Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 105 Ten Thousand Beasts Surrender

Chapter 105 Ten Thousand Beasts Surrender ([-])

"Well, you stay here for the time being, and we'll talk about it when everyone else is here." After Wukong finished speaking, he sat cross-legged and suspended in mid-air, closing his eyes to practice.

The other monsters did not dare to disturb Wukong when they saw Wukong practicing with his eyes closed, and then they all closed their eyes to rest their minds.

One day, two days, three days, the number of divine beasts gradually increased, and every one of them was shocked when they came here, because the divine beasts here were at least at the same level as them, and there were even many higher-level ones than them. They were terrified, after these few days

After discussing, they also learned that the young man in Tsing Yi who was hanging in the air with his eyes closed was the strongest here, and he would be their future leader.

During this period, some people also discovered the pure white sphere transformed by Yunxuanling. Although they also discovered the extraordinaryness of this white sphere, no one dared to move it. After all, this is the territory of the people who subdued them. presumptuous.

In this way, five days passed, and Robert and Paul finally returned.

Sensing the return of Po Luo and Robert, Wukong opened his eyes suddenly, and stood up slowly. In the past few days, Wukong has been studying the nine sticks of destroying the world, and he has already had some clues about the first form of "star disillusionment".

"Wukong, we are back." Robert and Bo Luoqiqi said to Wukong.

"Yeah." Wukong nodded, and then Robert and Polo stood slightly behind Wukong on the left and right.

Looking down at the nearly [-] army of beasts below, Wukong paused and said, "Compared to you, I have roughly understood the purpose of gathering you here."

"I know." Nearly [-] beasts roared in unison, and the sound resounded through the mountains.

In the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, in a garden inside a luxurious palace, two middle-aged men were tasting wine and talking.

"Look, king, a little cultivator actually ran to our Warcraft Mountains to act wildly. Do you want to send someone to teach him a lesson?" One of the middle-aged men in purple said to another middle-aged man in black. Said.They think that Wukong came to the world of cultivation and civilization


"No, it's just subduing a group of low-ranking beasts. There's no need to go to war because of it, lest others say we're stingy." After speaking, the middle-aged man in black picked up his wine glass and slowly sipped the wine.

"Yes, Wang." The middle-aged man in purple smiled slightly, and picked up the wine glass to taste the fine wine.

Then pull the camera back to Wukong.

"Okay, I want to build a power that will be able to look down on the big powers in the God of War world in the future. The name of this power is Hongmeng." Wukong said loudly.

"Hongmeng." "Hongmeng." "Hongmeng." "Hongmeng."

All the gods and beasts shouted in unison, at this time their blood was boiling and full of fighting spirit.
"Quiet." Wukong's voice clearly reached the ears of every beast, and they immediately fell silent.

"From now on, you will call me Great Sage, Meng Luo, come here." Wukong shouted to Meng Luo below.

"Yes, Great Sage, what are your orders?" Meng Luo flew to Wukong and asked him respectfully.

"Well, you stand aside first." Wukong motioned.

"Yes, Great Sage." Meng Luo replied respectfully, and then stood beside Wukong, waiting for Wukong's instructions.

"In the future, you will be divided into three groups. Bo Luo, Robert and Munro will be your team leaders respectively. As for how to divide them, the three of them will tell you." Wukong directly ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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