Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 106 Consolidating Power

Chapter 106 Consolidating Power ([-])

"Yes, Great Sage." Although the tens of thousands of beasts below said yes on the surface, most of them refused to accept it in their hearts, especially those who were subdued by Wukong and were stronger than Boluo and Robert. Wukong and others also knew this. Yes, so Wukong then explained


"I know some of you will definitely not accept Po Luo and Robert, because their strength is not as good as some of you."

"But I hope you will give them ten days. If they are still not as good as you after ten days, you can choose the two strongest people to replace them." Wukong paused, then said.

"The great sage is wise, the great sage is wise." The gods and beasts below shouted, they didn't think that Bo Luo and Robert could break through in just ten days, so those beasts among them who were stronger than Bo Luo and Robert were very excited and excited , they now basically recognize

Because they themselves were able to be elected team leaders, they all looked forward to the arrival in ten days.

"Okay." Wukong waved his hand, and the place suddenly became quiet.

"In these ten days, you go back to your own territory first, and you gather all your original sanctuary and pseudo-god-level Warcraft subordinates at the entrance of this mountain. If any of them break through to the lower god level to enter the mountain,

Have a piece of your own territory and become a part of Hongmeng, otherwise you will guard at the entrance. "Wukong said sternly.

"Obey, Great Sage." Thousands of gods and beasts said in unison.

"As for you, if you don't pay close attention to your cultivation and breakthrough, you will only be regarded as the bottom of Hongmeng in the future. In the near future, I will conquer this mountain first, and there will be people who are stronger than you by then. Don't be satisfied with the status quo. We at least Now the goal is to dominate God of War

World, the entire God of War world is much stronger than you, I think you should have an idea, so if you don't work hard, you will only be eliminated in the future, or to put it bluntly, you will only become cannon fodder in the future.Do you want to break through your own boundaries and become that person who admires you?

the existence of vision? " Wukong said loudly.

"Think, think, think." Thousands of beasts don't want to break through their own boundaries, and they don't want to be inferior to others.

"Well, come here again in ten days, and I will help you improve your strength. As for your future achievements, it depends mainly on yourself." Wukong said slowly.

"Huh?" "Improve your strength?" There was a lot of discussion below. They hardly believed their ears. Is it so easy to improve their strength?In their cognition, if they want to improve their strength, it is not possible to do it in a day or two, and it is very difficult without tens of thousands of years


"Quiet, yes, it is to improve your strength. You will know when you come ten days later. Now you go back." Wukong said directly without explaining.

"Yes, Great Sage." Thousands of beasts left with doubts.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of beasts had already left.

At this time Wukong turned around and said to Bo Luo and the others: "If you have any doubts, just ask."

Regarding Wukong's words just now, Boluo and the others are of course very puzzled.

"Wukong, oh, no, Great Sage, do you really have a way to improve our strength in such a short period of time?" Bo Luo asked suspiciously, the other two also nodded, they were also thinking about this question.

(End of this chapter)

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