Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 107 Consolidating Power

Chapter 107 Consolidating Power ([-])

"Hehe, don't call me the Great Sage, you should call me the Great Sage in private." Wukong said with a light smile.

"Ah, yes, Wukong." Polo and Robert shouted excitedly, but Munro didn't call out that way. After all, he and Polo were in different situations. He had known Wukong for a short time, but what he didn't know was that Polo and The time Robert knew Wukong was actually very short.

"It's the same for you, the three of you will call me Wukong in private from now on." Wukong said to Munro.

"Here, Great Sage, me." Meng Luo didn't know what to say for a while, Wukong could easily defeat him, he was in awe of Wukong, he didn't expect Wukong to let him call his name directly.

"That's it, okay, now I'll tell you how to improve your strength in a short time." Wukong said seriously, and the three of Bo Luo immediately listened attentively, for fear of missing a word.

Wukong looked at the three of them, nodded slightly and said: "I have a solution, but this solution only improves your strength and strength level, as for your understanding of the law, it will not improve." Wukong knows that people in this world mainly rely on leaders
Enlightenment rules improve the realm.

"Increase level and strength?" The three of Bo Luo were shocked. Although it was only to increase level and strength, it was also very shocking to them.As far as they know, refining a godhead with a higher level than their own can also improve their realm and strength for a short time, but that short time is not as good as

This ratio is simply too long, ranging from a few years to hundreds of years.

"That's right, it's to increase the level and strength." Wukong said affirmatively.

"In this way, your realm and strength have been improved, but the law needs to be comprehended by yourself, and it may take you a longer time to comprehend the law, so are you still willing to use this method?" Wukong continued, after finishing speaking Don't talk anymore, Ning

Looking at the three of Po Luo, waiting for their decision.

The three of Bo Luo looked at each other, and finally Bo Luo said directly: "Wukong, I am willing. I can gradually understand the laws in the future. In fact, there are many high-level gods whose understanding of laws is not as good as that of lower-level gods, so the laws It’s not a big problem if your comprehension doesn’t improve

question. "Those who rely on refining their godheads to improve their strength, their understanding of the law is far inferior to those who rely on their own cultivation.

"We are willing too." Robert and Munro also nodded in agreement.Meng Luo also wants to improve his strength. His strength has been stuck at this stage for thousands of years, and he also longs for great strength.

"Okay, here, you three eat this." Wukong flipped his right hand, and three green round beans immediately appeared, Wukong waved his right hand again, and the three green round beans immediately flew towards the three of Boluo .

The three of Bo Luo held the green round beans in their hands respectively, and immediately smelled a very pleasant fragrance, and they were instantly refreshed, feeling extremely comfortable.

"This? Is this the elixir for cultivating the civilized world?" Meng Luo looked at the cyan round beans in his hand with a faint blue light on the surface and asked in surprise.

"I've also heard that high-level pills in the world of cultivation and civilization can greatly increase the strength of the realm, and can even directly raise an ordinary person into a god, but that person must be able to withstand the powerful energy brought by the pill. Of course there is a strong man helping that

It is also possible for ordinary people to fuse that energy. "Robert said thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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