gourmet restaurant

Chapter 668 Deliberately picking things up?

Chapter 668 Deliberately picking things up?

After participating in the high-end restaurant exchange meeting in Sichuan Province, Meng Wanqiu's Xiangdongliu restaurant has been out of control.

Xiangdongliu Restaurant, which originally served mid-to-high-end dishes, began to slowly transform into high-end dishes.

This is a good thing, high-end restaurants can make more money.

Meng Wanqiu is now running on both ends, taking care of both the company and the restaurant.

This is not an easy task, Meng's company and restaurant are not in the same industry at all.It was Meng Wanqiu's first time to run a restaurant, and she put all her heart and effort into every place.

It is worth mentioning that Father Meng took Mother Meng to travel around the world.

Today's mother Meng has let go of many knots, and her daughter has also found a suitable partner, so there is nothing to worry about.He was so quiet that he wanted to go out and have a look.

This is different from going on a trip while going for treatment. This time, I planned to go to places that Meng's mother wanted to go but hadn't been able to.

Every day, Meng Wanqiu receives many photos, all of which were taken by Meng's mother.Some are on the mountains, some are by the sea, some are in the city, and some are in the Gobi Desert.

In every photo, Mother Meng smiled brightly.

The photographer, of course, is Father Meng.

During this period of travel, Meng's father's photography skills have grown considerably with the naked eye.If this trend continues, I am afraid Father Meng will become a professional photographer.

Whenever Meng Wanqiu saw these photos, she would smile heartily.Seeing her mother smiling so happily made her feel much better.

Today, something happened to Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

Meng Wanqiu rushed over in a hurry and summoned the manager of the lobby.

"What's going on?" Meng Wanqiu said in a deep voice.

Meng Wanqiu's present deterrent power, even with such a plain sentence, still shocked the lobby manager.

"Boss, we can't blame us for this, he was the first..." The manager wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted by Meng Wanqiu.

"Okay, let's talk about the matter directly, and I will judge whose fault it is." Meng Wanqiu said.

The manager paused, but still said: "Okay, boss. This is what happened..."

Listening to the manager's narration, Meng Wanqiu also figured out the cause and effect of the incident.

It's not a big deal, the reason is that a gourmet came to eat at Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

It was fine at first, but halfway through the meal, the gourmet started looking for the manager of the restaurant.His reason is simple, none of these dishes are cooked by master chefs!And Xiang Dongliu used the name of chef Jiang Yang to publicize, but none of the dishes were cooked by Jiang Yang.

The gourmet asked to eat a dish cooked by Jiang Yang, otherwise Xiangdongliu Restaurant was deceiving consumers.

However, the manager said that Xiangdongliu Restaurant did not deceive customers. Jiang Yang is indeed the chef of the restaurant, but he does not cook every day.

The two of them refused to let either of them go, and once they came and went, things broke out.

After receiving the news, Meng Wanqiu hurried over.

At this time, the Xiangdongliu restaurant should not have any problems, because it is now in the transition period of the restaurant, and if there is a problem, the consequences will be disastrous.

In fact, for ordinary people, except for master-level dishes, it is difficult to distinguish the dishes made by top chefs from the dishes made by master chefs.Only people like gourmets, whose job is to taste dishes, can tell the difference.

After Meng Wanqiu understood the consequences of her previous actions, she came to this gourmet and said, "Hello, I am the owner of this restaurant, and my name is Meng."

The gourmet said with a smile: "Hi, my name is Fu Pan."

"I probably understand the matter. May I ask Mr. Fu how to solve it?" Meng Wanqiu asked with a smile.

"My request is very simple, I want to eat dishes made by Master Jiangyang." Fu Pan said.

"I'm sorry, Chef Jiang Yang is busy today, so I may not be able to meet your request." Meng Wanqiu still said with a smile.

"This is your business. I spent money, and I just want to eat what I want. As for the rest, that is your restaurant's business." Fu Pan said.

Meng Wanqiu was a little embarrassed, this Fu Pan's attitude was too stubborn.

"Well, how about this, today's meal will be treated as my invitation to your Excellency, and I hope you will not make things difficult for me." Meng Wanqiu said.

"I don't want to talk about money, I just want to talk about food." Fu Pan said.

"Mr. Fu, this is the restaurant's greatest sincerity. Chef Jiang Yang has something to do today, so I can't force him to come back, can I? Why don't you come back another day? Xiangdongliu Restaurant welcomes you at any time." Meng Wanqiu's voice remained unchanged. Speaking of.

Fu Pan took a deep look at Meng Wanqiu, then looked at the dishes on the table, and said with a smile, "Okay! I'm not an unreasonable person, so I'll come back another day."

After finishing speaking, Fu Pan left straight away.

Meng Wanqiu frowned behind her.

Isn't this Fu Pan difficult to solve?Logically speaking, she is not needed, so why can't the lobby manager solve it?

Meng Wanqiu thought about it and glanced at the lobby manager.

The manager was terrified by this look. Seeing Meng Wanqiu deal with Fu Pan so easily, his heart was pounding, and now that Meng Wanqiu looked at him again, he felt flustered.

"Boss, this Fu Pan was very difficult to talk to before. He didn't agree with any proposal I proposed. The boss is still very powerful. As soon as you came, he calmed down this Fu Pan." The manager said immediately.

Meng Wanqiu didn't care about the manager's flattery, but was thinking, why did Fu Pan leave as soon as she came?

Meng Wanqiu knew about the manager's abilities, after all, she single-handedly selected the manager.

It's just that it's even more strange, this Fu Pan came... It's too late.It appeared during the transformation of Xiangdongliu Restaurant, this point is a bit sensitive!

Meng Wanqiu is no longer a rookie in shopping malls, some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

The purpose of Fu Pan's appearance, Meng Wanqiu can't come to a conclusion for the time being, but Fu Pan's appearance reminded her that the restaurant needs Jiang Yang to come and sit in charge!
It's not that Jiang Yang should come to the restaurant every day to guard him, but he should come at least once every other day or two, so that... no one else can catch him.

In order to prevent bad things from appearing on the Internet, Meng Wanqiu ordered the public relations department to keep an eye on the news on the Internet at all times, and to publicize immediately if there is a sign.

At Jiangyang's place, Meng Wanqiu was also going to talk about it.

Just in time for a date tonight, let's talk about it.

Thinking in her heart, Meng Wanqiu casually called the staff of the restaurant for a meeting.


Just as Fu Pan returned home, a phone call came from a stranger, but Fu Pan answered it without hesitation.

"Is it done?"

Fu Pan replied: "It's done."

"Okay, I'll transfer the money to your account."

Fu Pan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and before he could speak, he said to the other side: "Remember, you have never contacted me, and you don't need to contact me in the future."

Fu Pan was taken aback for a moment, but for Qian's sake, he still said, "Okay."

Then, the phone hung up with a "beep" sound.

(End of this chapter)

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