Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 116 The Mysterious Powerhouse

Chapter 116 The Mysterious Powerhouse ([-])
"Haha, okay, buddy, please wait a moment." Zhuge Huanyu's voice revealed undisguised joy.

"Huh?" Wukong was very puzzled, what was the purpose of the other party finding him because of the aura of his strength?

"Then wait, if he is really malicious, I am afraid that with his strength, I may not be able to escape even if I escape now. I can feel my breath thousands of miles away, and his strength is by no means lower than the level of a fairy." Wukong thought to himself. road.

"Brother Wukong, what's wrong with you?" Yun Xuanling found Wukong in a daze, so he asked.Poirot and Robert also found out, but they didn't dare to disturb Wukong.

"Oh, hehe, it's nothing, just a strong person is coming soon, you go and assign the members of your three groups first, as for the fourth group Suzaku group, we will talk about it later." Wukong paused and said to the three of Yunxuanling.

"Okay." After Yun Xuanling cheered, he immediately flew down. The beasts below saw Yun Xuanling flying, of course they didn't dare to underestimate him, because they saw Yun Xuanling killing the middle god Britt At this time, everyone was in awe of Yun Xuanling.

"Yes, Great Sage." After taking the order, Po Luo and Robert immediately turned and flew down.

After the three of Yun Xuanling went down, they began to arrange 980 five divine beasts.

Looking at Wukong again, Wukong is hanging in mid-air at this time, as if letting Buddha into the nature, the breeze blows Wukong's black hair, which looks very elegant.

After a cup of tea, a purple spot of light appeared in the sky, gradually getting closer, and soon a young man in white with purple hair appeared in front of Wukong.Judging from his appearance, he should be someone who came to the world of cultivation and civilization.

The cold and arrogant eyes seem to have no focus, and the deep dark eyes are full of peace. The long dark purple hair is scattered on the shoulders, and there is a special temperament exuding from the whole body, which makes people look up from the heart.Of course, Wukong would not feel this way, he just felt that
There is a familiar aura about people.

"You are Zhuge Huanyu?" Wukong asked casually, with a natural demeanor, not at all humbled because the other party was much stronger than himself at this time.

"Hehe, not bad, friend, let's find a quiet place to chat." Zhuge Huanyu was very satisfied with Wukong's neither humble nor overbearing, and then he glanced down and said to Wukong.

"Okay." Goku replied cheerfully.

"You guys deal with the matter here first, and I'll come as soon as I go." Wukong said loudly to Yun Xuanling and others.

"Brother Wukong, I'll be with you." Yun Xuanling stepped aside and came to Wukong's side and said.

"Great Sage." Bo Luo and Robert also flew towards Wukong, and they seemed to be planning to go together. They saw this young man who flew over suddenly just now, felt the extraordinaryness of the comer, and heard the sympathy between the two. Dialogue, before knowing Wukong and the coming people
I don't know him, so I am a little worried that Wukong will leave with him alone.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm fine, just come when you go, you go back." Wukong smiled, and he also knew what Yunxuanling and the others were worried about.

"Eh?" Zhuge Huanyu took another look at Yun Xuanling, although he was very curious and said, "A strange cloud."

"Hmph, I'm Rainbow Saint Cloud, I have a name, but I won't tell you." Yun Xuanling snorted after hearing Zhuge Huanyu's evaluation.

"Haha, interesting, interesting, rainbow holy cloud." Zhuge Huanyu laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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