gourmet restaurant

Chapter 662 Asking Questions and Taking Notes

Chapter 662 Asking Questions and Taking Notes

Finished lunch.

What followed was some boring speeches, probably just to flatter each other and casually talk about the rules of this exchange meeting.

In fact, everyone knows the rules, but saying the rules and not saying them are two different things.

The ranking of restaurants is based on the ranking of the dishes cooked by the master chefs of each restaurant. It can be said that the ranking of restaurants depends entirely on whether the chefs of the restaurants are good or not.

Why not look at others?

What is the most important thing about a restaurant?

Are other aspects important?For example, decoration design, atmosphere setting, publicity, brand building...

Of course it's all important!
But they don't play like this, the reason is very simple, because many of the founders of these high-end restaurants are chefs.

How could a group of chefs engage in so many bells and whistles compared to those capitals?

Simply, we don't compare with others, just compare the level of the chef's cooking skills, and use the level of the chef's cooking skills to rank, no one is an exception.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing so, so I won't say much.

Jiang Yang roughly understood the rules, which was no different from what Chen Lao said before.

The ingredients, kitchen utensils, and cooking environment are prepared by Peony Garden, so you don't have to worry about it at all.

The kitchen of Peony Garden is not small, but it is not particularly large either.

It is impossible for individual chefs to cook, nor is it possible for all chefs to cook together.

Jiang Yang was the third batch of cooks, so he was not in a hurry, and watched the chefs walk into and out of the kitchen calmly.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you going to cook?" A chef next to Jiang Yang came up and asked.

Jiang Yang looked at him with a smile and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"We just want to ask you first, so that we can know in advance and know how to cooperate with you." The chef said.

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can take whatever I tell you to take when the time comes."

The chef couldn't help but nodded when he heard that.

When cooking at an exchange meeting, you can bring assistants, that is, help cooks!
After all, not every culinary master is as young as Jiang Yang, and many culinary masters habitually bring one or two helpers.

One is to make cooking easier, and the other is to highlight one's status.

Jiang Yang is not used to having a helper in the kitchen. He has always handled the ingredients and finished the cooking by himself.

But at the moment when the chef on the side asked this, Jiang Yang suddenly thought that maybe it would be a good thing for them to bring them in.

There are not many opportunities to see so many master chefs cooking at the same time. These are Xiangdongliu's chefs, that is, "my family". Their culinary skills have improved, which is also a good thing for Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

It's just that they suddenly asked what kind of dishes Jiang Yang was cooking. Jiang Yang didn't think about it for a while, so he didn't say anything, not pretending to be mysterious.

After a while, another voice rang in my ears.

"Mr. Jiang, are you free?" the chef who asked just now asked again.

"I'm free." Jiang Yang said.

"Great, can I ask you a question?" the chef asked cautiously again.

Jiang Yang turned around with a smile and asked, "What's the problem?"

The chef couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, with a happy smile on his face.He tried his best to calm down, took out a notebook, flipped through it and said.

"I still don't quite understand what you said about the combination of spices."

Jiang Yang: "About the combination of spices, I have said a lot before, what exactly do you not understand?"

Hearing this, the young chef immediately put the notebook in front of Jiang Yang and pointed with his finger: "Here, here, and here."

Jiang Yang stared at the notebook. There were densely written things on it, but the handwriting was neat, and his intentions could be seen.Jiang Yang just glanced at it, and found that most of the things on it were knowledge he had told them.

There are many things that the young chef doesn't understand, but they are all difficult points, some of which Jiang Yang only understood when he became a culinary master.

These points are really difficult for them to understand.

When he first asked Jiang Yang from the chef of Dongliu Restaurant, Jiang Yang just talked about it without thinking about whether they could understand it all.Now that Jiang Yang is a teacher at school, he realizes that he didn't speak well before.

Jiang Yang didn't think about going back and talking about it again, but at the moment when others asked, Jiang Yang naturally answered one by one.

This young chef is also very interesting, listening and taking notes.That strength is much stronger than when I went to school.

Jiang Yang's mouth was dry, and the young chef also remembered a sore wrist.

At some point, other chefs from Xiang Dongliu came over one after another, but they all listened attentively instead of taking notes.

Jiang Yang looked at the young chef and asked, "What's your name?"

Jiang Yang had an impression of this young chef. He only knew that he was the chef of Xiangdongliu Restaurant, but he didn't know his name.

"Yao Huan, female side Yao, happy Huan."

Jiang Yang nodded, remembering the name Yao Huan.

"How do you keep a notebook?" Jiang Yang asked.

Yao Huan smiled and said: "Actually, I didn't come up with this idea, but other people in our restaurant. Because Mr. Jiang, you have said too many things, and we can't remember many of them. We have to look around for anything." Ask other people who have memorized it, and someone later sorted out all the content you said and wrote it down. I just followed suit."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang nodded and said nothing.

Yao Huan glanced at Jiang Yang secretly, and found that Jiang Yang was not angry, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Yao Huan, if you have any questions, you can ask them before I go in to cook." Jiang Yang said.

Yao Huan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said ecstatically, "Thank you, Teacher Jiang! Thank you, Teacher Jiang!"

Jiang Yang didn't stop him from thanking him, but waited for him to say thank you before saying, "You have to hurry up."

Yao Huan nodded fiercely, quickly opened his notebook, and began to look for the problem.

He had a lot of questions in his daily life, and he marked them all, but under his nervousness, Yao Huan didn't find them immediately.

He fumbled for a while before finally finding out the question.

Jiang Yang watched from the side, and couldn't help laughing.Seeing Yao Huan in a hurry, Jiang Yang didn't rush him.

Yao Huan took the question and started to ask Jiang Yang.This is a rare opportunity for him.

Jiang Yang was also talking, and he didn't stop the other chefs from coming to listen.

Yao Huan asked questions again and again, and some chefs looked anxious, as if the questions were not on point.

With Jiang Yang's continuous explanations, the chefs who were listening had more or less gained something.

And the one who gained the most is Yao Huan!
After all, he asked all the questions, and all the answers helped him to the greatest extent, so he gained the most.

Time passed quickly during the lecture, and a staff member came to inform him not long after, "Chef Jiangyang, it's your turn."

Jiang Yang stood up, patted his clothes and said, "Let's start..."

(End of this chapter)

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