a restaurant, not a temple!What fate!
"Master, I really think we should just shout and shout?" Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang asked suspiciously, "I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

Yu Zhiyu scratched his head and said, "I'm not ready for this."

As soon as Yu Zhiyu said it, Jiang Yang immediately understood.

Yu Zhiyu wanted to show his skills, but unfortunately there were no customers in the store, so his heart was itchy.

"If you're free, go to the back kitchen and cut the potato shreds. When you can cut the potato shreds until they're as thin as a hair, and each one is even, I'll teach you a dish." Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Really?"

"Of course, will I still lie to you?" Jiang Yang laughed.

Yu Zhiyu stood up, and excitedly ran to the kitchen to shred potatoes.

Jiang Yang continued to look with his phone.

Jiang Yang always felt that at this time, he should not hold a mobile phone, but should read a book to feel it.

Next time, go to the bookstore and buy a few books and come back.

Jiang Yang thought.

Time passed slowly, the two were playing with their mobile phones in the lobby in a leisurely manner, while Yu Zhiyu was cutting shredded potatoes in the kitchen.

Two hours later, Yu Zhiyu walked out dejectedly.

Jiang Yang raised his head and smiled, "What? Don't cut it?"

Yu Zhiyu shook his head: "I don't want to cut it, it's too difficult to cut, my hands are so soft, but I still can't cut it well."

Jiang Yang laughed: "It's not so easy to learn how to cook. Just one knife skill can teach countless chefs for a lifetime. You are so good at it!"

Yu Zhiyu was a little discouraged, and said: "Master, do you think I am not suitable for learning to cook?"

Jiang Yang smiled and comforted: "There is no chef who is suitable or not, it depends on whether you work hard or not."

Yu Zhiyu nodded as he barely recovered his spirit.

Jiang Yang didn't explain further to Yu Zhiyu. In fact, he could see that Yu Zhiyu was only 3 minutes hot, and how long he could last was still unknown.

At this moment, a synthesized voice suddenly sounded at the door: "Welcome!"

Jiang Yang raised his head and said to Yu Zhiyu, "We have guests."

Yu Zhiyu was shocked, and ran into the kitchen to get ready.

Jiang Yang came to this guest and asked: "This guest, what do you want to eat?"

"Let's have some." The guest said, he didn't seem to have much interest in eating.

Jiang Yang sized this person up.

This is a typical middle-aged man, with a hairstyle slightly towards the Mediterranean, wearing a neat suit, and a bulging briefcase in hand.However, his eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was tired and lost.

"Okay, wait a moment." Jiang Yang said, and went to the kitchen.

Yu Zhiyu prepared some things, saw Jiang Yang coming in, and asked quickly: "Master, what did the guest order?"

Jiang Yang thought for a while and said: "The guest ordered a seafood porridge and a potato shreds."

Yu Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and sighed, "This guest is amazing, he actually knows how to order seafood porridge."

Yu Zhiyu wasn't surprised by potato shreds, this dish is very common.

Jiang Yang laughed: "Okay, don't dawdle, do it quickly."


Liu Guodong is a salesman, and he failed again today.

It is said that when a person reaches middle age, the pressure on his body will become heavier and heavier.Liu Guodong felt this way.There are old people on the top and young people on the bottom. The whole family leans on him, and the pressure is so overwhelming that he can hardly breathe.

Recently, the elderly in the family are sick and need a hospitalization fee.The child enrolled in another cram school, and the tuition fee was another large sum of money.

Liu Guodong feels that his hair has been falling out a lot recently, and he loses it in pinches every morning when he wakes up.

Today I'm here to talk about a client, as long as this deal is completed, the pressure on Liu Guodong will be relieved a lot.

However, the conversation that was going on smoothly, but for some reason, the customer suddenly changed his mind.Liu Guodong felt anxious and said something he shouldn't have said.As a result, the client also said some unpleasant words, which hit Liu Guodong's heart in his eyes.

In fact, he wouldn't usually say those words, and he didn't know if it was because he didn't have a good rest recently.

Liu Guodong walked in a daze, and suddenly felt a little hungry. When he saw a newly opened shop, he walked in without thinking.

After ordering, he regretted it a little. Now that the economy is already tight, it is not a waste to eat in restaurants now!
But his poor self-esteem as a middle-aged man prevented him from walking away.He had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit down, hoping that the boss would not cook too expensive dishes.

Not long after, Liu Guodong smelled a very fragrant smell, a bit like the rice fragrance of porridge.Liu Guodong twitched his nose, the smell made him even hungrier.

The taste of this restaurant should be good!

Liu Guodong thought.Just for a moment, he became a little worried again.

Generally good taste shop, the price is definitely not cheap.

Moreover, there are no prices on the menu of this store, so it looks like a black shop no matter how you look at it.

Liu Guodong kept an eye on it, and he decided that if the price was too expensive, he would call the police.

His self-esteem seems to be nothing in front of money.

Not long after, Jiang Yang came out with a portion of shredded potatoes.

(End of this chapter)

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