Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 117 The Mysterious Powerhouse

Chapter 117 The Mysterious Strong Man ([-])
"Then let's go now, Xiaoling, you three go back." Wukong said again.

"Okay, Brother Wukong, be careful." Yun Xuanling said to Wukong after glancing at Zhuge Huanyu.

"Yes, Great Sage." Polo and Robert also replied respectfully.

Afterwards, Wukong flew eastward with Zhuge Huanyu.

Soon the two came to an open space with no obstacles around them, and then they stood opposite each other, looking at each other.

"Your name is Wukong?" Zhuge Huanyu spoke first.

"Yes." Wukong didn't say much, after all, he was not familiar with the other party.

"Can you use that destructive aura you revealed just now?" Zhuge Huanyu asked.

"Huh? Yes." After Wukong finished speaking, he spread his right hand, and a gray-black air ball came out out of thin air. The destructive aura emanating from it made people's hearts throb.

"Huh? Are you sure the power you just displayed is this? Although it is somewhat similar to mine, it doesn't make me feel palpitations thousands of miles away, as if I have known each other before." Zhuge Huanyu frowned and said.

Wukong was about to speak, when suddenly a sentence came from his mind and interrupted him, "Boss, he should be talking about me, I can feel it, he has a master's breath on him."

After Wukong heard this, he immediately transformed the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick, "Are you talking about the aura on it?"

"This, yes, that's right, it's this breath, this feeling." Zhuge Huanyu seemed to be intoxicated by it, unable to extricate himself.

After a while, Zhuge Huanyu opened his eyes, revealing those clear and mysterious purple pupils, "Sorry, I lost my composure just now."

"Hehe, it's all right. Do you know it?" Wukong asked with a smile.

"Huh? There is a feeling of heart and blood connection, but I have never seen it before." Zhuge Huanyu shook his head and said, "Maybe I have seen it in my previous life, ha ha, but unfortunately I can't calculate my previous life." Zhuge Huanyu said immediately .

On a piece of suspended land deep in the primordial realm, there were still those three mysterious people. Among them, a young man in white said to the other two, "Brother, second brother, his stick actually has a primordial aura."

"That's right, Zhuge Huanyu has also come together with him now. I wonder what surprises they can bring us?" said the middle-aged man in commoner clothes with long hair.

"Well, Zhuge Huanyu is also a person who can't calculate his future destiny. He has reached such a cultivation level in just over 900 years, and he is very likely to become the fourth master of the primordial spirit in the future." Another young man in Tsing Yi said.

It was very lively at the edge of a lake on the Black Spirit Peak in the Warcraft Mountains in the God of War Realm.

"Group leader Bo Luo, the person named Britt killed by group leader Yunxuanling just now is the peak master's son, the peak master is a high god, what should we do when he comes to revenge?" one of the white tiger group said. the members asked Poirot.

The three of Yunxuanling had already arranged the members of each group. Yunxuanling's Qinglong group had 350 members, while Bo Luo and Robert's White Tiger and Xuanwu groups both had [-] members.

"This." Po Luo didn't know how to solve it.

"What are you afraid of? If he dares to come, he will be killed anyway." Yun Xuanling said with air.

"Yes, what are you afraid of? We have the Great Sage, so what's the matter with the High God? The Great Sage is here to kill you." Bo Luo said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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