gourmet restaurant

Chapter 663 Dongpo Meat

Chapter 663 Dongpo Meat

Jiang Yang walked into the kitchen.

The kitchen of Peony Garden is very large, with stoves on both sides, enough for twenty or thirty chefs to cook together.

Jiang Yang came in with two help cooks. Although he didn't like to bring help cooks, it was good to let them come in to see and see.

The dish that Jiang Yang plans to cook is a classic dish - Dongpo Pork!

It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone knows the name of Dongpo Meat.

Dongpo Pork Dongpo Pork, its dish is closely related to the great poet Su Dongpo in history, and it is rumored that Su Dongpo created this dish.

There are different opinions about the origin of the dish, and no one can tell how it came about. Even in the same place, there are different legends.But without exception, in every legend, Dongpo meat is a dish created by Su Dongpo.

Dongpo pork is included in Sichuan cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, and Cantonese cuisine, and Dongpo pork is also rated as one of the 36 famous dishes in Hangzhou.

The cooking method of Dongpo pork is similar to braised pork.

The general steps are to cut the pork belly into squares of about seven liang, add green onion, ginger, rock sugar and various other seasonings, and then cook it slowly in a casserole until it is crispy but not rotten.

This dish is so widely spread that there are so many ways to make it, but there is no authentic saying.

The taste of the dishes is always the king, where there are so many authentic and non-authentic statements.If the authentic method is not as good as the taste of the unauthentic method, it can only mean that the authentic method has not kept up with the times.

Jiang Yang took a piece of pork belly and trimmed it into roughly seven taels with a knife.Use a spray gun to burn the skin of the pork belly until the pork skin is browned, scrape off the burnt part with a knife, and then wash it with clean water.

The pork belly is tied with a thin rope, and the pork belly is drawn into a square shape, as if a piece of meat has been cut into four pieces.This step has no special meaning, just to make the meat look better after cooking.

The next step is to stew!

Put the bamboo grate in the casserole, first spread the green onions, then put a few slices of ginger on it, and put the pork belly face down.Adding rock sugar can make the color of the stewed meat more bright and beautiful.Then add rice wine, soy sauce and a little salt to taste, and finally add water and simmer over low heat.

After all this was done, Jiang Yang did not relax, this was just the beginning, and the mastery of the fire was extremely important.

The meat slowly absorbs the flavors of various seasonings in the casserole, and the skin will be burned to make the color deeper and more beautiful.Various flavors slowly seeped into the meat, and the color gradually changed.

Generally speaking, Dongpo pork needs to be stewed for about two hours to make the meat crispy and soft.

Jiang Yang waited for the Dongpo meat to be cooked, and the two help cooks he brought in were also staring at the casserole.

When several masters are cooking at the same time, the most taboo thing is aiming at random.If someone finds out that you are stealing, scolding is a good thing. In serious cases, it will even affect the restaurant where you work and make you lose your job.

The two assistant chefs beside Jiang Yang understood these principles very well. They kept their eyes on Jiang Yang very well, not watching other chefs cooking.

Jiang Yang is not the stunned young man who didn't understand anything before, he also understands these principles.

He couldn't help sighing, how can we talk about progress if this continues?Huaguo's chef system still needs a lot of improvement.

Jiang Yang has only been feeling emotional for a while, he is just an ordinary master chef, he does not have the age, nor the capital to change these things.He can only do some things within his capacity, such as teaching students.

Time passed slowly, and the master chef in the kitchen came and went.There is no time limit for this exchange, you can cook for as long as you want.

The only thing is, you have to finish cooking before the end of the exchange meeting, otherwise the car will be empty, and no one will taste your dishes.

Naturally, Jiang Yang wouldn't finish it after the end. When Jiang Yang felt that it was time to cook, he cooked Dongpo pork.

Jiang Yang has only learned this dish for a while.But Jiang Yang, who is a culinary master, is excellent in all aspects, including basic skills such as knife skills, heat, and seasoning.In fact, cooking is always the same. What is important about a new dish is the concept, that is, the creativity of the dish. Others... are pretty much the same.

It didn't take Jiang Yang much time to learn this Dongpo pork dish. Since the recipe was searched on the Internet, Jiangyang's Dongpo pork is also different from other chefs.

Jiang Yang cooked the recipes on the Internet one by one, gathered the advantages of them, and then improved them himself. This Dongpo pork dish can be said to have Jiangyang's strong personal characteristics.

The color of Dongpo pork after cooking is bright and attractive, and the meat still has a trembling feeling when you pick it up, as if you are serving a bag of water instead of meat.

The dishes were brought out by two help cooks, so Jiang Yang didn't join in the fun.

He went out of the kitchen and came to the resting place, where the two teachers happened to be there.

"Old Chen, Old Liao." Jiang Yang greeted.

"Jiang Yang, are your dishes ready?" Chen Quanzhou asked with a smile.

Jiang Yang nodded and said, "It's done."

"You've been in there long enough." Elder Liao also smiled.

The two of them paid attention when Jiang Yang entered, and it took more than two hours for Jiang Yang to come out of the kitchen, so the two of them said this.

"It's been a while." Jiang Yang responded.

Isn't that right? It's not long since he cooked a dish for more than two hours?
What made Jiang Yang most uncomfortable was that he couldn't aim randomly in the kitchen, otherwise it would be bad if it caused misunderstandings by other chefs.

"What kind of food do you cook? Why did you go in for so long?" Old Chen asked curiously.

Now that the dishes are ready, there is nothing to say.Just like an exam, you have to check a pair of answers after the end.

"The Dongpo pork I made has been stewed for a long time." Jiang Yang said with a smile.

"Dongpo meat?" Old Chen was surprised.

"You know Dongpo meat?" Old Liao asked in surprise.

What they say is good, not that you can make Dongpo meat good, but that you have to make it delicious, not to mention making it a master-level dish, but at least it must be at the top level of a master!Otherwise, for a master chef, can that be called knowing how to cook?
Jiang Yang smiled, and said with some embarrassment: "I learned it a few days ago. This dish is not difficult, but the heat must be controlled properly."

Elder Chen and Elder Liao looked at each other, both smiling wryly.It’s nothing surprising that you know how to make Dongpo pork. The problem is that you only learned it a few days ago?Even a master chef can't learn so fast, can he?

"It's good to be talented." Old Chen rarely said such a sentence.

He was also a little envious of Jiang Yang's talent, and felt a little sour in his heart.

When he was young, he was also the envy of others, and now it is his turn to envy others.

Thinking of this, Chen Quanzhou felt very complicated.

They were chatting while tasting dishes on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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