gourmet restaurant

Chapter 653 Takeaway Brother

Chapter 653 Takeaway Brother
At night, Jiangyang's shop is open.

Yu Zhiyu tossed coins boredly, and said, "Master, why are there no guests at night!"

Jiang Yang flipped through a book and said without raising his head, "There are no guests at night."

When Yu Zhiyu heard Jiang Yang's reply, he immediately regained his spirits.

"Master, you are wrong in saying this. Look, those hot pot skewers shops have a lot of customers at night, and some of them are open until eleven or twelve o'clock. In the final analysis, you are not the master. Propaganda." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang: I never thought about opening the door at night!

"Yes, it's good if there are no guests, so as not to be so troublesome." Jiang Yang said.

"Master, how about I help you spread the word?" Yu Zhiyu said.

"Speaking of this, I just want to ask you, why do you insist on promoting it for me?" Jiang Yang asked.

Yu Zhiyu rolled Jiang Yang's eyes and said, "Master, I want to learn cooking, how can I learn if there are fewer guests?"

Jiang Yang: ...

"If you're bored, try cooking a dish yourself." Jiang Yang pointed to the kitchen and said.

Yu Zhiyu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Master, are you willing to teach me how to cook?"

"I didn't say, you cook a dish first, and if you can cook it, I will teach you a dish." Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu's eyes darkened, and he spread his hands and said, "Master, you are embarrassing me."

"How do you know if you don't try?" Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu nodded and said, "That's right, then I'll try it."

After saying that, Yu Zhiyu went to the kitchen.

Jiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, finally he could be quiet for a while.

Yu Zhiyu was cooking in the kitchen, while Jiang Yang watched quietly with a book.

Not long after, Yu Zhiyu came out with a dish.

Jiang Yang frowned and looked at the unknown dish, and asked, "What is this?"

Yu Zhiyu said: "This is your specialty, Master, fish-flavored shredded pork!"

Jiang Yang:? ? ?
It's pitch black, you tell me it's fish-flavored shredded pork?
Jiang Yang patted Yu Zhiyu on the shoulder and said, "Zhiyu, don't say that I am your master when you go out in the future."

Yu Zhiyu: ...

"Master, I admit that there is some distance between what I do and what you do, but you can't dampen my enthusiasm." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang: Aren't you close, you don't even have a good dish at all!
"Have you tasted it?" Jiang Yang said.

"Not yet, I want you to taste it first, Master." Yu Zhiyu said.

If it weren't for Yu Zhiyu's evasive expression, Jiang Yang would have believed it.

"Forget it, who told me to be your master? I'll just try your cooking." Jiang Yang said, dipped a little juice with his finger, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

"Master, how is it?" Yu Zhiyu asked expectantly.

Jiang Yang said in admiration: "It tastes good, although the price is a bit off."

"Really?" Yu Zhiyu's eyes lit up, and he asked hastily.

Jiang Yang nodded and said, "Of course it's true, you'll know after you taste it."

When Yu Zhiyu heard this, he followed Jiang Yang's example and dipped a little juice with his finger and put it in his mouth.

Just as soon as it was put in, Yu Zhiyu's face suddenly wrinkled.This taste... is indescribable, sour, bitter, sweet, salty, and has a smell of paste.

"Master... Is this what you said tastes good?" Yu Zhiyu asked with a frown.

Jiang Yang shook his finger, only to see that there was still juice on the finger, obviously Jiang Yang hadn't tasted it.Yu Zhiyu also instantly understood that Jiang Yang had dipped one finger in his mouth and put the other in his mouth.

"Master, you are going too far!" Yu Zhiyu said.

"Who asked me to taste it first? Don't you even taste the dishes yourself?" Jiang Yang said.

"You can't blame me, Master, it's not that you don't know the dishes I cook, so you don't have the courage to taste them!" Yu Zhiyu said with a bitter face.

The two of them were talking when there was a sudden sound at the door: "Welcome!"

Jiang Yang and Yu Zhiyu stopped talking, and looked at the door, only to see a boy wearing a takeaway suit walk into the store, and said, "Great, there's still a restaurant open."

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" Jiang Yang asked.

The delivery boy put down his hat and said, "Just order whatever you want, fried rice and noodles are fine."

After finishing speaking, the delivery guy seemed a little worried, so he quickly added: "It's cheaper."

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "Okay."

The delivery boy saw the dish in front of Yu Zhiyu, and said, "What is that dish?"

Jiang Yang froze for a moment, and said, "This is a dish for experimentation."

The takeaway boy nodded.

Jiang Yang winked at Yu Zhiyu, telling him to take it into the kitchen quickly.Yu Zhiyu understood, and quickly brought the fish-flavored shredded pork that he had fried into the kitchen.

Jiang Yang went into the kitchen and cooked a simple fried rice with eggs.

It came out quickly.

The takeaway boy seemed to be a little hungry, so he picked up the fried rice with eggs and started eating.

The egg fried rice fried by Jiangyang has distinct grains and eggs. It looks golden and is decorated with green scallions.

"Boss, your egg fried rice is a bit delicious." The delivery boy said.

"I have eaten so many fried rice, but your egg fried rice is the best!" The delivery guy said again.

Jiang Yang smiled, the delivery guy was the only customer in the shop, so he chatted with the delivery guy.

"Brother, have you eaten a lot of fried rice?" Jiang Yang asked.

The delivery guy said: "Of course, I have been delivering food for two or three years. I usually eat out, and the number of fried rice I have eaten is beyond count."

"My little brother has been delivering food for two or three years? It's been so long!" Jiang Yang said.

"Yeah, it's been two and a half years, and I can't remember exactly." The delivery boy said while eating.

"Delivering food is hard work!" Jiang Yang said.

This sentence resonated with my little brother, and he said: "That's not true, sometimes we can't eat when we deliver food, and we have to be careful about overtime, and we are afraid of bad reviews. Once timeout or bad reviews, it will be in vain. But hard work is hard work, but if you are lucky in a month, you can earn a lot of money. Besides, what you do now is not hard work, it's just that the hard work is different."

Jiang Yang nodded and said: "Brother is right, any job is very hard now. By the way, brother, haven't you thought about changing jobs?"

The delivery guy took two mouthfuls of food and said, "I don't have a degree like this. It's good to get a delivery, and the delivery can also support the family, which is very good."

Jiang Yang laughed and said, "Brother, your mentality is really good."

"Anyway, the ancients said that contentment is always happy. I think life is pretty good now. Although it is a bit hard, it is good to be able to support a family with my own hands." The little brother said.

He hastily threw away the last mouthful of food, picked up the water glass he brought in and took two gulps.

"Boss, check out." The delivery boy said.

"Would you like to sit down for a while?" Jiang Yang asked.

"No, while it's still early, I'll see if I can deliver two more orders." The delivery boy said with a smile, paid and walked out with his helmet in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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