gourmet restaurant

Chapter 655 Chef Jiang Forced to Open Business

Chapter 655 Chef Jiang Forced to Open Business
Jiang Yang went shopping with Meng Wanqiu for a day, there are too few opportunities like this on weekdays.

As the general manager of the company, Meng Wanqiu has less rest time than ordinary employees.Although the company is owned by Meng Wanqiu, the company has its own rules and regulations, and even the general manager must abide by them.

Meng Wanqiu rested today, and Jiang Yang also accompanied Meng Wanqiu to rest.

This time, Jiang Yang had agreed with Yu Zhiyu in advance that he would not open the door today, and told him not to come and wait.Jiang Yang was also afraid of Yu Zhiyu, in case he rushed out like before...

In Yu Zhiyu's extremely resentful tone, Jiang Yang resolutely hung up the phone.

Walking around for a day, the two didn't have a specific place to go, just like two ordinary young couples, eating at roadside stalls and shopping in small jewelry shops.

In the evening, the two went to have a romantic dinner. Although the taste was mediocre, the atmosphere was really good.

After dinner, facing the night breeze, Meng Wanqiu opened his arms and said, "Wow! I'm so happy today!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Jiang Yang and said, "Thank you, Jiang Yang!"

Jiang Yang smiled: "I am also very happy today, and I thank you too."

"Puff..." Meng Wanqiu laughed.

"It's better not to say thank you between the two of us, it always feels weird." Meng Wanqiu said.

"Okay, that's what you said, so I won't thank you. Then I won't give you this gift." Jiang Yang said, taking out the things in his hand and shaking them.

This is a necklace with a simple style. When Meng Wanqiu went to the jewelry store, she immediately fell in love with this necklace.

It's just that Meng Wanqiu hesitated for a while and didn't buy it. It's not that she couldn't afford it, but Meng Wanqiu is a girl who knows how to restrain herself. Too many necklaces are unnecessary.There are too many things she likes, so she can't buy them all, right?

At this moment, the necklace suddenly appeared in Jiang Yang's hand, and Meng Wanqiu couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

"Why is it in your hands?" Meng Wanqiu asked in surprise.

"I knew you liked it, so I went back and bought it secretly, in preparation for a surprise for you," Jiang Yang said.

Meng Wanqiu suddenly said: "No wonder when you left the jewelry store, you suddenly had to go to the bathroom, so you just sneaked back to buy necklaces?"


Jiang Yang smiled, but did not deny it.

"How is it, is it a surprise?" Jiang Yang asked expectantly.

Meng Wanqiu nodded and said, "Of course I was pleasantly surprised, thank you!"

Meng Wanqiu who took the necklace couldn't put it down, not only because she liked the necklace, but more importantly, because the necklace was given to her by Jiang Yang, which had a different meaning.

"Did you forget what you said just now? We agreed not to say thank you." Jiang Yang said.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything." Meng Wanqiu said.

She handed it to Jiang Yang and said, "Help me wear it."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang held the necklace, wrapped his arms around Meng Wanqiu's neck, took off the necklace Meng Wanqiu was wearing, and put this necklace on for Meng Wanqiu.

The two were so close that they could smell each other clearly.The night wind blew, blowing a strand of Meng Wanqiu's hair onto Jiang Yang's face, and a charming atmosphere slowly rose.

Jiang Yang stared at Meng Wanqiu, the two only had eyes for each other.The two hearts approached slowly, and Jiang Yang kissed Meng Wanqiu's lips, soft and cold with a hint of trembling.

This kiss made the two of them forget the time and the place.

After an unknown amount of time, the two parted.

Meng Wanqiu lowered her head, a blush rose on her face.

"How long do you have to hug, others will see us." Meng Wanqiu said in a low voice.

Jiang Yang hurriedly let go of his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Meng Wanqiu raised her head and gave Jiang Yang a white look: "Fool."

After speaking, Meng Wanqiu took Jiang Yang's hand.

"Let's go, why are you staying there." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang touched his lips, feeling somewhat reminiscent of the feeling just now.

In the car, Jiang Yang had escaped from the emotion just now, and Meng Wanqiu was no longer as shy as before.

"Send you home?" Jiang Yang asked.

Meng Wanqiu cast a glance at Jiang Yang when she heard the words, and said in a flat tone, "Whatever you want."

Jiang Yang Fu Lin's heart came to him, he immediately changed his words: "Would you like to come to my house for a while?"

Meng Wanqiu responded softly, "Yes."

Jiang Yang drove back to the store.

As soon as the door was opened, a faint voice sounded: "Master, you really are a man who values ​​sex over friends."

Jiang Yang turned his head suddenly, only to see Yu Zhiyu standing behind him, staring at him.

"Yu Zhiyu? Didn't I say I won't open the door today? Why are you still here?" Jiang Yang asked suspiciously.

"I came here to see who the woman who seduced you away, Master!" Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang: ...

Why does this tone sound like a resentful woman?

Jiang Yang felt a chill.

"You are Yu Zhiyu, right? Jiang Yang often talks about you." Meng Wanqiu said suddenly.

Yu Zhiyu only saw Meng Wanqiu's face clearly at this time, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, it's no wonder your soul has been taken away, but all the women who chased me in the past were half as beautiful as my wife, so I won't be here now." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang: "Is it so exaggerated? And why are you inhaling?"

Yu Zhiyu said: "Isn't it written like this in novels? If you are shocked, you have to take a breath."

Jiang Yang: ...

Yu Zhiyu said to Meng Wanqiu again: "Master, what did Master tell you about me? Is he praising my talent?"

Meng Wanqiu:? ? ?

Then he looked at Jiang Yang: Has he always been so narcissistic?
Jiang Yang nodded slowly.

"Okay, don't make trouble. What are you doing here?" Jiang Yang asked.

Yu Zhiyu laughed and said, "Master, why don't we open the shop tonight?"

Jiang Yang: "Brother, look at what time it is now. I haven't processed any ingredients. Tell me it's open now?"

Yu Zhiyu curled his lips and said, "Master, when are you worried about this kind of problem, isn't it always my job to deal with the ingredients?"

Jiang Yang thought for a while and said, "That's right."

"Then Master, you agree?" Yu Zhiyu said happily.

Jiang Yang immediately said: "It's no wonder you agree, you think my place is a late-night cafeteria?"

"Late night cafeteria, this is pretty good." Meng Wanqiu said with bright eyes.

Jiang Yang:? ? ?
"Jiangyang, why don't we open it now, like a late-night cafeteria, I think it feels good." Meng Wanqiu said.

When Yu Zhiyu heard the words, he immediately regained his spirits: "Master, you see that my wife has said so, let's open!"

Jiang Yang ignored Yu Zhiyu and said to Meng Wanqiu, "Lanqiu, it's getting late, you have to go home."

"It's okay, it's okay if I go back later." Meng Wanqiu said.

"No, if you go back late in Wanqiu, uncles and aunts should be worried." Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu curled his lips and said: "Master, look at you, my wife doesn't mind, why are you so hypocritical?"

Jiang Yang: ...

Am I hypocritical?
He looked at the two of them, and finally sighed helplessly: "Okay then, let's open now."

(End of this chapter)

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