Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 110 Consolidating Power

Chapter 110 Consolidating Power ([-])

"Hiss." "Ah~"

The roar resounded throughout the world, and a gray-black transparent light curtain appeared above the beam of light. When Meng Luo touched the light curtain, the touched part was instantly turned into nothingness by the light curtain, and then Meng Luo's body was gradually turned into nothingness. nothingness.

"What's going on?" Paul, who had just woken up, asked Robert, who was in a daze.

"This, this." Robert was very shocked at this time. First, Munro attacked and killed Wukong, and now these eight destructive gray-black beams suddenly appeared and turned Munro into nothingness. Without reacting, the brain is short-circuiting.

"I didn't expect the small annihilation and nothingness formation that I had prepared in advance to come in handy, and it was still against the subordinates I just recruited. Hmph, this Meng Luo, when I took out the elixir, I found that there was greed in his eyes , Although he tried his best to cover it up, and my body does not have sharp eyes, but I still can't escape my eyes." The dark Wukong thought to himself.

At this moment, Wukong's body gradually manifested from the center not far away.

"Wukong." Po Luo shouted when he saw Wukong first.

"En." Wukong responded, and with a flash, he came to the side of the formation of death and nothingness.

"Wukong, be careful." Robert said loudly when he saw Wukong approaching the eight gray-black beams of light.

"Hehe, it's okay." Wukong moved his right hand a little forward, and saw eight gray-black beams of light disappear instantly.After the annihilation and nothingness formation was lifted, only a black stone with a blue halo on its surface and a space ring were seen hanging in mid-air.

Then Wukong retracted his right hand, and the blue-black stone and space ring flew into Wukong's hand immediately.

"Wukong, what happened exactly?" Bo Luo stepped forward and asked suspiciously.

"It means Mengluo rebelled and wanted to kill me." Wukong said casually.

"Ah? Damn Munro, really damned." Po Luo said angrily.

"Okay, it's okay, you should hurry up and master the power you just got, and try to master the power you got in ten days." Wukong turned around and said to Bo Luo and the other two.

"Okay, Wukong." Robert also reacted at this time, and he was even more in awe of Wukong at this time.

"Don't worry, Wukong, we won't let you down." Boluo said firmly Wukong.

Afterwards, the two of Bo Luo each found a place to practice quietly.

"It seems that I still have to seize the time to improve my strength, otherwise I won't be able to deter my subordinates at all." Wukong looked at the items that fell from Mengluo's body in his hand, thinking secretly, and then the blue-black stone and the space ring disappeared in the blink of an eye. , was received by Wukong in the mustard space.

After that, Wukong's figure gradually turned into nothingness, and another Wukong appeared at the place where Wukong was before, and this Wukong who appeared again sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes, and entered the cultivation state.

"Now we still have to use the invisibility method, the clone technique and the annihilation of nothingness as a cover, and understand the Nine Sticks of Mieshi in the dark." Wukong, who was hiding in the dark, thought in his heart.

In a moment, Wukong entered a state of ecstasy, feeling the laws of heaven and earth.

This is a space full of stars. At this time, Wukong is suspended in midair, and the dazzling stars are orbiting very regularly.

(End of this chapter)

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