gourmet restaurant

Chapter 667 Free Porridge

Chapter 667 Free Porridge

Wang Yafei didn't wait too long.

A steaming hot and sour shredded potato was served, along with white rice.

The hot and sour aroma stimulated Wang Yafei's taste buds. Before he started eating, Wang Yafei swallowed a little.

It's been a long time since she had a normal meal, either bread or instant noodles every day.She had no money, and she didn't dare to ask the family for money, because the family itself disagreed with her coming to Rongcheng.

Wang Yafei took a deep breath, held the rice bowl and began to eat, the fragrant and glutinous white rice, she had never felt so delicious for a moment.

The smell of hot and sour potato shreds made her feel like she had tasted the hard work of these days.

The pressure of life, interview failures one after another.

At this moment, Wang Yafei finally broke down, and she buried her head and cried.

Seeing this, Yu Zhiyu wanted to go up to comfort him, but was stopped by Jiang Yang.

"Master, you..." Yu Zhiyu was a little puzzled.

"When she was crying, she definitely didn't want others to see her," Jiang Yang said.

Yu Zhiyu nodded, and it was over.

After crying for a long time, Wang Yafei raised his head and found that there was no one in the restaurant, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She is a very strong girl and doesn't want others to see her weak side.

The potato shreds were a bit cold, but they still tasted delicious. Wang Yafei sandwiched the potato shreds, and shoveled the rice, trying to swallow it down.

She never thought of giving up, she was not a girl who gave up easily, even though her head was broken, she still moved forward and worked hard.

She is eating hard now, because she knows that only when she is full can she have the strength to move on.

"What a strong girl." Yu Zhiyu said.

He's not stupid, he just doesn't want to think about it.

Jiang Yang nodded, this is indeed a strong girl.From the time she came in, Jiang Yang could tell that this girl must have experienced something very uncomfortable just now, her eyes were confused and her expression was tense.With the resume she put on the dining table, Jiang Yang probably deduced that this girl should have just gone through an interview.

The result is also obvious.If it's good, she can't come to eat like this.

However, the girl just lay down and cried for a while, then wiped away her tears and continued to eat.

"Yeah, a strong girl." Jiang Yang said, and walked out with a seafood porridge.

Jiang Yang put the seafood porridge on Wang Yafei's dining table, which made Wang Yafei stunned for a moment, looked up at Jiang Yang in a daze and said, "Boss, I didn't order this."

Jiang Yang smiled and said, "I know, this seafood porridge is for you."

Wang Yafei paused and said, "Thank you, boss, but I don't get paid for nothing. I can't have this porridge."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang had a better impression of this girl.He could tell that this was a strong girl who couldn't stand others' handouts.

Jiang Yang laughed: "I didn't send you for no reason, that's right, you are the first customer today, and we will give you a seafood porridge."

Wang Yafei looked at the time and was a little surprised: "Boss, are you lying to me? It's already afternoon now, how could I be the first customer."

Jiang Yang laughed: "I didn't lie to you. In fact, our store opened in the afternoon. It didn't take long for it to open. Of course you were the first customer."

Hearing what Jiang Yang said, Wang Yafei nodded, she believed it a little bit.After all, the boss doesn't need to try his best to lie to himself, and he has nothing to lie to.

Ever since, Wang Yafei accepted the seafood porridge and said, "Thank you boss!"

"You're welcome. Then use it slowly, and call me if you need it." Jiang Yang laughed.

After speaking, Jiang Yang returned to the back kitchen.

Wang Yafei finished his meal in two or three strokes and touched his stomach, but he was not full.But she was also embarrassed to eat other people's rice, after all, she only ordered one dish, and the boss also gave a seafood porridge.

Thinking of seafood porridge, Wang Yafei picked up the seafood porridge and blew the heat on the surface.


Wang Yafei took a sip of porridge, and a wave of heat instantly went to her limbs and bones, making her whole body warm.

The porridge is very delicious.

Wang Yafei can only think of such a word, she can't describe what kind of delicacy it is, she only knows that this bowl of porridge is delicious.

The warmth of her body gave her spiritual strength.

She found that she was full of fighting spirit again.

She will always succeed, and failure cannot haunt her for the rest of her life!

This is Wang Yafei's belief.

After eating, Wang Yafei said a little nervously: "Boss, pay the bill!"

Although she now has strength in her heart, it still hasn't changed her current situation of having no money, and she is also afraid that the meal will be too expensive.

When Jiang Yang quoted the price, Wang Yafei was relieved, but luckily it was not beyond her tolerance.

After paying the money, Wang Yafei suddenly asked Jiang Yang: "Boss, you said that you can find a job without a good diploma?"

Jiang Yang said with a smile: "I don't know what a good job is, but as long as you persist and don't give up, one day you will find what you think is a good job."

Wang Yafei nodded, and asked again: "Is the diploma important?"

Jiang Yang thought for a while and said: "Diploma is important. It is a demonstration of your ability. Others don't know what your ability is, they can only look at your diploma. Of course, diploma is not that important. The most important thing is that you have real talents. .”

After Wang Yafei finished listening, she bowed to Jiang Yang and said, "Thank you boss!"

After speaking, he left the hotel.

Yu Zhiyu came over from the back kitchen, he saw everything just now.

"Master, do you think she will find a job?" Yu Zhiyu asked.

Jiang Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I believe that God will not disappoint those who work hard."

Yu Zhiyu nodded, but did not speak.

Time passed slowly, and it was almost time for dinner, Jiang Yang planned to close the door.

However, Yu Zhiyu stopped Jiang Yang and said, "Master, you can't close the door. Whose restaurant closes as soon as it's meal time?"

"I am here." Jiang Yang said.

One wants to close the door, the other is not allowed to close the door, and the two are deadlocked there.

At this moment, a guest suddenly came outside the door.

Seeing that the door of Jiangyang Hotel was open, the man couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said, "Hey! The door is actually open!"

The man came to the door and watched Jiang Yang and Yu Zhiyu's movements.

"Boss, are you going to close the door?" The guest was a little puzzled.

Jiang Yang was about to say something, but Yu Zhiyu said first: "No, we just opened the door. Guests, please, what do you want to eat today?"

With that said, Yu Zhiyu welcomed the guests in.

Jiang Yang is helpless, the customers have already entered the store, so it is impossible to close the store, right?
Can only continue to operate.

When the guest heard Yu Zhiyu's inquiry, he didn't answer what to eat, but immediately said: "Don't worry, I'll make a few calls."

When Jiang Yang heard this, he secretly thought it was not good.Yu Zhiyu, however, looked excited, and quickly said: "It's okay, you hit it, you hit a few more."

Sure enough, not long after, a queue began to line up outside the Jiangyang store...

(End of this chapter)

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