gourmet restaurant

Chapter 643 Boss, check out!

Chapter 643 Boss, check out!
Seeing that there was only a piece of fried shredded potatoes in front of him, Liu Guodong breathed a sigh of relief.No matter how expensive potato shreds are, they should not be expensive anywhere.

It's just that the shredded potatoes are... poorly cut, as if they were cut by a novice.

Liu Guodong thought in his heart.

Pick up a strip of shredded potato and savor it.

While eating, Liu Guodong actually shed a little tear from the corner of his eye.This taste... It's like the taste my mother made when I was a child.

Liu Guodong's parents are still alive, but Liu Guodong will never taste the dishes cooked by his mother.Maybe it's middle-aged people who can't stop eating the dishes made by their mothers slowly.

Today, this potato shreds made him feel the taste of his mother's dishes again.

Maybe because he felt the warmth in this dish, Liu Guodong started to cry softly.The grievances he suffered today, and the pressure he had suffered in the past, were released with tears at this moment.

Liu Guodong has forgotten when was the last time he cried. After he took care of his family, he couldn't cry when he went home, let alone when he came out.Not even a little cowardice, he must stand tall and straight, like a giant.

Yu Zhiyu watched from the side, and asked with a puzzled look: "Master, is this dish delicious or not? Why are you crying?"

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "This guest should know whether it's delicious or not."

Yu Zhiyu complained: "Master, what you said is like nonsense, it would be better if you didn't say it."

Jiang Yang smiled, ignoring Yu Zhiyu's complaints.He looked at Liu Guodong quietly. From the moment this middle-aged man walked in, Jiang Yang could tell that he was preoccupied.

It's good to be able to cry and let it out.

Liu Guodong quickly wiped away his tears, he couldn't cry anymore.A man does not flick his tears easily, he is a man, what does he look like crying?
Liu Guodong continued to eat shredded potatoes, his heart was warmed by the taste.

Maybe I should go back and have a good taste of the dishes my mother made, instead of eating them in a hurry every time.

Liu Guodong also forgot how long he hadn't had a good meal with his family.

He often works overtime at work, and sometimes he comes back late, and his family has already eaten, leaving him food in the pot, and when he returns, he will quickly dig a few bites, not caring about the taste at all.

Jiang Yang turned his head and smiled at Yu Zhiyu, "Go ahead, bring out the seafood porridge and send it over."

Yu Zhiyu didn't understand why two dishes were prepared together, but one was served first and the other last?But he still obediently went to the back kitchen to bring out the seafood porridge.

After delivering the seafood porridge to Liu Guodong's table, Yu Zhiyu said, "This is seafood porridge, please use it slowly."

Liu Guodong paused and said, "Thank you."

Yu Zhiyu shook his head and left.

Liu Guodong was a little bit reluctant to part with potato shreds, but he still looked at seafood porridge as a new dish came.

There doesn't seem to be any seafood in this porridge, and the color is similar to ordinary white porridge.It should be another gimmick.Liu Guodong thought.

He spooned a spoonful of it, blew on it, and put it in his mouth.

In an instant, a fresh taste of seafood exploded in his mouth.After that, there was a strange taste, which didn't come from the sense of taste, but from Liu Guodong's heart.

For some reason, Liu Guodong suddenly felt confident.

What if the business negotiation fails?How is your family's financial difficulties?What about being insulted and belittled?
As long as he can move, as long as he is alive, as long as he works hard, these problems will always be solved!

As Liu Guodong drank porridge faster and faster, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The whole person went from decadent to full of self-confidence, which was just a bowl of porridge.

After finishing his meal in a hurry, Liu Guodong stood up.

"Boss, check out!"


"Master, did you add medicine to your food?" Yu Zhiyu blinked and asked.

Jiang Yang rolled his eyes: "You only put medicine in your food!"

"Then why does that person cry when he eats shredded potatoes, and becomes a different person when he drinks porridge?" Yu Zhiyu asked.

Jiang Yang laughed: "I can't explain this to you. I will tell you when you become a real chef that day."

Yu Zhiyu curled his lips and said, "Master, it's not easy to become a chef? I just apply for a chef to study, and after buying a diploma, I can get a third-level chef qualification."

Jiang Yang: ...

"I'm talking about a first-class chef," Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu heard the words, and said in a low voice: "First-level chefs...should be able to buy... right?"

Jiang Yang was too lazy to say this to Yu Zhiyu, pointing to the door and saying, "Close!"

Yu Zhiyu was startled, and said, "Master, it's only three o'clock in the afternoon, so you're closing?"

"I'll close if I want to." Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu looked at Jiang Yang's back and said, "Willful!"

In the end, Yu Zhiyu closed the door.

Before Jiang Yang left, he said to Yu Zhiyu: "If you want to practice cooking, you can practice in the back kitchen by yourself. But don't waste ingredients!"

Yu Zhiyu is still a little confused now, you said if I don't waste ingredients, how can I practice?I dare not eat the dishes I made!
Jiang Yang headed towards the Sichuan Chefs Association.

Earlier, Lin Yong wanted to ask Jiang Yang to meet, but Jiang Yang never went.Today is the time to take a trip.

Driving the newly picked up car, Jiang Yang stopped at the entrance of the Sichuan Chefs Association.

All the way in, but no one stopped.

The staff of the Chefs Association all know Jiang Yang, the new culinary master, and also know that Master Jiang has a good relationship with President Lin.

Before coming to the office, Jiang Yang knocked on the door and went in.

Lin Yong looked at Jiang Yang in surprise, and said in surprise, "Xiao Jiang, why are you here?"

"Old Lin, don't take the liberty to interrupt me." Jiang Yang laughed.

"Why are you still learning how to be polite?" Lin Yong scolded with a smile.

"Sit down!"

Lin Yong greeted.

Jiang Yang sat down, and Lin Yong asked, "Come to see me today?"

"I really need to find you, Mr. Lin," Jiang Yang said.

"What's the matter? Let's hear it." Lin Yong said.

"I want to ask, Mr. Lin, do you still count on what you told me about being a teacher?" Jiang Yang asked.

Lin Yong was obviously stunned for a moment, and then excitedly said: "Of course, of course! Xiao Jiang, are you ready to take over the school?"

Jiang Yang shook his head and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm still too young to take over the school or something. You should stop mentioning it. I'm looking for you today to be a teacher."

Lin Yong didn't care about Jiang Yang's refusal to take over the school, but asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly want to be a teacher?"

Jiang Yang laughed: "Maybe because I suddenly felt that a person should leave something in this world. I have no other strengths, and the only thing I can do is my cooking skills."

After listening to Lin Yong, he could understand it. In fact, these masters accept apprentices, so why not have this idea?
"Then you can accept apprentices, why do you want to be a teacher?" Lin Yong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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