gourmet restaurant

Chapter 654 Undercurrent

Chapter 654 Undercurrent
"Master, why do you think this delivery guy is so happy?" Yu Zhiyu asked.

"Because he has a good job and a decent income. Although it's hard work, he can support his family with his own labor. These are enough for him to be happy." Jiang Yang said.

"Are you happy if you have a job and make money?" Yu Zhiyu was a little puzzled.

"You, a young master who doesn't understand the sufferings of the world, may not understand this little brother's thoughts. But the most important point is that he understands contentment." Jiang Yang said.

"Contentment?" Yu Zhiyu murmured.

"Yeah, you think everyone is like you. You obviously have a good life that everyone envies, but you want to be a chef." Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu suddenly became deep and said, "Master, you don't understand the troubles of being rich."

Jiang Yang: I %#&*...

"Clean up, it's closed today." Jiang Yang said with a sigh.

"Huh? Master accepted it so early?" Yu Zhiyu said.

"Morning? It's almost ten o'clock, if you don't clean up, how will you open the store tomorrow?" Jiang Yang said.

"Okay, okay." Yu Zhiyu reluctantly agreed.


The next day, Jiang Yang visited Mr. Chen Quanzhou early in the morning.

This time, he didn't cook in the past, and Mr. Chen readily agreed to Jiang Yang's request.

In Chen's house, Jiang Yang did not see Chen Cuyi, but the chefs who had a banquet with Jiang Yang before came to congratulate Jiang Yang on becoming a culinary master.

This was naturally another exchange of pleasantries, and it took Jiang Yang a long time to leave the Chen's restaurant.

After visiting the culinary master who taught Jiangyang, he finally put down a stone in his heart, and now he can teach all he has learned with confidence.


The days passed by.

A piece of inconspicuous news suddenly appeared in the public eye, but it was only a flash in the pan and was forgotten.In today's life, there are too many new things around us.

The famous gourmet magazine "Smell and Fragrance" suddenly announced that they will hold a public food event in the imperial capital, where top chefs will cook live!

This news is not a shocking news. Nowadays, various food festivals emerge one after another. In the eyes of many people, this is nothing more than an announcement of a food festival.

However, this move of "Smell and Fragrance" has aroused the doubts of interested people, such as Shen Peihong who has been at odds with "Smell and Smell" magazine!

At this moment, he was sitting in the office, tapping his fingers on the desktop.

After forming an alliance with Meng Wanqiu's Xiangdongliu Restaurant, and gaining the support of Jiang Yang, the most popular culinary master today, the life of Shen Peihong's "Diner" gourmet magazine has become much easier.

At least I don't have the feeling of being overwhelmed by the "color and fragrance" magazine before.

Others may not care much about the actions of "Smell and Smell", but Shen Peihong, who has been following "Smell and Smell", cared very much.

According to his understanding of "Color and Fragrance", it is impossible for Wei Qi to make such a move, unless there is some profound meaning.

However, Shen Peihong couldn't figure out why Wei Qi wanted to hold this gourmet event.Is it Wei Qi's idea, or the idea of ​​the boss behind Wei Qi?
Shen Peihong couldn't figure it out, but he kept an eye on Wei Qi in his heart.


Jiang Yang discovered the abnormality of the system one night.

He closed the shop door to prepare for a rest, he called out the system on a whim, and looked at the happiness point.

Jiang Yang didn't know if he didn't look at it, but he was taken aback when he saw that there were nearly [-] happiness points in the system.

This is a huge number. Even if Jiang Yang didn't use the happiness points in the system, it would have been two months since he returned from the cruise ship.

But even so, it's not normal.When he went on a cruise, he only had more than 2000 happiness points, but now it has suddenly become nearly [-] happiness points.

Jiang Yang knew his own affairs. After the cruise ship, Jiang Yang suddenly saw a lot, and how far away [-] million happiness points are, Jiang Yang had already given up on the road to exchange for that grandmaster.

These days after returning from the cruise ship, Jiangyang's store has a very short opening time. Even if it is full of customers every day, the number of people it receives is really limited.With his own ability, it is impossible for him to gather nearly [-] happiness points in a short period of time.

But the system will not lie!There must be something wrong.

Jiang Yang thought about it.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Yang didn't even have a clue. He really couldn't figure out why the system suddenly had so many happiness points.

However, Jiang Yang is not helpless. He plans to record his happiness points every day from now on, and then record how many guests he receives every day, and he will probably be able to see something.

After Jiang Yang made the plan, he was going to start recording tomorrow.


Xiangdongliu Restaurant, Jiang Yang hasn't been here recently.However, what Jiang Yang taught here made the chefs of Xiangdongliu Restaurant make great progress.

Many young chefs called Jiang Yang a teacher, regardless of whether Jiang Yang agreed or not.

The business of Xiangdongliu Restaurant is very good, and it is now considered one of the big restaurants in Rongcheng.

Especially after cooperating with "Diner", Xiangdongliu Restaurant became famous under the spare no efforts of the "Diner" magazine.

The back kitchen of Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

"Hey~ Brother Liu, do you still remember the spice combination that Mr. Jiang talked about before?" A young chef asked another young chef.

"Remember, why?" said the chef named Brother Liu.

"That's great. Brother Liu, please help me see if I'm doing this right. When Mr. Jiang was talking about it, I was a little distracted and didn't remember much."

"Okay, let me take a look for you, but you have to remember this time, otherwise I won't help you next time."

"Got it, Brother Liu."

Scenes like this happen every day.


Chen Cuyi wiped the sweat from his brow, and he set off on the journey again.

It didn't take long to come out, but Chen Cuyi has gained a lot.Although he still has no idea how to become a culinary master, Chen Cuyi feels that he is getting closer to that realm.

Long Yunan, who is far away in Yangcheng, is also operating at full capacity today.

Long Yunan's work intensity exceeds that of many chefs. It stands to reason that with Long Yunan's current cooking skills, he should focus on finding the heart of the chef instead of wasting time here to continue practicing.

Apart from his master, not even his senior brother knew the reason for Long Yun'an's choice.

The fact that Jiang Yang became a culinary master surprised and complicated Long Yun'an, but he was only surprised for a while, and then he devoted himself to cooking again.

He is steadfast in his own way of cooking, and he wants to take a path that no one has ever taken before.

Long Yun'an worked hard, he firmly waved the kitchen knife in his hand, every time he took a step forward on the road of cooking.

After Ren Pengcheng was rejected again by Yang Kaizhong, he finally couldn't help but implement a long-planned plan.

The seemingly peaceful culinary world is actually full of undercurrents.

got windy.

Who can ride the wind and rise again?

(End of this chapter)

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