Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 109 Consolidating Power

Chapter 109 Consolidating Power ([-])

"Use your own strength to resist the energy of the elixir, and refine and fuse it." At this time, Wukong's voice sounded in the minds of the three.

The three of them didn't need to be reminded by Wukong, they also knew that they should use their strength to resist the fusion, and then used their divine power to wrap the energy of the elixir, and then went to refining and fusion little by little.

After taking a look at the three of them, Wukong was not idle, sitting cross-legged, began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth aura, and comprehend the mystery of the laws of heaven and earth.Like the elixir that Wukong gave to the three of Bo Luo just now, Wukong has many more, even more advanced elixir.Of course Goku won't eat these

To increase strength, now that there is such a top-level exercise as the Mieshi Nine Sticks, why use those to increase strength, those are just auxiliary.Like this kind of extreme skill, you can't comprehend it by eating elixir to increase your mana, it will only affect your own ability to deal with the world
comprehension of the law.If you don't improve your strength by comprehending the laws of heaven and earth little by little, you will be stronger in the future, but it will be more difficult to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth.It's like my previous body, mainly proving the way with strength, but I have a very good understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.
At least, otherwise, when fighting Lu Dongbin, it would not take so long to see the flaw.So I can't repeat the same mistakes now.

Time passed by little by little, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Munro was the first to wake up. After waking up, Munro glanced at where Wukong was, and a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

"Bang." Meng Luo suddenly leaped into the air and dived towards Wukong from top to bottom. The distance was so short that Wukong had no time to dodge. At this time, Wukong seemed to have not noticed, and there was no movement at all.

At this moment, Robert also woke up, but he only felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and a cyan light and shadow rushed towards Wukong like lightning. Robert didn't even have time to speak, let alone save Wukong, so he could only stare. Big eyes look at everything in front of you.

In an instant, the situation changed, and Meng Luo's attack instantly hit Wukong's body.


Wukong's body suddenly shattered and turned into nothing in an instant.

"Munro, what are you doing?" Robert yelled at Munro, looking very angry.

"Don't you want to end up like him?" Munro turned around and said to Robert coldly.

"Hey, why are they all gone? There should be space rings falling, why is there nothing?" Meng Luo glanced around and found nothing.

It stands to reason that if he killed Wukong, the space ring should have fallen from Wukong's body. His goal was the elixir and other treasures on Wukong's body, but now there is nothing, which makes him very angry.

"No, although my attack just now was strong, it didn't completely turn him into nothingness. Why did he disappear completely? Not good." Munro said in surprise afterwards.

It's a pity that it was too late, and eight gray-black beams of light suddenly appeared one meter away in all directions.

The eight gray-black beams of light are about one meter in diameter and ten meters in height, exuding a destructive aura.

Meng Luo was stunned by this scene, and he felt the powerful destructive aura coming from the eight gray-black beams of light.

"Ah." Meng Luo yelled, and immediately unfolded the domain of gods. However, the domain of gods just touched the gray-black beam of light, and it was melted away by the gray-black beam of light.

"call out."

Monro's figure flashed, trying to escape from above.

(End of this chapter)

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