Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 121 The Lord of Black Spirit Peak

Chapter 121 The Lord of Black Spirit Peak ([-])

"Hey, this is not up to me, brother Wukong, you should handle it." Zhuge Huanyu smiled at Wukong.

"Brother Wukong, you can't let him go, he just wanted to kill us one by one." Yun Xuanling, who had just recovered his freedom, immediately flew to Wukong and told Wukong.

"Master Wukong, Lord Yun, I was acting impulsively too, I hope you adults will ignore the villain and spare my life." The peak master of Heiling Peak knew that the gray-clothed young man in front of him and this cloud-shaped life form were the ones who had made a decision. The key to your own life and death, of course
Will please say.

"Huh? Are you the master of Hei Lingfeng?" Wukong asked the master of Hei Lingfeng.

"Yes, Master Wukong, the villain's name is Sessler." Saisler couldn't see Wukong's strength, he saw that Wukong was a person from the cultivation world just like the person who easily killed the middle god and destroyed his godhead, So I think that Wukong is also a peerless powerhouse. At this time, Seth
Le looked very humble.

"Well, from now on, your Black Spirit Peak will belong to me, and you can go wherever you want." Wukong said lightly, Wukong is not a bloodthirsty person, and he has nothing to lose on his side, so Wukong decided Let him go, but won't let him stay in Black Spirit Peak again

Otherwise, let him know that his current strength is not strong. When Zhuge Huanyu leaves again, he will definitely avenge his son again. Even if he stays, he can't serve himself wholeheartedly, so let him leave.

"Yes, yes, thank you, my lord." Sessler didn't care about avenging his son at this moment. Now all he thought about was saving his own life. As for revenge, he had to be able to avenge it himself.

"Didn't you hear what brother Wukong said? Hurry up and get out of Hei Lingfeng." Yun Xuanling scolded Sessler.

"Yes, little one, let's go now." Saissler turned around and flew down the Black Spirit Peak after finishing speaking, completely ignoring the life and death of his subordinate.

"Master Peak Master." His subordinate hurriedly called him, but Sessler simply ignored him and disappeared in an instant.

"What's your name, you don't have to leave." Wukong asked directly to that Sessler's subordinate.

"My lord, the younger one is called Mike." Mike replied respectfully. At this moment, Mike was very nervous, for fear that if he said something carelessly, the other party would kill him.

"Well, tell me what this peak master does?" Wukong asked him, although Bo Luo and the others should also know the existence of the peak master of Hei Lingfeng, but the subordinates of the peak master of Hei Lingfeng must know more .

"Brother Zhuge, I'll finish the matter here first, and talk about our affairs later." Wukong turned to Zhuge Huanyu and said.

"Whatever, you can do your work first." Zhuge Huanyu smiled indifferently.

After seeing Wukong turn around again, Mike explained respectfully: "My lord, there are a total of 580 peaks in the Warcraft Mountains, and each peak is managed by a peak owner. Above the peak owner is Lord Zihuo, the emperor of the Warcraft Mountains.

All the peak masters are under the control of Lord Zihuo.The peaks managed by the peak master will have a city on the top of the peak, and only the god beasts who have reached the middle god level are eligible to live in the city of his mountain.Those below the level of the middle god can stay in the city unless they are relatives of those middle gods.

You will receive certain treatment in the city.It is much better than being outside where life is in danger at any time. Of course, not all the people living inside are of the middle god level and their relatives. You only need to pay a certain amount of money to enter, but the place where you live is the closest to the city gate. Currency paid

It is also very high, and there is a time limit, so few are willing to spend money to live in the city. "

(End of this chapter)

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