Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 120 The Lord of Black Spirit Peak

Chapter 120 The Lord of Black Spirit Peak ([-])

Zhuge Huanyu pushed forward, and the token slowly flew in front of Wukong, Wukong didn't talk nonsense, he just reached out with his right hand and held the token in his hand.

"Huh? The aura on it is very similar to the aura emanating from Mieshi." Wukong looked at the token in his hand, thought secretly, and then put it in the mustard space.

"Huh? Not good, Brother Wukong, something happened to you." Zhuge Huanyu suddenly frowned.

"What? I'm sorry, I'll go first." After Wukong finished speaking, he turned into a golden light and disappeared in a flash.

"Oh, really, with my master here, that little high god can't turn over any big waves." Zhuge Huanyu shook his head and looked at the direction where Wukong disappeared with a wry smile, and then Zhuge Huanyu disappeared.

"Let go of me, brother Wukong will never spare you when he comes back." Yun Xuanling was already imprisoned at this time, and he could only argue with his words.

"Hmph, is the Wukong you're talking about the Great Sage you speak of?" the middle-aged man said to Yun Xuanling who was imprisoned in front of him.

"It's good to know, Brother Wukong is amazing, I advise you to let us go quickly and run away." Yun Xuanling felt guilty when he said this. He knew that the person in front of him was very strong, but he didn't think Wukong could defeat him. He's just lip service

"Haha, then I'll wait here for him to come. I'll give him 1 minute. After 1 minute, within ten seconds, I'll kill someone. As for you, I won't let you die easily. I will torture you slowly, making your life worse than death. When he comes, I will make him
Watching his subordinates being killed one by one, I will not let him die miserably. "The middle-aged man laughed wildly.

"Who is so eager to kill my brother Wukong and his subordinates?" A lazy voice suddenly sounded.

"Who? Come out for me." The middle-aged man said angrily.

"What are you?" A young man suddenly appeared a hundred meters to the right of the middle-aged man, it was Zhuge Huanyu.

"Who are you, dare to speak like that to Lord Peak Master?" Before the middle-aged man could speak, a middle-aged man in black robe standing behind him shouted loudly.

"Why did the dog bark first before the master spoke?" Zhuge Huanyu said jokingly.

"You." The middle-aged man in black robe said angrily.

"What are you, your dog is really noisy. Hey, old guy, you have to discipline your dog well." Zhuge Huanyu said haha.

"Sa Luo, go and kill him for me." The master of Hei Ling Peak said angrily.

"Yes, Lord Peak Master." Salo, who was wearing a black robe, said fiercely. At this moment, he wished to cut Zhuge Huanyu into pieces.

Salo flew towards Zhuge Huanyu, just ten meters away.

With a 'bang' sound, Salo burst open suddenly, and everything was reduced to dust, leaving nothing behind, even the indestructible godhead was reduced to dust.

"How is it possible? The godhead is also shattered, and the middle god's godhead can't be broken even by ordinary main gods." The peak master of Heiling Peak said in shock.

At this moment, a golden light flew from far to near at an extremely fast speed.

"Zhuge Huanyu?" Wukong saw that Zhuge Huanyu had arrived as soon as he arrived.

"Brother Wukong, I'm sorry, I solved one for you without your permission." Zhuge Huanyu laughed.

"My lord, I have offended you a little bit, please forgive me." The peak master of Hei Lingfeng knew that he had encountered a strong enemy, so he hurriedly apologized.

(End of this chapter)

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