gourmet restaurant

Chapter 669 Strange Place

Chapter 669 Strange Place
After the meeting with the staff, Meng Wanqiu originally wanted to go back to the company first, but felt inappropriate in the middle of it.

So she went to Jiangyang Hotel again.

On the way to Jiangyang Hotel, Meng Wanqiu couldn't help but think about the purpose of Fu Pan.

His behavior was very strange. He said he was looking for faults, but it didn't feel too similar, but if he said he was not finding faults, it wouldn't make sense.

If it is to find fault, it is better to use other means than the previous statement.He said he wanted to eat Jiang Yang's dishes, even if Jiang Yang didn't come to Xiangdongliu Restaurant to cook, but after what he said, Meng Wanqiu could call Jiang Yang to work for two days.

In this case, even if Fu Pan made a statement on the matter on the Internet, Xiangdongliu Restaurant can be said that Jiang Yang happened to have something to do that day, and then posted a few videos of Jiang Yang working in Xiangdongliu Restaurant. The impact can be almost reduced to a minimum.

Furthermore, even if this Fu Pan can't find any other reason to find fault, he can't come alone. At least one person should be found to take a video and post it on the Internet so that no one will believe it. How do others believe it?

But Meng Wanqiu checked the surveillance video and found no one intentionally filming the video. Even if there was a video, it was stopped in time by the staff of Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

This all seems a little unreasonable.

Could it be that this payment was really just a coincidence?Is it just a diner who just comes to taste the food?
But the timing of Fu Pan's appearance was too coincidental, Meng Wanqiu couldn't help but think about it.

Although she didn't know what Fu Pan's idea was, she still planned to play it safe by calling Jiang Yang to work at Xiangdongliu Restaurant for a while.

This also makes others unable to grasp the handle.

You must know that Xiangdongliu Restaurant is now in a critical period. If something goes wrong at this time, the transformation of Xiangdongliu Restaurant into a high-end restaurant will be complicated and will increase a lot of difficulty out of thin air.

Meng Wanqiu thought about it, and soon came to the door of the Jiangyang shop.

Jiang Yang was arguing with Yu Zhiyu when Meng Wanqiu came suddenly.

"Lanqiu, why are you here? It's not time to get off work yet." Jiang Yang asked puzzled.

Meng Wanqiu's sudden arrival surprised Jiang Yang a little.

"I came to see you for business." Meng Wanqiu said.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yang held a stool and motioned for Meng Wanqiu to sit down.

"That's it..."

Meng Wanqiu told Jiang Yang about what happened at Xiangdongliu Restaurant.

"Well, then I'll go to Xiangdongliu Restaurant every one or two days." Jiang Yang said after listening.

What Meng Wanqiu said made Jiang Yang feel a little puzzled, but as long as he went to work at Xiangdongliu Restaurant, he didn't need to go every day, and once every other day or two would make people speechless.

After all, anyone who is knowledgeable knows that chefs like master chefs don't cook every day.This is a very normal thing.

So sometimes, if you want to eat dishes cooked by master chefs, you have to rely on luck.

Meng Wanqiu laughed and said, "That's what I mean too."

After finishing speaking, Meng Wanqiu looked at Jiang Yang, then at Yu Zhiyu, and said, "Are you planning to open?"

Jiang Yang quickly said: "How is it possible, I was going to pick you up from get off work, but you came first when I didn't expect it."

Jiang Yang was afraid that Yu Zhiyu would say something first, so he rushed to speak.

Meng Wanqiu nodded.

"Cough, late autumn, have you eaten yet?" Jiang Yang asked.

Meng Wanqiu shook her head: "Where there is time to eat, I almost didn't eat at noon."

Jiang Yang's heart moved, and he said, "Why don't I bring you meals every day at noon."

Meng Wanqiu shook her head with a smile and refused, "Forget it, you have something to do."

"Then you have to remember to eat." Jiang Yang said.

"Don't worry, no matter how busy I am, I will remember to eat." Meng Wanqiu said with a smile.

Jiang Yang nodded.

The two talked as if no one else was there, and Yu Zhiyu was very hurt.It turns out that when every dog ​​dies, no couple is really innocent.

Seeing the two showing their affection, Yu Zhiyu had the urge to leave, mainly because he felt his head was a little bright.

"Then what, master and wife, you guys talk first, I have something to do and I'll leave first." Yu Zhiyu said.

Jiang Yang turned his head, smiled and said to Yu Zhiyu: "Well, if you have something to do, go and do it first."

Yu Zhiyu left the store without the slightest delay, with a sad expression on his face.

When Yu Zhiyu walked out, Jiang Yang finally couldn't help laughing, very happy.

Meng Wanqiu rolled Jiang Yang's eyes and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"What intentional?" Jiang Yang pretended not to understand.

"You're still pretending! Didn't you mean it when you said those things in front of Yu Zhiyu?" Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang scratched his head and said, "Oh, you saw it."

Meng Wanqiu said angrily, "I don't know you yet!"

When Jiang Yang heard this, he just smirked.

"But you're a little too scheming, aren't you?" Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "If I don't do this, maybe Yu Zhiyu will drag me into business again."

Meng Wanqiu asked curiously: "I'm a little surprised, why do you always refuse to open the door and insist on Yu Zhiyu fighting wits and courage with you?"

Jiang Yang laughed and said, "The reason is very simple, because it's fun!"

"Fun?" Meng Wanqiu was a little puzzled.

"That's right, it's actually a kind of adjustment in life. Yu Zhiyu is a good person, so he won't look boring." Jiang Yang said.

Meng Wanqiu shook her head, not understanding the meaning of Jiang Yang's words.

But Meng Wanqiu said: "Jiang Yang, I found that you have changed a lot."

Jiang Yang touched his cheek and said, "Is there any?"

"You have become much more cheerful, not as dull as when I first met you." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang said: "Maybe, after going through some things, I can see some things. People, it's a day to be happy, and a day to be unhappy, so why not be happy."

Meng Wanqiu smiled and said, "You were not like this before!"

Jiang Yang laughed: "I didn't figure it out before, but now I do."

When Meng Wanqiu heard the words, she didn't continue to say anything, but said: "Then our Chef Jiang, what delicious food is he going to give me today?"

"Of course our Lady Queen can eat whatever she wants!" Jiang Yang said.

"That little Yangzi, the Ai family wants to eat three things." Meng Wanqiu said.

"Crap! But ma'am, it's easy to gain weight after eating Sanbuzhan, do you still want to eat it?" Jiang Yang asked pretendingly.

"Of course the Ai family wants to eat, and the Ai family will not get fat." Meng Wanqiu said delicately.

"But the empress has obviously gained three catties." Jiang Yang said desperately.

"Wow! Xiao Yangzi, look at how I deal with you! How dare you say I'm fat!"

"My lady, forgive me!"

The two were fighting, full of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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