Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 104 Ten Thousand Beasts Surrender

Chapter 104 Ten Thousand Beasts Surrender ([-])

"Let's talk about the Master of the Dao of Heaven first. He is the master of the prehistoric universe. Even if some people in the prehistoric universe are willing to stand on my side, can they be compared with the people in the entire universe? The top leaders of the entire universe are basically ruled by He formulated the Tianyu Competition,

After endless years of selection and departure, he became his subordinate.And since he is the master of heaven, maybe he has some other friends of the same level.If I am alone all the time, if I face them in the future, I will be a little weak, and I am practicing

In the process, it is inevitable that some external factors will disturb my cultivation. Aren't some subordinates easy to handle? "Wukong continued.

"The first thing I need to do is to cultivate forces that are loyal to me in this universe. Our enemies are not simple, so we can't be too simple. There are so many things in the universe. Only when you rule the entire universe will there be a steady stream of things. Work for me. Daozu Hongjun and others
Several saints are hostile to the master of heaven at all, but why they have been obeying him before, they will only know after they are rescued and asked them.The last time I saw those gangsters in the Holy Land of Chaos, I feel that their strength is definitely not lower than mine at that time
, so they should be at least saint level. " Wukong paused.

"Therefore, we must cultivate our own power. While raising my strength, we must cultivate some powerful subordinates who are loyal to me and whose strength is not much lower than mine. Such people must be the top in the universe, So I have to rule the universe even more." Enlightenment
Sora finally concluded.

"Well, boss, we support you." Mieshi and Haohua said excitedly.

"Okay, haha." After Wukong finished speaking, he continued to walk along the route, and the speed also increased at this time.

Along the way, Wukong subdued hundreds of low-level mid-level beasts by coercion alone. None of them resisted, and they surrendered directly. Only a few of the low-level mid-level peaks resisted a little, but they were easily subdued by Wukong, and Wukong even subdued them unexpectedly a lower position

The later divine beast is the thunder dragon in the dragon clan.His strength is comparable to that of a Tier [-] Heavenly Immortal, but compared to Wukong's strength comparable to that of a Tier [-] Heavenly Immortal, it is still a bit worse, and he was still subdued by Wukong.

This brontosaurus was not originally a mythical beast on the route that Robert set for Wukong, but just happened to reminisce with a Tyrannosaurus rex, and was subdued by Wukong by the way.After that, Wukong took this thunder dragon together to subdue the rest of the lower mid-level beasts, and let the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Go to Robert's territory first.

With the assistance of the thunder dragon Mengluo, Wukong quickly subdued the remaining beasts.

Then Wukong returned to Robert's territory together with Monroe and the last subdued beast.

Just when Wukong and others rushed back, there were thousands of beasts gathered in Robert's territory at this time, but most of them were only low-level early-level beasts, and only a few were low-level mid-level beasts.

Wukong looked around for a week, but he didn't find Robert and Paulo, "It seems that they haven't returned yet."

Some of the beasts here knew Wukong, and when they saw Wukong coming, they immediately shouted "Master".Immediately, those beasts who had never seen Wukong jumped in surprise. They were not fools. These beasts who shouted "Master" were stronger than them. Now they are taller than Wukong.

Shouting Sir, how could they not understand, and then shouting Sir, the voice was so loud that it spread for several miles.

(End of this chapter)

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